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A courier arrived at Van Susteren's Washington, D.C. home at 9 a.m. Tuesday, hand-delivering two letters that said that Van Susteren "was being taken off the air" immediately, according to her husband, John Coale, who is a high-profile Washington lawyer.

Van Susteren was already planning to leave, but she thought she would be hosting her 7 p.m. program "On the Record" for a few more weeks.

Quote:A courier arrived at Van Susteren's Washington, D.C. home at 9 a.m. Tuesday, hand-delivering two letters that said that Van Susteren "was being taken off the air" immediately, according to her husband, John Coale, who is a high-profile Washington lawyer.

Van Susteren was already planning to leave, but she thought she would be hosting her 7 p.m. program "On the Record" for a few more weeks.

Don't align yourself with sexual deviants in the workplace.
Quote:Don't align yourself with sexual deviants in the workplace.

I work from home, where such deviations are called "afternoon delights".
She only has brain damage to the extent that her Parkinson's has advanced. The cough is pneumonia. End of story.

Hillary just fainted at a 9/11 event. She is being rushed to the hospital, apparently.

More neuro issues apparent during Hillary's speech at Temple on Monday.  Her eyes are not tracking together.  She cancelled a fundraiser in North Carolina on Tuesday.



Quote:More neuro issues apparent during Hillary's speech at Temple on Monday.  Her eyes are not tracking together.  She cancelled a fundraiser in North Carolina on Tuesday.



She is losing it. 90 minutes non-stop at debate might kill her (or Trump, for that matter).


Does this look like a mentally healthy individual to you?


Man I hope she has to drop out of this race.

Quote:Man I hope she has to drop out of this race.

I hope not.
Yeah, I get that too...Trump could probably actually beat Hillary.  I just don't want Hillary to have ANY CHANCE of becoming the POTUS.

Yes. she has brain damage.



So she's a sick, corrupt, lying, evil woman.



Why is she on this earth?

So, according to Hillary, if you already have debt, the government will help you refinance it. OK. That is believable.  A responsible adult can refinance their own debt without the help of the government.


She also says a 4 year degree shouldn't be the only path to a good paying job. To my knowledge, trade schools have been around for a very long time. The problem is, the upcoming generation is full of laziness, entitlement, and unwarranted self-pride, and would rather complain than work.


This woman is so full of crap.

Quote:I hope not.

Does anyone here know what the ramifications are for the Dems replacing Hillary at this late date?


Here's the article I got from Googling the question:






The bottom line is that if Clinton dropped out before September ends, with plenty of time before the general election, all indications are that the DNC could anoint the candidate of its choice—again, likely Kaine, Biden, or Sanders—and make the late substitution with only the slim possibility of extreme GOP legal obstructionism getting in the way. After September, it would be a huge mess that would increase American political self-loathing by 300 percent.
Quote:After September, it would be a huge mess that would increase American political self-loathing by 300 percent.

God that would be entertaining and frightening.
You could put more than half of all of her supporters into what I call, the basket of brain damage..
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