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Quote:Not only chosen, legal. Do you still call Muhammed Ali Cassius Clay?


If you encountered someone you suspect may be transgender, but not sure, do you check under their skirt or in their pants before deciding what to call them?


Quote:A huge percentage of old Hollywood changed their names...it was all about the illusion back then.
Most of Hollywood has changed their names.
Quote:Only after his momma changed her name to Clay.

[Image: tumblr_inline_n6gwxdjD951ss6hjj.gif]
Quote:A huge percentage of old Hollywood changed their names...it was all about the illusion
back then.

Not to mention the kind that Rock Hudson, Tony Curtis et al used to portray.
Quote:A huge percentage of old Hollywood changed their names...it was all about the illusion back then.
I know many of them did, I didn't know about John Wayne.


My husband's grandmother and her 2 or 3 sisters (I can't remember how many) were all named after the movie stars of the day. His grandmother was named after Gloria somebody. I can't remember off the top of my head who it would be. When she told me I recognized the name but can't recall it right now. She's 90 now so it was WAY back in the day. Lol.
how old is ________?  why is that something people want to see

Quote:Oh, no. With rollerjag, the subjective is objective, and the objective is subjective. Basically, he crafts them to fit his belief.

Same nails with him, just a different cross.. Par the course..
The best part about Caitlyn Jenner posing is all the people who are getting upset about it.  If you don't like her cover don't buy that issue of SI.  Problem solved, no outrage necessary.

Quote:I know many of them did, I didn't know about John Wayne.


My husband's grandmother and her 2 or 3 sisters (I can't remember how many) were all named after the movie stars of the day. His grandmother was named after Gloria somebody. I can't remember off the top of my head who it would be. When she told me I recognized the name but can't recall it right now. She's 90 now so it was WAY back in the day. Lol.

Gloria Swanson?
Quote:The best part about Caitlyn Jenner posing is all the people who are getting upset about it.  If you don't like her cover don't buy that issue of SI.  Problem solved, no outrage necessary.

Without outrage, where would a message board get its drama?
Quote:Gloria Swanson?

Yes! Thank you.
Quote:Without outrage, where would a message board get its drama?

So, people stating their opinion = upset about it

Got it.
Quote:So, people stating their opinion = upset about it

Got it.
The two aren't mutually exclusive you know.
Quote:The two aren't mutually exclusive you know.

Golly gee. You am so smart. Me never knowed that.
Quote:Golly gee. You am so smart. Me never knowed that.
[Image: 200_s.gif]
Quote:I believe proper procedure is to burn it on faux-Viking longship as veterans on the river bank salute, a bugler plays last post and a bald eagle circles overhead letting out a single tear.

[Image: eagle_sparkle.gif]

[Image: dUcpDQl.gif]

Quote:[Image: eagle_sparkle.gif]

This brought a tear to my eye...such beauty!!
Quote:I love me some trash talkers. Join the club. I need some company, apparently. Bwhahahahahaha!

Is this a music discussion? You keep singing that same old tune.
Quote:I wasn't aware that expressing a belief or an opinion was showing ignorance. I don't think it's possible for folks who are not transgender to fully understand what it is to be that way. You certainly can try to educate someone but they're not going to understand it anymore than transgenders understand straight folks. 


This isn't something you learn about from a book or a seminar. According to them it is something a person is just as a black person it black, an American Indian is an American Indian, a redhead is a redhead, etc. People can certainly try to see the transgender POV but again, it's not that simple. I honestly don't care what gender people choose to be outside of what they're physically born as, but I don't understand the why of it. Science teaches that chromosomes makes up who we are and that is not a lie. How the psychology of it comes into play is beyond me. In saying this would you consider me ignorant?

As you can see from jib's reply, my post wasn't based solely on his post in this thread, but also on past discussions.


Being ignorant about a particular subject doesn't make someone ignorant in general, and it's not necessarily a bad thing. It's just a lack of knowledge. IMO, he's made statements that displayed an ignorance of what it is to be transgendered, including the definition. It doesn't mean he's ignorant.
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