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Quote:Do you want to make an actual point, or are you just resorting to ad hom attacks when logic fails like the rest of the Left?
It's pointless! You can't disprove or prove the lie.

It's an attack on an American with zero facts to indicate. It's precisely where America is headed. Throw out baseless attacks on a person and move on the the next. Who care if there is any evidence in today's Internet age we will manufacture it.
Quote:It's pointless! You can't disprove or prove the lie.

It's an attack on an American with zero facts to indicate. It's precisely where America is headed. Throw out baseless attacks on a person and move on the the next. Who care if there is any evidence in today's Internet age we will manufacture it.

How do you know it is a lie if you can't prove or disprove it?


Checkmate. :whistling:
Quote:How do you know it is a lie if you can't prove or disprove it?

Checkmate. :whistling:

If you claim something with no facts but claim it's true are you lying?

I believe that's lying. But I have ethics and morals.
Quote:If you claim something with no facts but claim it's true are you lying?

I believe that's lying. But I have ethics and morals.

There are facts in her medical record. Perhaps she should get a physical and release the results? Until then, we work with what we observe, and we currently observe a women who is on the brink.
Quote:There are facts in her medical record. Perhaps she should get a physical and release the results? Until then, we work with what we observe, and we currently observe a women who is on the brink.

this was in regards to the post earlier about Huma Abedin being an Iranian spy.
Quote:this was in regards to the post earlier about Huma Abedin being an Iranian spy.

Oh. My b.
Quote:Oh. My b.

Newsflash. I don't think she is healthy.

But I would still take Kaine over Trump. I prefer Jeb but meh the party got stupid!
Yeah, so "many people are saying" that Clinton isn't medically fit for office.


Except her doctor isn't one of those many people.




And yet again, those that want to believe anything that possibly disqualifies Hillary - as if there aren't enough already for the true believers - will latch onto any fake conspiracy theories that pop up on the net.

Quote:Yeah, so "many people are saying" that Clinton isn't medically fit for office.


Except her doctor isn't one of those many people.




And yet again, those that want to believe anything that possibly disqualifies Hillary - as if there aren't enough already for the true believers - will latch onto any fake conspiracy theories that pop up on the net.

Appeal to authority fallacy. If the MSM and her campaign are worried that people will get the wrong impression about her health, perhaps she should have an independent physical today and release the results. For some reason, the MSM loves to speculate about Trump's tax returns and what's in them, but then takes issue with those who speculate on Hillary's health and whats in her medical records. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm really makes me think.
Quote:Appeal to authority fallacy. If the MSM and her campaign are worried that people will get the wrong impression about her health, perhaps she should have an independent physical today and release the results. For some reason, the MSM loves to speculate about Trump's tax returns and what's in them, but then takes issue with those who speculate on Hillary's health and whats in her medical records. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm really makes me think.
That isn't an appeal to authority fallacy. It's citing an expert that has more on her health than we do.

And I'm strongly anti-Hillary.

Citing the opinion of the provider that provides Hillary care isn't an appeal to authority fallacy, though, and you look silly saying that.
Quote:That isn't an appeal to authority fallacy. It's citing an expert that has more on her health than we do.

And I'm strongly anti-Hillary.

Citing the opinion of the provider that provides Hillary care isn't an appeal to authority fallacy, though, and you look silly saying that.



An Appeal to Authority is a fallacy with the following form:

  1. Person A is (claimed to be) (Hillary's Doctor) an authority on subject S (Hillary's Health).
  2. Person A (Hillary's Doctor) makes claim C (She is totally fine) about subject S (Hillary's Health).
  3. Therefore, C is true.


*edit* adding on statement 4 on what makes it a significantly weak argument and therefor fallacious:


4. The person in question is not significantly biased.


"Experts, being people, are vulnerable to biases and predjudices. If there is evidence that a person is biased in some manner that would affect the reliability of her claims, then an Argument from Authority based on that person is likely to be fallacious. Even if the claim is actually true, the fact that the expert is biased weakens the argument. This is because there would be reason to believe that the expert might not be making the claim because he has carefully considered it using his expertise. Rather, there would be reason to believe that the claim is being made because of the expert's bias or prejudice. "


Which is why I called for an independent physical. Even Donald Trump had his doctor release a medical statement, but without an independent physical I wouldn't give it any credibility.

Just an fyi, I've heard some people say that trump has Alzheimer's.

Based on how he rambles on, can't have a clear train of thought and can only stay on message if he's reading from a teleprompter, there's alot of people are talking about trump having Alzheimer's.

I've seen on the tv that people are talking about how Alzheimer's runs throughout trumps family...

I've heard doctors say that Alzheimer's is hereditary...
Quote:Just an fyi, I've heard some people say that trump has Alzheimer's.

Based on how he rambles on, can't have a clear train of thought and can only stay on message if he's reading from a teleprompter, there's alot of people are talking about trump having Alzheimer's.

I've seen on the tv that people are talking about how Alzheimer's runs throughout trumps family...

I've heard doctors say that Alzheimer's is hereditary...

Excuse me, we have a Trump thread about his mental illness already. Take it up in there Tongue 
Quote:Just an fyi, I've heard some people say that trump has Alzheimer's.

Based on how he rambles on, can't have a clear train of thought and can only stay on message if he's reading from a teleprompter, there's alot of people are talking about trump having Alzheimer's.

I've seen on the tv that people are talking about how Alzheimer's runs throughout trumps family...

I've heard doctors say that Alzheimer's is hereditary...

Are the some peoples Doctors? Because that truly isn't something to diagnose from speeches and TV.
I just think it's important to realize that trump has Alzheimer's.

That's why they put him on teleprompter. He can't stay on message anymore.

Alot of people at saying it.
Quote:I just think it's important to realize that trump has Alzheimer's.

That's why they put him on teleprompter. He can't stay on message anymore.

Alot of people at saying it.

TAM, Indy2Jax, Ringo, uh...Kotite


Did I miss anyone?
Quote:I just think it's important to realize that trump has Alzheimer's.

That's why they put him on teleprompter. He can't stay on message anymore.

Alot of people at saying it.

Many people are saying that Donald is a misogynistic sociopathic xenophobe.


A lot of people are saying that.  I've heard a lot of people say it.
Quote:I just think it's important to realize that trump has Alzheimer's.

That's why they put him on teleprompter. He can't stay on message anymore.

Alot of people at saying it.

This is out of hand.

Everybody's a doctor now.
Quote:TAM, Indy2Jax, Ringo, uh...Kotite

Did I miss anyone?

Yes, you missed alot of people. It's been on tv and all over the internet.

I'm not saying he has Alzheimer's...

I'm just telling you what alot of people are talking about.

Think about it. Why else would they be making him speak from a teleprompter. I feel sorry for him.

But I don't want a guy with Alzheimer's as president. I'm just telling you what I've heard.

You can Google it. Alot of people are reporting about it...
Quote:This is out of hand.

Everybody's a doctor now.

I'm not a doctor. I'm just telling you what I heard. There are alot of people worried that trump has Alzheimer's.

Don't shoot the messenger. I'm just saying, people are talking...
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