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Quote:Trump will be impeached, and Clinton may live for a few more years with her brain damage.

So many people buy The Big Lie. Who knew it was so easy.
Quote:So many people buy The Big Lie. Who knew it was so easy.

A dying Hillary is preferable to A live Trump.
Quote:A dying Hillary is preferable to A live Trump.

A dead Hillary and Trump would be preferable for America.
Quote:JW.. Can we get an avatar bet that Hillary will NOT be comatose by 1/1/17?

JW. Your lack of a response tells me you are talking out of your manure chute.
Quote:JW. Your lack of a response tells me you are talking out of your manure chute.

About Hillary being comatose in a few months? I wouldn't doubt it, her health is failing. I am not going to make an avatar bet with Ringo over every statement I make on this message board.


Hey, want to make an avatar bet that if elected, Hillary won't raise minimum wage to $15?


Hey, want to make an avatar bet that if elected, Hillary won't give away free college?


Hey, want to make an avatar bet that if elected, Hillary won't repeal citizens united?


Hey, want to make an avatar bet that if elected, Hillary won't improve the female wage gap?


Hey, want to make an avatar bet that if elected, Hillary won't improve race relations?


Kind of silly, don't you think?
How about a public declaration in the form of a new thread you create in this section that admits your hyperbolic assertion of her health was off base and that things you state need to be taken with a grain of salt?
Quote:How about a public declaration in the form of a new thread you create in this section that admits your hyperbolic assertion of her health was off base and that things you state need to be taken with a grain of salt?

[Image: e2d016bb0b9f69f2b217c657a2ff4aa590796bf3...ed9bcf.jpg]


Doctor Evil kind of looks (and acts) like Hillary without hair.

Quote:So many people buy The Big Lie. Who knew it was so easy.

People, particularly certain demographics, have blindly followed the D for decades.  Who needs thought or choice?
Quote:[Image: e2d016bb0b9f69f2b217c657a2ff4aa590796bf3...ed9bcf.jpg]

Doctor Evil kind of looks (and acts) like Hillary without hair.

So you refuse to hold yourself accountable for things you say. I am so not surprised. That's fine. Come 1/1/17, I can start the thread for you.

Which title do you prefer? Hillary Miraculously Escapes Coma, President Hillary: A Staple of American Health or Jaguar Warrior Owes Hillary An Apology? (All of these are subject to change as I am certain I can come up with something more clever by then).
Quote:So you refuse to hold yourself accountable for things you say. I am so not surprised. That's fine. Come 1/1/17, I can start the thread for you.

Which title do you prefer? Hillary Miraculously Escapes Coma, President Hillary: A Staple of American Health or Jaguar Warrior Owes Hillary An Apology? (All of these are subject to change as I am certain I can come up with something more clever by then).

Hillary Miraculously Escapes Coma, because she certainly isn't going to be President, I am not going to apologize to a corrupt globalist pig, and in all likelihood she will probably have a cyborg body with a Hillary AI installed. Oh, or maybe a transplant body? I hear the Italians have a doctor who is working on body transplants.
Quote:So you refuse to hold yourself accountable for things you say. I am so not surprised. That's fine. Come 1/1/17, I can start the thread for you.

Which title do you prefer? Hillary Miraculously Escapes Coma, President Hillary: A Staple of American Health or Jaguar Warrior Owes Hillary An Apology? (All of these are subject to change as I am certain I can come up with something more clever by then).
Something something personal accountability. 
Oh crap, I just realized I made a statement about the Queen. I now have to make a signature bet with Ringo and Kotite that Hillary WILL NOT be in a transplant body, cyborg body, or an AI come January.

Quote:Oh crap, I just realized I made a statement about the Queen. I now have to make a signature bet with Ringo and Kotite that Hillary WILL NOT be in a transplant body, cyborg body, or an AI come January.

Or you can just admit most of your posts are sensationalist manure and that your credibility is suspect at best.
Quote:Or you can just admit most of your posts are sensationalist manure and that your credibility is suspect at best.

JW is one of the best posters in the political forum. What the heck are you talking about?
Quote:Or you can just admit most of your posts are sensationalist manure and that your credibility is suspect at best.

What makes you the authority on credibility? I haven't seen you post an original thought on this message board your entire time here. I have never seen you post a source to justify your comments. I have never seen you do anything but defend lefty talking points and your queen.


So again, what makes you the authority on credibility?


You disagree with me? Fine, but don't act like you are some elite being of objectivity and partiality. If anything, you represent the opposite.
You beat this drum people shouldn't vote for Hillary because she's a coma waiting to happen and claim to be credible. Okay Alex Jones.

You regurgitate stories from conservative media outlets almost daily and question my capacity for original thought. Classic.
Quote:Oh crap, I just realized I made a statement about the Queen. I now have to make a signature bet with Ringo and Kotite that Hillary WILL NOT be in a transplant body, cyborg body, or an AI come January.

The point is that the talk about Hillary's health is as substantiated as my horse manure about trump's Alzheimer's disease.

Both are bogus and cannot be verified so are there for just speculation to try and score political points.

The difference is that I can admit that I don't have any facts to back up my bogus claim.

On the other hand, you guys continue to pretend that you have proof when you don't.

That's the point kotite is making. And he's spot on.
proof?  for god's sake look at her

Quote:proof? for god's sake look at her

She's 68 years old!!

If the eye test is proof, trump is knocking on death's door. His toupee is the healthiest looking thing on his entire head. And that orange painted raccoon has been killed and glued onto his liver spotted scalp for decades.
Duplicate post. <derp>
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