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Full Version: Caitlyn Jenner to Pose Naked on Sports Illustrated Cover
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Quote:So just retrofit every bathroom in every grade school, middle school, high school, university, municipal, state and federal office building, post office, airport, train station, bus terminal and rest area in the country? Easy peasy, shouldn't take more than a couple of days.

Notice I didn't say cheap or fast.
Quote:I really don't care which way that you vote, but what this discussion has become is absolutely political.  President Obama just put out that every school has to provide "transgender access" to all activities and facilities consistent with their gender identity.  A 16 year old boy with raging hormones could simply say that he "feels female" and go right into a female restroom and/or a female locker room at a school.


In the business world, some businesses are jumping on this absurd bandwagon and allowing people to use restrooms and/or fitting rooms for the gender that they "identify" with at the time.  It doesn't matter if it inconveniences or makes other customers uncomfortable.


This is just yet another example of President Obama's incompetency.


Now I did post the subject of my above post in the political forum, but it was deemed to be "the same subject" as this forum.  The title of this thread has to do with Bruce Jenner posing on the front of Sports Illustrated.  The topic that I brought up in the political forum was about the consequences and actions in the real world regarding President Obama's mandate and what is happening in the real world.


Your "easy peasy" solution means more government spending.

You damn sure cared enough about who I was voting for...at least until your attempt to label me fell into a big ol pile of fail.

About that 16 year old boy with the raging hormones, since we're using him as anecdotal evidence as to why this should not happen, how about raising the kid not to be such creepy little perverts and respect other people and to basically be decent human being. Novel idea, I know...
Quote:Notice I didn't say cheap or fast.

Oh, OK.  Slow and expensive to build and a nightmare to administer and enforce, but it still equals easy, peasy.  I'm guessing you're a democrat.
So, now Bruce posing for SI is a political topic?
Quote:You realize there are always "what if's" in every situation, right? There were creeps before this, and they'll be creeps afterwards too.


Quote:About that 16 year old boy with the raging hormones, since we're using him as anecdotal evidence as to why this should not happen, how about raising the kid not to be such creepy little perverts
and respect other people and to basically be decent human being. Novel idea, I know...

[Image: figure_hit_moving_target_md_wm.gif]
They should save events like this for halftime at the Super Bowl.  Did Bruce ever play in the NFL?  No matter, Bruce was never a woman either.

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