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Quote:Ok, so the coughing proves she has brain damage, how exactly??

Can one of our trumpette doctors explain that?

It doesn't. This thread has sort of merged into a general conversation of Hillary's failing health, not just her damaged mental state.


Although, chronic asphyxiation can cause brain damage :yes:

Quote:Ok, so the coughing proves she has brain damage, how exactly??

Can one of our trumpette doctors explain that?

I think people are combing her health issues into single thread instead of starting a new one for every thought we have. I.e, Rashean27Mathis.


You are better than this TAM. Come on. 



A VOTE FOR HILLARY IS REALLY A VOTE FOR TIM KAINE !!    .... not saying that I ever want anyone to die or get impeached but just sayin' Tim Kaine may be the perfect alternative to HRC & Trump !!


our new motto:  Clinton in 2016 (Kaine in 2017)


A VOTE FOR HILLARY IS REALLY A VOTE FOR TIM KAINE !!    .... not saying that I ever want anyone to die or get impeached but just sayin' Tim Kaine may be the perfect alternative to HRC & Trump !!


our new motto:  Clinton in 2016 (Kaine in 2017)

Tim Kaine is a grade-a chump who would be run-over by every strong-arm politician and world leader out there. At least get Creepy Uncle Joe Biden in there for some credibility.

Quote:Ok, so the coughing proves she has brain damage, how exactly??

Can one of our trumpette doctors explain that?
This thread has morphed into commentary on her health and you know that.
KFC really went downhill in the past 15 years.  Other than their awesome gravy, their food is pretty bad.  I contribute the downhill slide to local grocery stores having really good & inexpensive fried chicken.  The reduction in KFC customers resulted in their increased price and chicken being left under the heat lamp for countless hours --- it's never fresh.


Next Review:  Chick-fil-A

Lol, so she still does have brain damage and now...

On top of brain damage she has what?

Is it lung cancer?
[Image: PE.jpg]

These coughing fits are a symptom of pulmonary emboli being released into the circulation and entering the lungs. It’s usually a dry cough, but it turns into hemoptysis (coughing up blood) it’s a real problem. Cerebral venous thromboses of size have the potential to cause strokes or infarcts of the brain. Venal circulation returns blood to the heart, which directs it to the lungs for re-oxygenation via the pulmonary artery. Arteries bring blood to organs, veins take it away from organs. If a clot of sufficient size blocks the pulmonary artery, it’s lights out, and quickly. Such clots usually result from deep vein thrombosis. It’s not common, but CVST’s (cerebral venous sinus thrombosis) can lead to pulmonary emboli. If small clots form or dislodge from the wall of a vein they travel to the heart and then to the lung where they can get lodged in the alveoli and causes irritation and subsequent coughing.For more see here, here, and here. In Clinton’s case it may be that she is still forming clots at the site of the injury or she may be having bits separate from a not fully resolved clot.

Quote:Tim Kaine is a grade-a chump who would be run-over by every strong-arm politician and world leader out there. At least get Creepy Uncle Joe Biden in there for some credibility.

I don't agree, although the same could be said for Romney who I really like and would vote for again.


You want great history on economy, look no further than Kaine's record in Virginia.
Someone needs to take Old Hillary out back...
Quote:[Image: PE.jpg]

These coughing fits are a <a class="bbc_url" href='http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/pulmonary-embolism/basics/symptoms/con-20022849'>symptom of pulmonary emboli </a>being released into the circulation and entering the lungs. It’s usually a dry cough, but it turns into hemoptysis (coughing up blood) it’s a real problem. Cerebral venous thromboses of size have the potential to <a class="bbc_url" href='http://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/healthlibrary/conditions/nervous_system_disorders/cerebral_venous_sinus_thrombosis_134,69/'>cause strokes or infarcts of the brain</a>. Venal circulation returns blood to the heart, which directs it to the lungs for re-oxygenation via the pulmonary artery. Arteries bring blood to organs, veins take it away from organs. If a clot of sufficient size blocks the pulmonary artery, it’s lights out, and quickly. Such clots usually result from <a class="bbc_url" href='http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/deep-vein-thrombosis/basics/definition/con-20031922'>deep vein thrombosis</a>. It’s not common, but CVST’s (cerebral venous sinus thrombosis) can lead to pulmonary emboli. If small clots form or dislodge from the wall of a vein they travel to the heart and then to the lung where they can get lodged in the alveoli and causes irritation and subsequent coughing.For more see <a class="bbc_url" href='http://qjmed.oxfordjournals.org/content/95/3/137'>here</a>, <a class="bbc_url" href='http://www.neurology.org/content/65/7/1136.short'>here</a>, and <a class="bbc_url" href='http://www.clinph-journal.com/article/S1388-2457%2812%2900296-9/abstract?cc=y='>here</a>. In Clinton’s case it may be that she is still forming clots at the site of the injury or she may be having bits separate from a not fully resolved clot.

Holy cow!!! She's toast!!! At this point how much longer does she have???

How is she even standing up???
This is why they made Bernie surrender his delegates to Hillary. 

Quote:How is she even standing up???

With plenty of help:


[Image: Hillary-Clinton-Needs-Help-Standing-Mark...75x450.jpg]
i just seen the coughing fit.  this isnt the first time. she can barely talk.

Quote:This is why they made Bernie surrender his delegates to Hillary.

This makes no sense.
Quote:With plenty of help:

[Image: Hillary-Clinton-Needs-Help-Standing-Mark...75x450.jpg]

It's weekend at Bernie's all over again!!

She's already dead and clearly is just being held up by aids and wires...
Quote:It's weekend at Bernie's all over again!!

She's already dead and clearly is just being held up by aids and wires...

You finally get it.
so now even her voters are making fun of her? it's all fun and games now.  "oh look at silly hillary, almost dying again. how cute. she has my vote"  is this the new way they're gonna spin it?


she armed ISIS. HAHAHA. what a goofball!  HILARIOUS!

She's not almost dying, badger she's already dead.

She's a vegetable to boot.

She's basically a [BLEEP] zombie at this point.
systematically destroying the middle east, what a silly goose. teehee

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