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p.s. - I have stated numerous times she's not my 'queen' and I have cited sources on plenty of occasions. Your reading comprehension skills are lacking.
i forgot Hillary is a goddess and will live forever

Quote:proof?  for god's sake look at her


Quote:She's 68 years old!!

If the eye test is proof, trump is knocking on death's door. His toupee is the healthiest looking thing on his entire head. And that orange painted raccoon has been killed and glued onto his liver spotted scalp for decades.

They're both septuagenarians that look their ages.  Donald would be the oldest person ever to hold a first term if elected, is at least 70 pounds overweight, and looks like he's about to stroke out every time he raises his voice - which is often.  If we didn't have twitter he'd likely be dead already.  Hillary doesn't look like she could get up 4 flights of stairs, but if they were the only two in a mile race and no cheating allowed, I'd take her.


Funny thing is, JFK was the image of youth and strength and he was actually less healthy than either of these two.  Image is NOT everything.
Quote:They're both septuagenarians that look their ages.  Donald would be the oldest person ever to hold a first term if elected, is at least 70 pounds overweight, and looks like he's about to stroke out every time he raises his voice - which is often.  If we didn't have twitter he'd likely be dead already.  Hillary doesn't look like she could get up 4 flights of stairs, but if they were the only two in a mile race and no cheating allowed, I'd take her.


Funny thing is, JFK was the image of youth and strength and he was actually less healthy than either of these two.  Image is NOT everything.

Regarding the part in bold, I was actually kind of surprised about that, but it's true.
it's surprising because he doesn't act like an old man.  meanwhile Hillary can barely walk up some steps.

Quote:it's surprising because he doesn't act like an old man.  meanwhile Hillary can barely walk up some steps.

[Image: Cqt1WTPWcAEm_L4.jpg]
*can barely get into a car


why doesn't she just have these guys carry her?

Woah. This is bad news for her. She is clearly fit to hold down the office.

TAM is going to say that the running boards were covered in coconut oil and the step stool was the only feasible way for Hillary to enter the SUV.

Quote:[Image: Cqt1WTPWcAEm_L4.jpg]

Of all the available images, this is a big bunch of nothing. I know a few people around Hillary Clinton's age who are in decent physical shape that can't get into an SUV easily.
Quote:Of all the available images, this is a big bunch of nothing. I know a few people around Hillary Clinton's age who are in decent physical shape that can't get into an SUV easily.

Wow, ok, so she couldn't step up an additional 5" to use the running board for assistance into the vehicle.
she's royalty though. she needs henchman to lay out the red carpet everywhere she walks, or in this case (footstool)

I can't believe they found 3 dudes that would take a bullet for ole Hillary.
Quote:I can't believe they found 3 dudes that would take a bullet for ole Hillary.

Prob not what they had in mind when they signed up for the gig.
Seriously, I can't even anymore.

I'm laughing at that picture of Hillary and then Stroud calling me out on it.


She's 68. She's elderly. We get it.

Continue on finding pictures that prove she's old. Lol#!!
Quote:[Image: Cqt1WTPWcAEm_L4.jpg]

So does this mean Texas governor Greg Abbott is unfit for office too?


[Image: TM_October13_CVR_0C1_0.jpg]
Quote:[Image: Cqt1WTPWcAEm_L4.jpg]

I'm shocked that the rose petals are missing!  Where are the rose petal bearers?
Quote:TAM is going to say that the running boards were covered in coconut oil and the step stool was the only feasible way for Hillary to enter the SUV.

This post literally had me laughing in my office like a crazy person!
Quote:Seriously, I can't even anymore.

I'm laughing at that picture of Hillary and then Stroud calling me out on it.


She's 68. She's elderly. We get it.

Continue on finding pictures that prove she's old. Lol#!!

Trump is 70 and hits a golf ball 240 yards. What's your point?
Quote:So does this mean Texas governor Greg Abbott is unfit for office too?

[Image: TM_October13_CVR_0C1_0.jpg]

Well, he's holding a gun... So clearly he can get out of that wheel chair whenever.
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