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Lol @ Anger.


JB is the only reason I even watch the Jags right now, don't give that bad mamma jamma up!

Quote:I didn't see anything of substance in that article.  It's almost like -- hmm, the falcons need a wide receiver...oh the jaguars suck, so let's start a Blackmon to Atlanta rumor!


Blackmon will not be traded.  I feel like I have as much credibility saying that than PFT has to the contrary.



God forbid we keep players identified as building blocks who are young and on the rise.  We should trade them while they have value because more draft picks is far more beneficial than having quality players on the roster who are proving themselves.


Hmm.  Who have we heard this from before with thread after thread started opining over trading players? 
Quote:Lol @ Anger.


JB is the only reason I even watch the Jags right now, don't give that bad mamma jamma up!
What a unfortunately appropriate name dude has. When you hear or read it the same feeling is invoked. To no fault of his own I will add.




Hmm.  Who have we heard this from before with thread after thread started opining over trading players? 

...from the same person who has never ever advocated trading Blackmon to this point (or any legit budding superstar on our roster, for that matter. ) 


I only advocate trading players that I deem able to be replaced/ or even upgraded without a lot of difficulty. 

Quote:No it's not. Eugene Monroe and Bryan Anger were vrey good picks. (So what if Anger was picked in the third round; the fact we have him is wonderful.).


Even if it was smart to trade Justin Blackmon, he obviously would be worth a first round pick.


1. Delete your account

2. Douse your comp in gasoline

3. Light carefully

4. Roast some marshmellows over the flames

5.Get a new comp

6. Start a new Jags MB profile

7. Post something that makes sense



There you now have a 7 step plan to being a competent poster.
Quote:...from the same person who has never ever advocated trading Blackmon (or any legit budding superstar on our roster, for that matter. )


I only advocate trading players that I deem able to be replaced/ or even upgraded without a lot of difficulty. 

You forgot to include "Yet" in there somewhere.


I'm sure you're kicking yourself for not suggesting this first so you can pat yourself on the back down the road since that's what you do.

Anger is the most overrated punter I have ever seen.
Does Anger ever pin them inside the 10?

If we trade the best player on our roster.............pray for me and save up for my bail
Someone needs an updated Jags logo on their ride....

Quote:He suggested the Colts too. So if Caldwell was trading Blackmon (which I doubt he is), would he really trade him within the division?


Above all else,   this is why Mike Florio made a fool out of himself once again.        Shad Khan and Dave Caldwell would never trade a player of Justin Blackmon's potential to a divisional opponent.    That much more so to a team that expects to have Andrew Luck as it's starting QB well into the next decade.
This article is the most idiotic thing I've read all day and I stopped at the local BP to use the restroom on my way to class today, lots of gems written there. Not only does this make no sense, but the teams listed truly reveal how dumb this article was. No way we trade our best player to the COLTS. They would have 3 of the top 5 picks from 2012draft. The Falcons wouldn't bite either considering their season is over and Julio will be fine next year. Also, we need a weapon for Teddy or whomever we draft this April..or is it May now?
Quote:Anger is the most overrated punter I have ever seen.

Is he even rated? He is average at best.
Quote:Is he even rated? He is average at best.

There are about a dozen players in the league who are untradeable, most of whom are QBs.


Blackmon is arguably the Jags best player, but he has his price.


Luckily for us, no one is going to pay it.

Quote:There are about a dozen players in the league who are untradeable, most of whom are QBs.


Blackmon is arguably the Jags best player, but he has his price.


Luckily for us, no one is going to pay it.

For arguments sake, what would your price be? 


Mine would be a half-decades worth of 1st rounders in return. Obviously I know that I won't get that, but if I had to actually set a price, that would be it. 


My reasoning: Blackmon is a once or twice a decade type WR in my eyes. 

Quote:For arguments sake, what would your price be? 


Mine would be a decades worth of 1st rounders in return. Obviously I know that I won't get that, but if I had to actually set a price, that would be it. 
Probably 2 first rounders and 2 second rounders.


That's just off the top of my head.  I don't see anyone paying it, though.
Quote:Is he even rated? He is average at best.



2.1 yards of net punting average separates Anger from the 21st-ranked punter in the league. Whoooopeeee.
Quote:The Anger pick was horrible. 

Have you seen him punt? He was one of the best punters in the NFL last year - as a rookie! That is all that matters, regardless of which round he was drafted in.


Another day - another imaginary trading block.  


I'll be glad when the deadline passes.  Of course then the board will be littered with a bunch of drivel about how Caldwell screwed up  -  even though no one is privy to his negotiations.  

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