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Full Version: Biden vacates DC as Afghanistan, immigration crises accelerate
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According to my calculations, the US spent 133 million dollars per day for this war. That's insane. How much of that w as skimmed off the top? We are making people rich, man.
(08-18-2021, 04:37 PM)Lucky2Last Wrote: [ -> ]According to my calculations, the US spent 133 million dollars per day for this war. That's insane. How much of that w as skimmed off the top? We are making people rich, man.

I heard someone remark somewhere that the carloads of cash the president fled with is ours. Makes sense.
(08-18-2021, 04:37 PM)Lucky2Last Wrote: [ -> ]According to my calculations, the US spent 133 million dollars per day for this war. That's insane. How much of that w as skimmed off the top? We are making people rich, man.

Seeing as money is just a fabrication of our own creation...

I mean it takes zero dollars to mine what we need from the earth. It takes zero dollars to manufacture any of it.

We assign value to things because we want and need class systems. People on top, people on the bottom.
(08-18-2021, 04:45 PM)TrivialPursuit Wrote: [ -> ]
(08-18-2021, 04:37 PM)Lucky2Last Wrote: [ -> ]According to my calculations, the US spent 133 million dollars per day for this war. That's insane. How much of that w as skimmed off the top? We are making people rich, man.

Seeing as money is just a fabrication of our own creation...

I mean it takes zero dollars to mine what we need from the earth. It takes zero dollars to manufacture any of it.

We assign value to things because we want and need class systems. People on top, people on the bottom.

No, we seek reward for the fruits of labor and applied intelligence. Class systems are a result.
(08-18-2021, 04:47 PM)homebiscuit Wrote: [ -> ]
(08-18-2021, 04:45 PM)TrivialPursuit Wrote: [ -> ]Seeing as money is just a fabrication of our own creation...

I mean it takes zero dollars to mine what we need from the earth. It takes zero dollars to manufacture any of it.

We assign value to things because we want and need class systems. People on top, people on the bottom.

No, we seek reward for the fruits of labor and applied intelligence. Class systems are a result.

I so wish we could achieve a Utopian society where we all have mansions... because we have enough resources for it.

The sad truth is that 90% of the people wouldn't work.. and it'd all go down. I know this... I just like to envision.... Nirvana, I guess. lol

Back on topic...

Withdrawing the military before evacuating the US citizens and Afghanis that were loyal to us and believe themselves to be Afghan-Americans is a tragic, tragic, tragic mistake that should hound Biden his entire short life.

Once again, it wasn't up to Trump to create a plan last year... you create a plan a few months out, because every situation changes.. and having a plan created a year before doesn't represent the environment or climate of the present. And even if he had.... Biden wouldn't have used it. This was his plan. His and only his. And a child could have created a better one.
[Image: biden-airplane.jpg]
(08-18-2021, 06:00 AM)SeldomRite Wrote: [ -> ]
(08-17-2021, 11:33 PM)americus 2.0 Wrote: [ -> ]The Afghan people were going to have to be on their own eventually. No one should be disputing that. The problem is those who were told they would be taken care of due to the nature of their work with us weren't able to get out before crap hit the fan. You don't tell these people you're going to help them then turn around and [BLEEP] on them. That's only problem # 1. 

You have the regular ANA who are not always known for their desire to actually fight for their country and the top levels of their military are corrupt to the core. Worse than we could ever think. So we leave them to defend their country (something they never had interest in) AND the Taliban are coming. What do you think will happen? They'll either flee out of cowardice or because they genuinely fear for their lives and the lives of their family. 

Anyone who has read about OEF from the many books written by troops and contractors who were deployed there could see this outcome, just no one expected it to happen so quickly. Anyone who had any decision making responsibility in this should have known this and had a plan to protect these folks. The military always has a contingency plan. The plan may not always be 100% effective but there is a plan. This debacle is a cluster [BLEEP] beyond all reason. The Taliban didn't just show up in Afghanistan today and everyone knew they would come. So what was the plan?

I put this ALL on the Biden administration who is more concerned with being socially woke and mandating the lives of American citizens while letting the southern border leak like a sieve and doing nothing while folks in Chicago are being murdered every weekend. They should be ashamed of themselves for hiding and not taking responsibility for ANY DAMN THING but especially for this cluster.

Cognitive dissonance? First it looks like you're agreeing with me, then suddenly you take a hard left to get back to partisan blame. It's your choice what you want to believe, I'll believe that Biden made the right choice not to resume the war. We'll see if a bunch of American war contractors and state department people pay a price for no one foreseeing how little the trillions of dollars and thousands of American military lives lost bought, or if it just turns out to be another case of partisans losing their minds.

Has anyone on here suggested protracting this war?  The general consensus has been it is past time to get out but this was handled in the worst possible way.
(08-17-2021, 07:07 PM)SeldomRite Wrote: [ -> ]
(08-17-2021, 05:04 PM)jagibelieve Wrote: [ -> ]What a bunch of leftist liberal nonsense, and yes I watched the video.

The actions that this administration regime took went against what advisers had been saying.  It was a very stupid decision to pull armed forces out of the country prior to getting civilians and allies out.  When the Taliban terrorists were approaching and taking over the country, this administration regime chose to "go on vacation" including the mouthpiece of their regime.

Let's think about this logically for a minute. Do you think the plan was for the Afghanistan regime to immediately fall apart? Why would the USA be pulling all of the non combat people out if the idea was for the regime that we spent trillions of dollars on forming and training to not immediately fall apart?

The advisors had been saying for years what the USA was doing was working and with just a bit more time and money everything would be perfect. Those are the people you think Biden should have listened to?

Trump didn't do much of value while in office, but having Pompeo negotiate the ceasefire with the agreement the USA would get out was one of his better accomplishments. Just a month ago he was seething over how Biden would get credit for it.

So, with all that said, what should have been done differently? Not believing in the Afghanistan state and pulling everyone out and still leaving the Afghani people to live with it? Taking in millions of Afghani refugees? Continuing the war, another year, or two, or five or more years at the cost of more American lives?

A gradual withdrawal of US civilians, interpreters and all those promised safety for helping us.  You know honoring our word.  Once that was done, then the actual withdrawal.  Not announcing to the world our plans would have been a big plus as well.
There are three militaries in this story.
The US, the Taliban, and the Afghan National Army (ANA).
The US and the Taliban have had a cease-fire for over a year. The Taliban granted that cease-fire because the US promised to withdraw.
The US was keeping Kabul secure, but also withdrawing. The ANA was supposed to hold Kabul for a month or two while the US withdrew. You can't maintain security and withdraw at the same time, obviously. Relying on the ANA to do anything was wrong, obviously. Perhaps agreeing to the cease fire and withdraw deal was also a bad play. But withdrawing without telling anyone, even if possible, would have been worse. So many more people would have been left behind.
Looks like Mikey got his talking points.
Biden voters....I hope it was worth it for you.

(08-18-2021, 09:52 PM)Lucky2Last Wrote: [ -> ]Looks like Mikey got his talking points.

It is very telling that one could still have a negative rating when negative ratings haven't been allowed for over a year..
Whatever the bet was that was made here, you may have to pay out come Monday.

Biden is going home for a long weekend, supposedly because he isn't sleeping well but not confirmed yet, it is from the same place that said Harris said they weren't putting the blame on her and refused to give a statement while Joe slept. That was backed up by liberal reports.

The odds that he doesn't finish the month has to be going up.

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(08-18-2021, 09:52 PM)Lucky2Last Wrote: [ -> ]Looks like Mikey got his talking points.

What did I say that's false?
Anyone see Joe's interview with George Popagorgio?
It's always what you don't say, Mikey. That's where you'll find the lie.
(08-19-2021, 08:08 AM)mikesez Wrote: [ -> ]
(08-18-2021, 09:52 PM)Lucky2Last Wrote: [ -> ]Looks like Mikey got his talking points.

What did I say that's false?

These aren't your thoughts. You are never in a conversation early or while an event is occurring because you are incapable of forming your own opinion and need to be told what to think.

Also, whomever you copy your thoughts from, tell them paragraphs have spaces between them.
Brian Kilmeade on the radio saying reports of British Paras in Kabul out retrieving British citizens while U.S. forces sit tight. Screaming match between British and U.S. commanders. The British are closely watching Americans in case they bug out without forewarning.

What the hell…

Update: The Australians are out collecting their people too.
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