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Full Version: At least three police officers killed by snipers during Dallas protest, chief says
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Quote:Hegalian dicletic, anyone? I understand, but I don't know what you do in this scenario.

Reduce the size, scope, and power of the government and hold bad actors immediately and publicly accountable. The People want and should have justice.
Quote:I don't agree with him at all.Increased violence makes everything worse for literally everyone.Based on his history I think it would be fair to say that Farrakhan is a racist.

Just found it interesting as 1)Arob has the video on his twitter page 2)I have no idea what its like being a black man or women in America so its hard for me to truly understand the divide.I just wonder are things going to get much much worse before they get better? Seems to be heading that way.

This is one city and potentially just one group of people that appear to have snapped and were ready to act.  Remember that the protests in Louisiana and Minnesota were peaceful.  There's a lot that can be discussed throughout this thread an others.  But one thing that I'll wait and not over-react on is the fear that there will be more attacks on cops like this one.  At this point, I have no reason to think that this isolated incident is gonna spill out to other cities.


In my working adult life, I've worked along side and have been friends or at least close acquaintances with quite a few black dudes.  Living in NM, there's not alot of black people around...  But every single one I hung out with and talked to have had a story about being treated disrespectully during a traffic stop or other incident with the police.  The issue of race is something that I think, if you aren't black, you don't really understand.


These police shootings/police mishandling of murders (Trayvon) have been happening for over 3 or 4 years now, and there has been no real change of how law enforcement handles the public in poor neighborhoods (both black and white).  So yeah, you can imagine there are quite a few people that are pretty frustrated.


It's important to realize, though, that these poor officers in Dallas and thier families are people and as Obama had said, they deserve to have the right to go home after their day is done too.  Attacking cops randomly isn't the way to correct the situation. 
Quote:This is the trap they've set. Don't fall for it. Violent crime is down by about half in the last 20 years. It's not because economic conditions have improved. I think it's largely the presence of 300 million guns in private hands and millions of concealed carriers acting as a deterrent.

But there sure have been a lot of high profile terror attacks using AR-15 style weapons during the Obama administration. And the media keeps pushing the idea that cops are racist any time a black person is shot.

Its not the media its the cops keep killing black folks... Even with they hands up some still getting killed. How else would you explain that?? I feel sorry for the cops families and the victims killed..
Quote:Reduce the size, scope, and power of the government
and hold bad actors immediately and publicly accountable. The People want and should have justice.
That isn't were this is going. I think we already know that. The Benjamin Franklin Quote comes to mind  "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
Quote:Its not the media its the cops keep killing black folks... Even with they hands up some still getting killed. How else would you explain that?? I feel sorry for the cops families and the victims killed..
Buddy, your getting played, the cops are getting played. Its a vicious cycle that the elites will say the only solution is to have a larger government with more power and less freedom (in this case guns). Classic Hegelian Dialectic.
Quote:You can blame Obama and the Minnesota governor for this bloodshed. There statements were despicable. Obama can't leave the office soon enough.

Really? Hate him all you want, but blaming a guy who's in Poland for attacks on the police in Dallas is just asinine.
Quote:Buddy, your getting played, the cops are getting played. Its a vicious cycle that the elites will say the only solution is to have a larger government with more power and less freedom (in this case guns). Classic Hegelian Dialectic.

He isn't getting played. Racism in policing is alive and well. That is real.
Quote:Really? Hate him all you want, but blaming a guy who's in Poland for attacks on the police in Dallas is just asinine.

It's these hardline stances that have been drawn which exaberate the issue.
This is sick and disgusting. Thoughts and prayers to the fallen.
Quote:Buddy, your getting played, the cops are getting played. Its a vicious cycle that the elites will say the only solution is to have a larger government with more power and less freedom (in this case guns). Classic Hegelian Dialectic.

The government didnt killed these people, cops did..
Quote:The government didnt killed these people, cops did..

Agreed. And this has been building up for a longggggg time.

Having said that it is awful and feel terrible for their families. They could have been the great cops. And now it just draws a harder line in the sand.
Might be time for a Terrorism forum on here.
Quote:The government didnt killed these people, cops did..
True, but they were giving in preconceived notions and reacting to a social system which is increasingly anti-police. The police have greater fear for their safety, therefore they shot faster, therefore people trust them less and attack, and the cops get more paranoid. The cycle is bad.
I'm sure this will calm the police down across the country.  I mean why wouldn't they be on edge at all times right now?  Maybe they should all take a couple weeks off from their jobs so that all of this can calm down?  What can go wrong, right?


I'll say it again...being a cop is a no win situation here.  You do your job right and you don't hear a peep, you mess up and you're a racist, awful person. 

Quote:Its not the media its the cops keep killing black folks... Even with they hands up some still getting killed. How else would you explain that?? I feel sorry for the cops families and the victims killed..

Obviously the media foments a racial divide by focusing on certain cases.  And the Community Organizers are only too happy to go along with the game.  They create anti-police attitudes then wonder what went wrong when police are targeted and killed. 


So who are the snipers in Dallas?  Someone inspired to kill cops by BLM?  A professional hit team trying to gin up Martial Law?   
Quote:The government didnt killed these people, cops did..

And the criminal element.
Quote:True, but they were giving in preconceived notions and reacting to a social system which is increasingly anti-police. The police have greater fear for their safety, therefore they shot faster, therefore people trust them less and attack, and the cops get more paranoid. The cycle is bad.

I believe if anything the victim should have shot the cop if we going off your belief of this social system. Especially seeing how their have been more blacks killed by police then police by blacks.. Hell thats going all the way back to the 1930's.. I believe blacks have greater fear for their safety so they tend to do things irrational in a tense situation.. Like being scared to get down in fear of being shot.."fruitvale station shooting" or putting they hands up and getting shot " Mike Brown shooting" or hell even running away in fear, and getting shot in the back "Nc shooting".. Blacks have many many reasons to be fearful... Now cops will too.
Quote:He isn't getting played. Racism in policing is alive and well. That is real.

Unfortunately that's a narrative that doesn't tell the whole truth.


Whites commit fewer crimes, yet are by far the most killed by police.


That's the true story that doesn't fit the story that's preferred to be told.




These things don't happen when whites are killed by police.  So, politicians trying to whip them into a frenzy wouldn't produce the desired effect.  It wouldn't work.


It's all about "disruption" under the veil of "progress."


Funny how all this "progress" only takes us backwards when you look at the end result.  Race relations haven't been worse in a long, long time.  A lot of things are worse now than they've been in a long while.


Cops killing anyone is a tragedy.  But the larger picture is how situations like these are exploited by politicians for nefarious means.
Quote:Reduce the size, scope, and power of the government and hold bad actors immediately and publicly accountable. The People want and should have justice.

Actually, we are in agreement on this!

End the war on drugs. Legalize marijuana. Consider legalizing all drugs, or at the very least treat the possession of drugs as a disease, not a crime.

Second, stop the militarization of our local police force. The police should not be buying and be given weapons and military equipment that is designed for war. Cops are not warriors, the police are peace keepers, not an occupying army.

Increase the barriers to employment. Cops should be 4 year college grads and should be paid accordingly. Lower the number of police officers, but increase the quality of the staff.

Finally, remove the profit motive from policing. The number of tickets should not be a motivation to the officer. There are other ways to determine the success and areas of opportunity within a police staff. The number of tickets you write and the number of people you haul to jail should not be the primary method of judging the success of community policing.

These are all libertarian ideals, less power, less staffing, more efficient, and more subservient to the community.
Quote:I believe if anything the victim should have shot the cop if we going off your belief of this social system. Especially seeing how their have been more blacks killed by police then police by blacks.. Hell thats going all the way back to the 1930's.. I believe blacks have greater fear for their safety so they tend to do things irrational in a tense situation.. Like being scared to get down in fear of being shot.."fruitvale station shooting" or putting they hands up and getting shot " Mike Brown shooting" or hell even running away in fear, and getting shot in the back "Nc shooting".. Blacks have many many reasons to be fearful... Now cops will too.
This is reactionary, and I can't even say I blame people for thinking this way. But you are escalating the situation rather than resolving it. Cops may seem like the oppressors, but in reality they are byproducts of a system that is threatening them increasingly (just the same as Black men feel threatened, Cops do as well). Attacking the cops doesn't change the system, but it will change the enforcer i.e. clear the way for martial law. I wish MLK Jr was alive. He is needed now more than ever.
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