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Full Version: At least three police officers killed by snipers during Dallas protest, chief says
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Quote:Well do you agree that these police officers were killed because of a race issue?

I think the killer believed it was a race issue.

I think alot of black people think they are being targeted by police, and based on their life experiences, they have a valid point.

But this problem we have with police brutality, in my opinion, is more about class than it is about race.
Quote:I think the killer believed it was a race issue.

I think alot of black people think they are being targeted by police, and based on their life experiences, they have a valid point.

But this problem we have with police brutality, in my opinion, is more about class than it is about race.

You didn't answer my question. Were these cops killed because of their race or not? If yes, then these killings were in turn a race issue.

Stop pretending to be stupid.
Give him a break, he's just a liberal using liberal logic to dodge a valid question


Not only do I believe that yes, such a statistic is very small, I have a hard time believing we're "70 times higher" than other first world countries unless they simply aren't enforcing the law at the same rate we are.  Of course there's no incident if you turn your back on crime.  There's qualitative analysis that must accompany any quantitative analysis to get a more complete picture.


But then, statistics are routinely abused to tell stories that aren't true.  There's only so much they tell, yet the wrong conclusions are drawn from them or are used to back arguments that simply don't fit.  This seems like one of those cases to me.


The false fear or expectation of altercation during a police engagement is simply manufactured one by those pushing a dangerous agenda.  And because of that, is a direct cause of leading to more such unnecessary and unfortunate incidents.

Quote:Unfortunately that's a narrative that doesn't tell the whole truth.

Whites commit fewer crimes, yet are by far the most killed by police.

That's the true story that doesn't fit the story that's preferred to be told.


These things don't happen when whites are killed by police. So, politicians trying to whip them into a frenzy wouldn't produce the desired effect. It wouldn't work.

It's all about "disruption" under the veil of "progress."

Funny how all this "progress" only takes us backwards when you look at the end result. Race relations haven't been worse in a long, long time. A lot of things are worse now than they've been in a long while.

Cops killing anyone is a tragedy. But the larger picture is how situations like these are exploited by politicians for nefarious means.
It isn't just about the deaths. Those are things that make news headlines. It's the profiling that has gone on for a long time. That is the build up. The killings turned the frustration into a movement.

Overall, the bigger issue doesn't lie with cops. That is an issue we need to correct, but the bigger issue within the black community if we are to back it up with stats is the community itself. The crimes against each other and other races, the dependency on government assistance when adjusted for population is higher than any race, adult black population has a much higher chance of being under the poverty line than the average American and children which will continue this vicious cycle are in poverty at a higher rate than the adults.

IMO, there are many factors. Their history of having "equal rights" is incredibly short. When we say, "that was over 50-60 years ago and slavery was abolished almost 200 years ago, get over it!" we diminish the impact of what that history has done to their communities. Should we really expect the black population to prosper and just get over it when we are only a generation away from when they got equal rights??? The sad part though is white people use this against them in justying their racism.

The other issue culture to some extent. The music reflects it, but also embraces what is actually destroying their communities. Drug epidemic, selling drugs, gangs, shooting, taking people out, etc... At the same time the music reflected their upbringing and again. vicious cycle.

Then you have racism and racial profiling in law enforcement. It's real and it isn't a small segment of the force. Just imagine how many things we don't know about. Where video or audio is erased or tampered with (just recently Chicago had evidence to show about 80% of tapes were missing audio due to police tampering). Part of the reason things have been quieter until recently is social media. It pulled back the veil and showed a lot of ugly truth that was always there. We just enjoyed living in our ignorance. Ignorance is bliss.

Distrust amongst police. Time after time police are found guilty of tampering with evidence and they serve no jail time, simply are put on leave for specified time. Think about that. Tampering with evidence should be a felony. Why aren't cops going to jail for this? None did in Chicago.

Education is poor in poor areas. This of course continues the cycle. That's a tough fix.

Democrats are guilty of maximizing these events for votes and rarely discuss the problem which is effecting the black community on a much larger scale because it isn't sexy or doesn't make headlines. Because of that, it is hard to defend Deomcrats as actually caring for the black community. Obama has spoken a lot about the police shootings which make up a significantly small amount of black deaths, but hasn't done much speech or policy wise in regards to the bigger issues facing black communities.
Quote:The interesting thing about this debate is that if you look at the actual statistics, I suppose white people should be out there protesting that white lives matter.

<a class="bbc_url" href='http://www.dailywire.com/news/7264/5-statistics-you-need-know-about-cops-killing-aaron-bandler'>The Washington Post, hardly a bastion of conservatism, is tracking police related killings. Numbers don't lie.</a>
All lives matter, and the second we realize that as a people is the second we fight back.
Quote:All lives matter, and the second we realize that as a people is the second we fight back.

How exactly is that accomplished? Twitter posts and Facebook memes?


The sad but real aspect of these things is that over time, people forget. Look at the Orlando thread. It is about to fall off the first page.


Edit: Maybe forget is a bad way to describe it. Meant more that the internal rage lessens.

Don't have much time to dig through the thread so here goes


Suspected shooter is a veteran. When I first heard the news of a sniper wounding and killing officers, my instinct led me to believe that someone trained had to have done such an act.
Quote:And your point is?  Police officers shouldn't have riot gear?  Let me ask you this as well, should police officers receive military training?  Also, name one peice of equipment that the officers in the picture have now that they didn't have in say 1987.

The balaclava!  Duh!  That makes them much more militant looking.
Quote:How exactly is that accomplished? Twitter posts and facebook memes?
Education. Opening eyes. Hoping against hope that we're not too far gone already.

Just connect the dots. Sit back and look through the past 15 years. This isn't coincidence, nor is it something happening organically. The same few people have their fingerprints all over a series of events strategically designed to tear this country apart from within. They've created an oligarchy of fear and hate. They've left this country so fractured that I'm surprised it took as long as it did for the first shots of the civil war to be fired. Make no mistake, while you and I and all of us are here arguing about who did what wrong and whether things were justified, there are a handful of people smiling at the control they have.

If twitter posts are what it takes to communicate the disaster this country is on the brink of and the reality of those behind it, then start there. Sitting around with your head up your "black lives matter/blue lives matter" [BLEEP] does nothing but play right into their hands.

Black men and white cops are not natural enemies, but a few influential people love that you think they are.

*more of a general rant than directed at you, SC
Quote:Education. Opening eyes. Hoping against hope that we're not too far gone already.

Just connect the dots. Sit back and look through the past 15 years. This isn't coincidence, nor is it something happening organically. The same few people have their fingerprints all over a series of events strategically designed to tear this country apart from within. They've created an oligarchy of fear and hate. They've left this country so fractured that I'm surprised it took as long as it did for the first shots of the civil war to be fired. Make no mistake, while you and I and all of us are here arguing about who did what wrong and whether things were justified, there are a handful of people smiling at the control they have.

If twitter posts are what it takes to communicate the disaster this country is on the brink of and the reality of those behind it, then start there. Sitting around with your head up your "black lives matter/blue lives matter" [BAD WORD REMOVED] does nothing but play right into their hands.

Black men and white cops are not natural enemies, but a few influential people love that you think they are.

*more of a general rant than directed at you, SC

It isn't fixable unless you fix it at the root which would take generations. You can't change people. They are who they are and they raise their children with the same beliefs, which makes it pretty much unfix-able. 

Quote:It isn't fixable unless you fix it at the root which would take generations. You can't change people. They are who they are and they raise their children with the same beliefs, which makes it pretty much unfix-able. 

It took generations to get to this point.  There is no quick fix. 
Quote:It isn't fixable unless you fix it at the root which would take generations. You can't change people. They are who they are.
Getting the Ds and Rs and those who've made their career out of those letters out of politics would be a great start.

*and yeah, I do fear we're too far gone.
Quote:Getting the Ds and Rs and those who've made their career of of those letters out of politics would be a great start.

Yes, and getting rid of the disgusting media would be an even better start. They feed the hate machine for profit.


I.e, go to any website. The picture of a killer is front and center. Gotta scroll to see the victims.

Quote:Yes, and getting rid of the disgusting media would be an even better start. They feed the hate machine for profit.
There's no "news media" left. Straight reporting doesn't get ratings in a day and age where everybody's looking for something to be angry about and someone to blame for it.

I apologize for referring to all police as pigs. I still harbor deep resentment towards them and the gradual conditioning towards a "papers please" society that they perpetuate, but affixing a label to an entire group of people accomplishes nothing but further hate and more power for those thriving on it at our expense.
Quote:You didn't answer my question. Were these cops killed because of their race or not? If yes, then these killings were in turn a race issue.

Stop pretending to be stupid.

These cops were killed because they were cops.

If it was only a race issue, then he would not have targeted cops specifically.
Quote:These cops were killed because they were cops.

If it was only a race issue, then he would not have targeted cops specifically.

Hate to break it to you, but the killer said he was targeting white cops last time I checked.
Quote:These cops were killed because they were cops.

If it was only a race issue, then he would not have targeted cops specifically.

How many black cops were among those shot?
Quote:It isn't just about the deaths. Those are things that make news headlines. It's the profiling that has gone on for a long time. That is the build up. The killings turned the frustration into a movement.

Overall, the bigger issue doesn't lie with cops. That is an issue we need to correct, but the bigger issue within the black community if we are to back it up with stats is the community itself. The crimes against each other and other races, the dependency on government assistance when adjusted for population is higher than any race, adult black population has a much higher chance of being under the poverty line than the average American and children which will continue this vicious cycle are in poverty at a higher rate than the adults.

IMO, there are many factors. Their history of having "equal rights" is incredibly short. When we say, "that was over 50-60 years ago and slavery was abolished almost 200 years ago, get over it!" we diminish the impact of what that history has done to their communities. Should we really expect the black population to prosper and just get over it when we are only a generation away from when they got equal rights??? The sad part though is white people use this against them in justying their racism.

The other issue culture to some extent. The music reflects it, but also embraces what is actually destroying their communities. Drug epidemic, selling drugs, gangs, shooting, taking people out, etc... At the same time the music reflected their upbringing and again. vicious cycle.

Then you have racism and racial profiling in law enforcement. It's real and it isn't a small segment of the force. Just imagine how many things we don't know about. Where video or audio is erased or tampered with (just recently Chicago had evidence to show about 80% of tapes were missing audio due to police tampering). Part of the reason things have been quieter until recently is social media. It pulled back the veil and showed a lot of ugly truth that was always there. We just enjoyed living in our ignorance. Ignorance is bliss.

Distrust amongst police. Time after time police are found guilty of tampering with evidence and they serve no jail time, simply are put on leave for specified time. Think about that. Tampering with evidence should be a felony. Why aren't cops going to jail for this? None did in Chicago.

Education is poor in poor areas. This of course continues the cycle. That's a tough fix.

Democrats are guilty of maximizing these events for votes and rarely discuss the problem which is effecting the black community on a much larger scale because it isn't sexy or doesn't make headlines. Because of that, it is hard to defend Deomcrats as actually caring for the black community. Obama has spoken a lot about the police shootings which make up a significantly small amount of black deaths, but hasn't done much speech or policy wise in regards to the bigger issues facing black communities.

This is the post of the thread, should be stickied
Quote:How many black cops were among those shot?

You guys trying to make this a race thing are hilarious.

This whole thread is about policing, and the result of the systemic brutality of the police force, but you want to know how many of the cops were black?

The killer said he hated cops. He also said he hated whites. So... I guess that means, in your mind it's a racial thing?

I disagree. If it was mainly about trace, the uniform wouldn't have been the exclusive target. He would have picked white pedestrians. Not cops.
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