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Quote: Or just maybe I have a point that TAM is intentionally trying to derail the thread, but because you agree with him and think it's funny, all of a sudden I'm a big meanie.

I'm really not seeing it on TAM intentionally trying to derail the thread.  What he tried to do was demonstrate the tactic being used by the Trumpettes of taking a rumor and repeating it enough until it becomes truth, and I think he whooshed a lot of posters while doing it.  It's easy to just blurt out, "I think Hillary has brain damage, because I saw her stumble in heels," or "there must be something wrong with her since she stammered that one time during a 1 hour speech."  And then, you hope something sticks. 


Donald forgets he said something all the time, which is why he's constantly doing damage control.  He's actually not a great liar, because he doesn't have the memory for it.  Nevertheless, it doesn't stop him from lying all the time.  It's not because he has Alzheimers, it's because he's a jerk - but you could make the argument, circulate it, and hope it sticks.


TAM has been poking holes in JWs argument using that satire, and I think he's done a fair job of it.  You think he's derailing, but I think he's stayed very much on topic.  And yes, I have found the whole thing mildly amusing.
The discussion of Hillary's health is far from baseless.  Anyone considering voting for her should have access to honest information about her physical and mental health.  To further the topic, here's a WikiLeaks email discussing the drug Provigil.  It's not clear if Provigil is being considered for Hillary, but her own campaign staff said Hillary abuses low-level staffers unless she has her "chill pills". 


Provigil is a stay-awake drug that alters the amount of certain natural substances in the brain having to do with sleep and wakefulness.  It may also affect the histamine system. 



Quote:If I was just trying to bully him then he'd be sporting a shiny new warning instead of me just telling him to knock it off, don't you think? So not sure how that is me bullying him. The fact that I can't stand Hillary has nothing to do with anything, or I'd be running around in every thread being a big bad bully moderator, and that is certainly not the case, is it?

I've had many discussions/disagreements with a Hillary supporters including TAM on here and never once bullied anyone with the fact that I'm a mod. So y'all must be right about me trying to throw my mod status around now, because I've got such a history of it on here with people that disagree with me politically. Or just maybe I have a point that TAM is intentionally trying to derail the thread, but because you agree with him and think it's funny, all of a sudden I'm a big meanie.

It sounded like it at first. But you're right, if you wanted to, you could drop the hammer. I appreciate the warning, but I just wanted to be clear that in my opinion I don't think I was derailing.

I think I've made my point. The whole thread is a total joke in terms of this election. None of the accusations can be confirmed. They are lies and false premises just like the sandy hook thread. It should be mocked as such. Just as the trump Alzheimer's accusation should be mocked.

But it's not worth continuing and riling up further animosity.

Consider the matter dropped on my end. I won't bring this up again fur the rest of the day.
Hillary made an appearance on the Jimmy Kimmel show Monday night, to dispel rumors about her health.  It illustrates how desperately they want this topic to go away.  Hillary "proved" she was healthy by opening up a "not been tampered with" jar of pickles. 


Of course, the stunt backfired.  Every jar of pickles makes a distinctive "pop" when the vacuum seal is broken.  This particular pickle jar chose to remain silent.



Shrillary has a known, documented history of blood clots. This is a fact. It is also a fact that she passed out and smashed her head a few years back.causing a very rare form of blood clot to occur in her head. It is a fact that she is very likely to suffer more clots and very possible she suffered brain damage with the last clot that she suffered. There are medical professionals on record stating as such. These are not rumors, these are facts.

Quote:Hillary made an appearance on the Jimmy Kimmel show Monday night, to dispel rumors about her health. It illustrates how desperately they want this topic to go away. Hillary "proved" she was healthy by opening up a "not been tampered with" jar of pickles.

Of course, the stunt backfired. Every jar of pickles makes a distinctive "pop" when the vacuum seal is broken. This particular pickle jar chose to remain silent.

<a class="bbc_url" href='https://youtu.be/Kt22Y9-dfNk'>https://youtu.be/Kt22Y9-dfNk</a>

It was silenced by Debbie Wasserman Schulz.
Quote:If you think the thread is stupid, and don't want to discuss it, that's fine. Don't, and just move on. But stop trying to blatantly derail the thread just because you don't like the topic.
Quote:I'm telling you to stop trying to derail the thread. Period.

If you want to discuss that you think the topic of the thread is baseless, more power to you. But REPEATEDLY posting the same thing over and over again is not discussing anything pertaining to the topic of this thread.
Quote:Stay on topic. Im not going to argue with you.

Yeah. He keeps repeating himself
Clinton staff contacted the NFL commissioner about Hillary's "cracked head":



Quote:Clinton staff contacted the NFL commissioner about Hillary's "cracked head":



Who have you reached out to?
Quote:Don't get all in a huff. I know some companies give out titles as candy.

I am just pointing out that the educated are polling for Hillary. Lots of people try college, but the cream of the crop actually complete it.
They can call me anything they want as long as they keep paying me what they are paying me.


I jus caint beleve emuns giving me all this money and little ol me being all uneducated and such.

Quote:Hillary made an appearance on the Jimmy Kimmel show Monday night, to dispel rumors about her health.  It illustrates how desperately they want this topic to go away.  Hillary "proved" she was healthy by opening up a "not been tampered with" jar of pickles. 


Of course, the stunt backfired.  Every jar of pickles makes a distinctive "pop" when the vacuum seal is broken.  This particular pickle jar chose to remain silent.



I assume you read Trump's book ..... "The Art of the Dill"

Quote:The research shows that the college educated is voting for Clinton. Its not arrogance just facts.

I can't imagine why.


The health problem Clinton actually has


"That is hypothyroidism, a condition affecting about 10 million Americans in which the thyroid is underactive, resulting in a variety of symptoms including fatigue, weakness and weight gain.


For most patients, the symptoms can be significantly reduced or eliminated with the use of hormone therapy. Clinton is being treated with a medication called Armour Thyroid, according to her doctor, who has issued a letter saying she's in "excellent" physical condition and is fit to serve as president.


Yet Armour Thyroid is a less common medication used in patients with hypothyroidism, possibly indicating Clinton wasn't responding well to the conventional treatment."




She been wearing these giant wool coats and weird turtle necks lately, so that would make sense if she is trying to hide swift weight gains, a result from losing control of her condition. It also explains the apparent lack of stamina.
Thyroid imbalance can also cause urticaria (hives), and this may be why Hillary wears the Dr. Evil suits that cover her arms and neck. 

Funny, I don't recall seeing any medical information regarding Donald. Could it be perhaps in the same place his tax returns reside?


Are Donald's medical records being "audited"?

[Image: giphy.gif]

Hey Hillary! Do you have brain damage?


[Image: giphy.gif]

Quote:[Image: giphy.gif]

Wow, she's totally qualified to be mayor of Townsville. Great job.
Quote:The health problem Clinton actually has


"That is hypothyroidism, a condition affecting about 10 million Americans in which the thyroid is underactive, resulting in a variety of symptoms including fatigue, weakness and weight gain.


For most patients, the symptoms can be significantly reduced or eliminated with the use of hormone therapy. Clinton is being treated with a medication called Armour Thyroid, according to her doctor, who has issued a letter saying she's in "excellent" physical condition and is fit to serve as president.


Yet Armour Thyroid is a less common medication used in patients with hypothyroidism, possibly indicating Clinton wasn't responding well to the conventional treatment."




She been wearing these giant wool coats and weird turtle necks lately, so that would make sense if she is trying to hide swift weight gains, a result from losing control of her condition. It also explains the apparent lack of stamina.

Great --- so let me get this straight, my 2 choices for President of the United States are 1) a dead chick, or 2) a racist dude.


While the gap is getting closer, I'm still going to have to vote for the dead chick --- isn't that a win win situation with Tim Kaine lingering in the background.
Quote:Great --- so let me get this straight, my 2 choices for President of the United States are 1) a dead chick, or 2) a racist dude.


While the gap is getting closer, I'm still going to have to vote for the dead chick --- isn't that a win win situation with Tim Kaine lingering in the background.

Trump will be impeached, and Clinton may live for a few more years with her brain damage.

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