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<a class="bbc_url" href='http://www.msnbc.com/the-reid-report/the-truth-about-the-dead-cops-chant'>http://www.msnbc.com/the-reid-report/the-truth-about-the-dead-cops-chant</a>

Not only was Sharpton not at the Portland rally that was the subject of the link under that dishonest meme, he was not at the rally where the dead cops chanting occurred.

All Sharpton is a shameless opportunist, but he has never called for the death of cops, nor has he condoned it, tacitly or otherwise.

Before you reject the linked article out of hand due to the source, you might want to check which sites deceptively link two rallies held on the same day, but in different cities.

Then I graciously retract any indication I gave that The Great False Prophet Piece of [BLEEP] was ever at the march in NYC..
Quote:Then I graciously retract any indication I gave that The Great False Prophet Piece of [BAD WORD REMOVED] was ever at the march in NYC..

That's fine, and appreciated, but the article I linked details how insignificant the numbers were of those chanting about killing cops compared to the total number of rally participants, and also gives a timeline showing how they were not part of the main group and therefore not heard by most of the protestors, and certainly not sanctioned by Black Lives Matter NYC.


The rally in DC attended by Sharpton was earlier that same day, so he only did not "commend" the dead cop chants, he didn't even know about them.


There is no national leadership of the BLM movement, it's a loose collection of local groups. Just like Trump supporters, there are despicable rogues within their ranks.


You talk about false prophets while falling prey to a deliberate deception by right wing media. Al Sharpton has plenty of things for which he deserves scorn, but this isn't one of them.

Quote:Most Black people know Sharpton only shows up when it benefits him. We recognized that game a long time ago. 


Some people still follow him, but his message only attracts the fanatics, and that's the ones who want to bring the violence which BLM is against. 
It's the fanatics that cause a lot of trouble. A lot of trouble. In any group of people you have the regular folks and the fanatics. The fanatics are the loudest and most destructive. This country is not used to nor prepared to deal with it from any group. Well, maybe the fanatic evangelicals but they've been at it for a very long time. I try to ignore them. 
Another 3 dead in Baton Rouge..
Doesn't even get it's own thread? So common now it Doesn't even get it's own thread. Wow.
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