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Full Version: Caitlyn Jenner to Pose Naked on Sports Illustrated Cover
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Quote:You could show some maturity by calling her by her legal name. I don't expect you to call Caitlyn "her", you've already shown your ignorance on the subject of transgenders, but you should at least recognize the fact of her real name.

Well you know, you and I don't agree on a lot of things, this subject being one of them.


I've already gotten a warning for calling a certain surgery something, but in my mind.  If a person has an "outie" between their legs, that person is a male.  If a person has an "innie" between their legs that person is a female.  It doesn't matter to me what the person "feels like" or "identifies" as.  The facts are the facts.  That's not "ignorance", that it is simply stating a fact.


Part of society may want me to call a biological male a "she" or a biological female a "he", but I refuse to do that.


I don't really care what people choose to do in their personal lives.  It makes no difference to me and has no impact on my life whatsoever.  However, I do have a problem when a sports publication wants to feature a biological male on their cover that has been out of sports for several years simply because he decided that he is a she.


Is it biological or psychological?  I'm tired of getting the psychological decision of people getting put in my face and being "forced" by the mainstream as being "normal".  I'm sorry, but if you were born with a penis then you are male.  If you were born with a vagina you are female.  Gender isn't a "feeling" it's a biological fact.


So no, I won't call Bruce Jenner by his chosen name and I won't address him as she, her, etc.  His choice of clothing, makeup and lifestyle doesn't make him a woman.
Quote:Well you know, you and I don't agree on a lot of things, this subject being one of them.


I've already gotten a warning for calling a certain surgery something, but in my mind.  If a person has an "outie" between their legs, that person is a male.  If a person has an "innie" between their legs that person is a female.  It doesn't matter to me what the person "feels like" or "identifies" as.  The facts are the facts.  That's not "ignorance", that it is simply stating a fact.


Part of society may want me to call a biological male a "she" or a biological female a "he", but I refuse to do that.


I don't really care what people choose to do in their personal lives.  It makes no difference to me and has no impact on my life whatsoever.  However, I do have a problem when a sports publication wants to feature a biological male on their cover that has been out of sports for several years simply because he decided that he is a she.


Is it biological or psychological?  I'm tired of getting the psychological decision of people getting put in my face and being "forced" by the mainstream as being "normal".  I'm sorry, but if you were born with a penis then you are male.  If you were born with a [BAD WORD REMOVED] you are female.  Gender isn't a "feeling" it's a biological fact.


So no, I won't call Bruce Jenner by his chosen name and I won't address him as she, her, etc.  His choice of clothing, makeup and lifestyle doesn't make him a woman.

If he still peed standing up and decided to change his name to Henry...would you call him Henry?
Quote:Good bathroom reading material.
If you take that into the bathroom with you, you have.....better leave it alone. Im one step away from the gulag
Quote:I believe proper procedure is to burn it on faux-Viking longship as veterans on the river bank salute, a bugler plays last post and a bald eagle circles overhead letting out a single tear.
It was used years ago to fly over the swastika in two lip land, no?
Quote:If he still peed standing up and decided to change his name to Henry...would you call him Henry?

Nope.  In my opinion people that change who or what they are doesn't alter fact.  It alters perception.
Quote:If he still peed standing up and decided to change his name to Henry...would you call him Henry?
Only if he wasnt using a straw
Finally. One step closer to getting the full spread in playboy.



Quote:Nope.  In my opinion people that change who or what they are doesn't alter fact.  It alters perception.
That's must be why the names Marion Mitchell  Morrison and Norma Jeane Mortenson are so well known. 
Quote:That's must be why the names Marion Mitchell  Morrison and Norma Jeane Mortenson are so well known. 

I don't recognize the other two names and I really don't feel like looking it up.  However, does one changing their name (to a stage name) equate to someone that is trying to give the illusion of trying to change what they actually are?  Norma Jeane changed her name, not her (want the world to perceive) gender.  As much as people want to say otherwise, Bruce Jenner is still a male no matter how much makeup is applied and what he dresses in.


The bottom line is, Bruce Jenner is famous exactly why?  Is it because of his accomplishment in the 1976 Olympics?  Today no, it's because he announced the illusion that he is becoming a she.  So why is he being featured on the cover of a sports magazine?  Because the PC crowd is trying to ram this down our throats as being "normal".
Quote:I don't recognize the other two names and I really don't feel like looking it up.  However, does one changing their name (to a stage name) equate to someone that is trying to give the illusion of trying to change what they actually are?  Norma Jeane changed her name, not her (want the world to perceive) gender.  As much as people want to say otherwise, Bruce Jenner is still a male no matter how much makeup is applied and what he dresses in.


The bottom line is, Bruce Jenner is famous exactly why?  Is it because of his accomplishment in the 1976 Olympics?  Today no, it's because he announced the illusion that he is becoming a she.  So why is he being featured on the cover of a sports magazine?  Because the PC crowd is trying to ram this down our throats as being "normal".
A name is only feminine or masculine because society deems it to be. Madison used to be a boy's name, then it became a girl's name in the eighties. Not to mention the plethora of unisex names that exist. A man can call himself Mindy, Ellen or Cindy and a woman can call herself Robert, Mark or James if that's the name they desire. 


Fact is, your opinion on the matter of transgender people shouldn't have an effect on what name you call a person. The fact you use John Wayne to refer to the person whose official name is Marion Mitchell Morrison and Marilyn Monroe instead of Norma Jeane Mortenson already shows you're fine with calling someone by a name they choose instead of the name they picked themselves. John Wayne never even changed his name officially unlike Monroe and Jenner. whether or not you believe a man can be a woman or even if transgender people exist should be irrelevant to the name you use to refer to a person. 
And for god sakes will you shut up about the "PC crowd"? You sound like you need a tin foil hat.

Quote:Well you know, you and I don't agree on a lot of things, this subject being one of them.


I've already gotten a warning for calling a certain surgery something, but in my mind.  If a person has an "outie" between their legs, that person is a male.  If a person has an "innie" between their legs that person is a female.  It doesn't matter to me what the person "feels like" or "identifies" as.  The facts are the facts.  That's not "ignorance", that it is simply stating a fact.


Part of society may want me to call a biological male a "she" or a biological female a "he", but I refuse to do that.


I don't really care what people choose to do in their personal lives.  It makes no difference to me and has no impact on my life whatsoever.  However, I do have a problem when a sports publication wants to feature a biological male on their cover that has been out of sports for several years simply because he decided that he is a she.


Is it biological or psychological?  I'm tired of getting the psychological decision of people getting put in my face and being "forced" by the mainstream as being "normal".  I'm sorry, but if you were born with a penis then you are male.  If you were born with a vagina you are female.  Gender isn't a "feeling" it's a biological fact.


So no, I won't call Bruce Jenner by his chosen name and I won't address him as she, her, etc.  His choice of clothing, makeup and lifestyle doesn't make him a woman.

Not only chosen, legal. Do you still call Muhammed Ali Cassius Clay?


If you encountered someone you suspect may be transgender, but not sure, do you check under their skirt or in their pants before deciding what to call them?

Quote:Not only chosen, legal. Do you still call Muhammed Ali Cassius Clay?


If you encountered someone you suspect may be transgender, but not sure, do you check under their skirt or in their pants before deciding what to call them?
Chad Johnson was Chad Ochocinco was Chad Johnson. Though neither him nor Ali would like it if anyone checked up their skirt.

Quote:Are you saying Beliefs can't be ignorant?  Because they absolutely can.
They can be, yes. I think sometimes people's own opinions on a matter make them believe others are ignorant. Sometimes ignorance is subjective just as opinions are.
Quote:The fact you use John Wayne to refer to the  whose official name is Marion Mitchell Morrison 
Well I learned something new today. I had no idea John Wayne was not his real name. 
Quote:Not only chosen, legal. Do you still call Muhammed Ali Cassius Clay?


If you encountered someone you suspect may be transgender, but not sure, do you check under their skirt or in their pants before deciding what to call them?

His daddy named Clay, his momma name Clay...
Quote:His daddy named Clay, his momma name Clay...

Only after his momma changed her name to Clay.
Quote:Nope.  In my opinion people that change who or what they are doesn't alter fact.  It alters perception.

Except the fact here is Bruce is now Caitlyn, legally. Whether he's male or female doesn't change the FACT that his legal name is now not Bruce.
Quote:Only if he wasnt using a straw

He hasn't had anything removed to stop him from still standing up to pee...
Quote:Well I learned something new today. I had no idea John Wayne was not his real name.

A huge percentage of old Hollywood changed their names...it was all about the illusion back then.
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