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Quote:Those BLM folks are terrorists because they are disruptive. The people at Trump events are the disruptors. You got it all wrong skippy, you disrupt my rally you rightly get your clock cleaned.

So use violence to attack civil disobedience protesters? Violence against non violent disruptors, got it!

No, that sounds like a smart idea. Make sure you have alot of fire hoses. Oh, and make sure you sick your German Shepards on them too.

That'll teach those disruptors.

Lol,like I said, fascist, neo Nazi, racist, kkk members.
Quote:So use violence to attack civil disobedience protesters? Violence against non violent disruptors, got it!

No, that sounds like a smart idea. Make sure you have alot of fire hoses. Oh, and make sure you sick your German Shepards on them too.

That'll teach those disruptors.

Lol,like I said, fascist, neo Nazi, racist, kkk members

Bull [BLEEP]. Use violence to disband illegal or disruptive protests.


You on the sidewalk outside a business or marching in front of the courthouse steps? No issue.


You blocking the entry door to the business or I-95 at rush hour? Move them out.


You protest by disrupting the speech I'm giving in a private facility I paid to use? You're getting evicted.


In both cases the wrongdoing is in the protestors not those being protested. Sorry you don't understand the simple difference between these situations.
Quote:Bull [BAD WORD REMOVED]. Use violence to disband illegal or disruptive protests.

You on the sidewalk outside a business or marching in front of the courthouse steps? No issue.

You blocking the entry door to the business or I-95 at rush hour? Move them out.

You protest by disrupting the speech I'm giving in a private facility I paid to use? You're getting evicted.

In both cases the wrongdoing is in the protestors not those being protested. Sorry you don't understand the simple difference between these situations.


Look at all these terrorists!! Terrorists!!!

Quote:Bull [BAD WORD REMOVED]. Use violence to disband illegal or disruptive protests.

You on the sidewalk outside a business or marching in front of the courthouse steps? No issue.

You blocking the entry door to the business or I-95 at rush hour? Move them out.

You protest by disrupting the speech I'm giving in a private facility I paid to use? You're getting evicted.

In both cases the wrongdoing is in the protestors not those being protested. Sorry you don't understand the simple difference between these situations.
Civil disobedience is civil disobedience. You are not supposed to like it, genius. That's the whole point of it. Maybe you should read up on Dr. Martin Luther King's position on it.

But yeah, I get it. It's different because of whatever foolish rationalization you want to come up with. Think this through flsprts... Any time you have a winger type cheering you on, you may want to re-think your position. No offense, winger.

You know, marching on a bridge, not moving to the back of the bus, sitting at white only lunch counters was also a pain in the butt for a certain group of people. It was also considered a disruption. But that's the point of civil disobedience....

But whatever, they are terrorists...
Quote:Civil disobedience is civil disobedience. You are not supposed to like it, genius. That's the whole point of it. Maybe you should read up on Dr. Martin Luther King's position on it.

But yeah, I get it. It's different because of whatever foolish rationalization you want to come up with. Think this through flsprts... Any time you have a winger type cheering you on, you may want to re-think your position. No offense, winger.

You know, marching on a bridge, not moving to the back of the bus, sitting at white only lunch counters was also a pain in the butt for a certain group of people. It was also considered a disruption. But that's the point of civil disobedience....

But whatever, they are terrorists...

Civil disobedience is still criminal behavior and should be met with appropriate force. Protesting is not "civil disobedience", there's a difference. If you choose to express your civil disobedience is a way that is illegal and impacts my private property then I will stop it, but force if necessary. End of story.
Quote:Civil disobedience is still criminal behavior and should be met with appropriate force. Protesting is not "civil disobedience", there's a difference. If you choose to express your civil disobedience is a way that is illegal and impacts my private property then I will stop it, but force if necessary. End of story.

Which is your prerogative. But, my point remains, it's not a good look.

I personally would not want to be compared to the fascists of the civil rights era or the trump era. But far be it for me to force my beliefs on anyone else.

Violence, when confronted by peace never ends well for those that instigated the violence--in the long run.
Thank goodness these guys don't think that BLM protesters are terrorists... http://www.salon.com/2016/07/12/watch_we...in_dallas/
Quote:Which is your prerogative. But, my point remains, it's not a good look.

I personally would not want to be compared to the fascists of the civil rights era or the trump era. But far be it for me to force my beliefs on anyone else.

Violence, when confronted by peace never ends well for those that instigated the violence--in the long run.
You do realize that violent civil disobedience is crime, right? Vandalism, arson, assault, and the like? That's what your peeps are doing. Dr King and Gandhi they ain't.
Quote:You do realize that violent civil disobedience is crime, right? Vandalism, arson, assault, and the like? That's what your peeps are doing. Dr King and Gandhi they ain't.

No, I am not talking about anyone that is destroying property, or attacking anyone.

I've said that already. I'm talking about the protesters that go to a trump rally with a sign, or start taking, and then trump instigates his neo Nazis to beat the heck out of them. How he's more than willing to pay for any legal fees, to take their property and not give it back to them, etc.

Disrupting is peaceful. It's inconvenient and annoying, but it's peaceful and exactly what Dr King was all about.

Those people that are violent deserve what they get, on both sides...

My main point is this... the BLM people should not be considered terrorists because of a few bad actors just as trump supporters should not all be considered neo Nazis.

It's the problem I see with alot of posters. They look at a few actions and then just put the entire group into that category. That's not how things work, and it's actually really unproductive.
Quote:Bull [BAD WORD REMOVED]. Use violence to disband illegal or disruptive protests.


You on the sidewalk outside a business or marching in front of the courthouse steps? No issue.


You blocking the entry door to the business or I-95 at rush hour? Move them out.


You protest by disrupting the speech I'm giving in a private facility I paid to use? You're getting evicted.


In both cases the wrongdoing is in the protestors not those being protested. Sorry you don't understand the simple difference between these situations.

If your fake cause can't effect others to your liking (spurring revenge under the false veil of "justice") then resort to violence.


It's why the left has so much hate and anger against those they can't defeat in debate.  There's no winning for them debating facts.  So, resort to bullying to make people behave and believe the way you want them to.  Not because it's correct or just, it's because that's what we desire.  Revenge.  How do you get people on board?  Create and exploit a crisis that mobilizes mob action.  Brawn over brains.
Quote:If your fake cause can't effect others to your liking (spurring revenge under the false veil of "justice") then resort to violence.

It's why the left has so much hate and anger against those they can't defeat in debate. There's no winning for them debating facts. So, resort to bullying to make people behave and believe the way you want them to. Not because it's correct or just, it's because that's what we desire. Revenge. How do you get people on board? Create and exploit a crisis that mobilizes mob action. Brawn over brains.

... you realize trump supporters were resorting to violence during the winter, right?

But you'll go ahead and ignore that point in order to continue your hate of the left.

It's easier for you to demonize the entire group, thus you can label the grievance illegitimate.

Even old dinosaurs like newt Gingrich acknowledge the brutality against blacks is out of hand. But he's clearly a rhino, a closet lefty, huh? Lol
Quote:... you realize trump supporters were resorting to violence during the winter, right?

But you'll go ahead and ignore that point in order to continue your hate of the left.

It's easier for you to demonize the entire group, thus you can label the grievance illegitimate.

Even old dinosaurs like newt Gingrich acknowledge the brutality against blacks is out of hand. But he's clearly a rhino, a closet lefty, huh? Lol

Trump supporters were picking fights at Bernie rallies? I must've missed that.
You got BLM people upset about ALM people.  You got BLM people saying "KILL COPS".  You got BLM people saying "No violence". You got Mark Zuckberg censoring ALM facebook posts because it's "malicious." You got BLM people and ALM people hugging in the street.


Nobody is on the same page.

Quote:You got BLM people upset about ALM people. You got BLM people saying "KILL COPS". You got BLM people saying "No violence". You got Mark Zuckberg censoring ALM facebook posts because it's "malicious." You got BLM people and ALM people hugging in the street.

Nobody is on the same page.
Dont forget Trump and Hillary..
Quote:You got BLM people upset about ALM people.  You got BLM people saying "KILL COPS".  You got BLM people saying "No violence". You got Mark Zuckberg censoring ALM facebook posts because it's "malicious." You got BLM people and ALM people hugging in the street.


Nobody is on the same page.

Quote:Dont forget Trump and Hillary..

I think we all agree that something is wrong.  I think it's comforting to know that only the hardest of hard core posters are not willing to accept that thier side is just as messed up as the other side.


That's progress, which is sad at one moment, but gives me hope at another moment.  It's cool that we all have our own ideologies, but when you are not willing to at lease see the other side, then all hope is lost.


That moment when a biker with a Confederate flag cut in his leather vest (EDIT:  Well my eyes need checking... It was a white dude--can't really tell he was a biker-- with a Confederate flag tank top)  hugged a Black Lives Matter protester proves that Obama, and those that have hope, have it right.  We are not as divided as the media and the corporate elites want us to believe we are.


[Image: 160711120153-09-peaceful-resistance-prot...er-169.jpg]

Quote:[Image: evb5on.jpg]


[Image: 5f3ewj.jpg]




That's all you can produce?
Quote:I think we all agree that something is wrong.  I think it's comforting to know that only the hardest of hard core posters are not willing to accept that thier side is just as messed up as the other side.


That's progress, which is sad at one moment, but gives me hope at another moment.  It's cool that we all have our own ideologies, but when you are not willing to at lease see the other side, then all hope is lost.


That moment when a biker with a Confederate flag cut in his leather vest (EDIT:  Well my eyes need checking... It was a white dude--can't really tell he was a biker-- with a Confederate flag tank top)  hugged a Black Lives Matter protester proves that Obama, and those that have hope, have it right.  We are not as divided as the media and the corporate elites want us to believe we are.


[Image: 160711120153-09-peaceful-resistance-prot...er-169.jpg]

I literally had this typed out in my response to Winger

Quote:That's all you can produce?

Of course that's what you would say.. Totally goes against your agenda..

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