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Quote:His 'real' name is the one his parents gave him and on his birth certificate, just as his 'real' gender is the one indicated by his DNA and on his birth certificate. It's not rocket science folks... and SI has just shown how low they will stoop to try to sell their brand of 'fish wrapper'.

His real name is the one that is legally recognized, so whether Bruce changed it to Caitlyn or Carl, it's his real name now.
Quote:So brave.

So what gender do you "self identify" as today?  My gut tells me female.
Quote:His 'real' name is the one his parents gave him and on his birth certificate, just as his 'real' gender is the one indicated by his DNA and on his birth certificate. It's not rocket science folks... and SI has just shown how low they will stoop to try to sell their brand of 'fish wrapper'.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to grasp the concept of a legally changed name. If you reveal your profession, perhaps we'll have a more realistic benchmark for comparison.

You can call a horse a goat, but it's still a horse.
Quote:So what gender do you "self identify" as today?  My gut tells me female.

What is it about his post leads you to this conclusion?
Quote:What is it about his post leads you to this conclusion?
Takes one to know one?
Quote:You can call a horse a goat, but it's still a horse.

What if the horse "self identifies" as a goat and changed her name to Billy?
Quote:What is it about his post leads you to this conclusion?

Just a gut feeling.  What is it about his/her post that leads you to the conclusion that it is male?


Quote:Takes one to know one?

No it doesn't.  I'm male (both by "self identity" as well as biologically).  I know plenty of females.
Quote:What if the horse "self identifies" as a goat and changed her name to Billy?

Nope. Still a horse and doesn't belong in the goat's bathroom.
Quote:Nope. Still a horse and doesn't belong in the goat's bathroom.

Well you do know that female horses that "self identify" as male goats belong in the male goats bathroom, especially if that female horse changed her name to Billy.
Quote:Well you do know that female horses that "self identify" as male goats belong in the male goats bathroom, especially if that female horse changed her name to Billy.

Don't care. Mr Ed was born a horse and needs to continue to use the barn. If he wants to have himself castrated and stick a bow in his mane, he'll just look foolish, but still needs to use the barn.
I find it funny that some of you are so put out about this issue now. Let me ask you a question...when was the last time you saw a man dressed up like a woman in the men's room? You haven't...because they have been using the other restroom for years, and no one said boo about it until now.

And seriously, if a man is going to go out of his way to dress up like a chick just so he can cop a peek, rape, molest or murder a woman in the ladies restroom, do you really think that dude has not done if already just because, up until now, it hasn't been legal for him to be in there??
Quote:I find it funny that some of you are so put out about this issue now. Let me ask you a question...when was the last time you saw a man dressed up like a woman in the men's room? You haven't...because they have been using the other restroom for years, and no one said boo about it until now.

And seriously, if a man is going to go out of his way to dress up like a chick just so he can cop a peek, rape, molest or murder a woman in the ladies restroom, do you really think that dude has not done if already just because, up until now, it hasn't been legal for him to be in there??

Hasn't been an issue until it started to inflict school restrooms.
Quote:I find it funny that some of you are so put out about this issue now. Let me ask you a question...when was the last time you saw a man dressed up like a woman in the men's room? You haven't...because they have been using the other restroom for years, and no one said boo about it until now.

And seriously, if a man is going to go out of his way to dress up like a chick just so he can cop a peek, rape, molest or murder a woman in the ladies restroom, do you really think that dude has not done if already just because, up until now, it hasn't been legal for him to be in there??

The real issue is, why push so hard on the issue to make it "acceptable"?  Is it really healthy for kids in school to "self identify" their sex?  We are talking about reality vs. fantasy.  What an adult chooses to do is one thing, but to mandate that schools allow this kind of behavior is another.
Quote:The real issue is, why push so hard on the issue to make it "acceptable"?  Is it really healthy for kids in school to "self identify" their sex?  We are talking about reality vs. fantasy.  What an adult chooses to do is one thing, but to mandate that schools allow this kind of behavior is another.

But the issue isn't only for schools is it? It's for equality everywhere. And people that are transgendered don't just wake up at 18 and decide they are trapped in the wrong body. It's something they've felt their whole life.

It's interesting to me that most of the people that have the biggest issue with this seem to be men. I'm sure there are women out there too, but men seem to be the most vocal about it. I couldn't care less about sharing a restroom with a transgendered person...it's not like we do our business out in the open any way. All the stalls have doors and I've personally never seen another woman sitting on the can, doing her thing. Although I did hear a couple having sex in a stall during school once...a guy and a girl...so it's not like guys haven't been in there already any way.
Has anyone stopped to consider that this entire bathroom thing is just a distraction to keep you from noticing what is really going on with the Government?

It's a debate about like 0.01% of the populace. I worked with a dude who was TS and eventually became a chick. Good for her, still "Facebook Friends" with her 13 years later. So, they really do exist, and they were here before it was cool.


In all reality, no one gives a flip. The real Transexuals have been pissing next to you and your kids for years/ever.


However, it's created debate that the media has taken and run with. To distract all of us from the real issues. Imagine if we cared about our country, national debt, etc with the passion we follow 53 sweaty dudes that make 100x our salaries.

Quote:Hasn't been an issue until it started to inflict school restrooms.
The children! My god, the children! WON'T SOMEONE THINK OF THE CHILDREN?
Quote:The children! My god, the children! WON'T SOMEONE THINK OF THE CHILDREN?

Has it been an issue?
Quote:Has it been an issue?
Of course not, children are a lot smarter than most adults give them credit for. "Protecting the children" is just the favorite mantra of the supposed moral guardians. The same people who don't even know to close their porn tabs before posting a screenshot.
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