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Full Version: Does Hillary Have Brain Damage?
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Quote:Indy2Jax actually moved to Florida from Indianapolis because when was elected governor of Indiana. Any time you put an Evangelist in office. There are numerous reasons.

1.) Completely ignoring the will of the people and kidnapped the states education department. Neutering the will of the people

2) RFRA - nuff said blatant discrimination law.

3) He did not have anything to do with Indiana Billion Dollar surplus no matter what Trump says. We have my man Mitch to thank for that. ( basically they sold the toll road for 3 Billion).

4) His views on Roe vs Wade and sending women back to back alleys. Indiana now requires burial and cremation of miscarried babies. Really?? As if you weren't traumatized enough of losing your baby.

need I go on more of what I know about the man?

And all this time I thought you moved when Peyton left.
Quote:4) His views on Roe vs Wade and sending women back to back alleys. Indiana now requires burial and cremation of miscarried babies. Really?? As if you weren't traumatized enough of losing your baby.

Miscarried or aborted? I only ask because you mentioned it in the same sentence and Row vs Wade. I know several women who have had burial services for their miscarried babies. To be forced to do it is jacked up.
Quote:Miscarried or aborted? I only ask because you mentioned it in the same sentence and Row vs Wade. I know several women who have had burial services for their miscarried babies. To be forced to do it is jacked up.

Quote:And all this time I thought you moved when Peyton left.

Well snow was a big help in the push out. But the political climate in Indiana was and is very tense.
Quote:Never mind, I guess this board won't allow youtube embeds anymore?

NO!!!  I miss the youtube embedded functionality!!!   Is there an explanation for this??


Make the Jungle Great Again!  Bring back youtube embeds!

Probably drunk and high on crack.
[Image: phw3ybd44k2qbwe.gif]

She never needs to make that face again in her life. Seriously, never.
That big dude who is always with Hillary probably isn't Secret Service.  He is likely a "handler"  ready to inject Hillary with Valium if she has a recurrent seizure.  He always carries an auto-injector with Diazepam (Valium).  The auto-injector pen can penetrate several layers of clothing.  Here he is with Hillary (and the pen) at the DNC before her speech.  He's the guy who patted her on the back and said, "Keep talking" last week at the rally. 


[Image: hillary-handler-seizure-drug-575x408.jpg]
Quote:[Image: phw3ybd44k2qbwe.gif]

How can anybody voting for THIS question Trump supporters? I mean really...
Quote:How can anybody voting for THIS question Trump supporters? I mean really...
[Image: hillary-seizure.gif]
Quote:How can anybody voting for THIS question Trump supporters? I mean really...

People will vote for Hillary just to spite Trump, even if it means having Iranian agent Huma Abedin ruling in Hillary's stead while she lies in a secret coma.


Pic related, it is Huma and Hillary.


[Image: Grima_and_Th%C3%A9oden.jpg]
Quote:How can anybody voting for THIS question Trump supporters? I mean really...

they aren't "Hillary supporters".  Look around, nobody I have seen around here is like, "I like Hillary. I voted for her."  


No, they're all Bernie Sanders supporters and now they are stuck with Hillary.  How in the world did this lady beat Bernie?  That is why Trump's "rigged election" talk has some credence.

Ms. Evil?


[Image: original.jpg?w=800&h]

If HRC has brain damage then shame on the GOP population for giving us the only possible candidate that can't even beat a person with brain damage for Presidency of the USA.

Quote:People will vote for Hillary just to spite Trump, even if it means having Iranian agent Huma Abedin ruling in Hillary's stead while she lies in a secret coma.

Pic related, it is Huma and Hillary.
That's moronic. Abedin is an American citizen. The same as you and I.

This is why Trump is dangerous for our country! He a turning everybody into imbeciles. He is generating hate at an exponential rate.
Hillary is wearing a catheter bag on her left leg.  You can see the thicker leg or the outline of the bag in many photos, including the one above of her walking with Bill at the DNC.  I've also seen her with a box on her back, about the size of a deck of cards.  That could be a morphine drip.

Quote:That's moronic. Abedin is an American citizen. The same as you and I.

This is why Trump is dangerous for our country! He a turning everybody into imbeciles. And generating hate at an exponential rate.
Buwwaaaa, Trump is pounding your mind relentlessly.
Quote:That's moronic. Abedin is an American citizen. The same as you and I.

This is why Trump is dangerous for our country! He a turning everybody into imbeciles. He is generating hate at an exponential rate.

You might want further study on this subject.  A citizen is someone who applied for, and got, U.S. citizenship. 
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