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[Image: Larry-David-Laughter-on-Couch.gif]

Quote:Caitlyn  Bruce
 Jenner to Pose Naked on Sports Illustrated Cover

<div style="color:rgb(0,0,0);background-color:rgb(255,255,255);">
Caitlyn Bruce
Jenner will pose on the cover of Sports Illustrated this summer wearing "nothing but an American flag and her his
Olympic medal," US Weekly quotes a source as saying.

Breaking News at Newsmax.com http://www.newsmax.com/US/caitlyn-jenner...z47jVmT2qe



Fixed that for you.


It's sad that Sports Illustrated has stooped that low.  It used to be a good magazine.
Quote:Fixed that for you.

It's sad that Sports Illustrated has stooped that low. It used to be a good magazine.

You actually didn't need to fix anything as it was just fine.
Quote:Forget the whole transgender thing, that's pretty disrespectful to use the flag that way. I'm not a real rah rah flag guy but that just bothers me.

Excellent Point !!
[Image: XI9HAh.gif]

I try not to be insensitive in these situations. But it's getting old. Not that I've ever cared for SI to begin with. But it's just the sickening and sad fact that they're glorifying Bruce Jenner more than roughly 40 years later after his accomplishments. And it's only because of the physical change to his body to become Caitlyn. That's the problem I have with all of this if anything.


And I am just sad for my generation and the generation coming behind us. Reality TV disgusts me. I get knocked for my love of watching football. A sport that's been around for over 100 years and has helped shape young men into leaders and has paved the way for other communities and has truly given troubled youth something to look at and obtain and work hard for as a means to escape.


But, it's okay to glorify promiscuous behavior, addictions, teen pregnancy, etc. I am not even religious. I never really cared much for politics. Though that is beginning to change the older I get and realize just how deep and corrupted that rabbit hole really gets. It's just sad. And I am embarrassed. We live in a world where we shoot down guys like Tim Tebow and Curt Schiling for their beliefs. Yet, we highly praise someone like Kim Kardashian who has all of her fame to thank for her father's early trial and her sex tape with a washed up R&B singer.

Quote:Where do you take your flag?
I live in North Carolina so if you're looking for a place in Duval I can't help you. Sorry man. Contact the local VFW in Duval County and they can tell you where to take it or how to burn it. 
Quote:Surely an exception could be made to burn the flag after the shoot
It shouldn't be used that way in the first place but yes, I hope they burn it afterward. 
Quote:I try not to be insensitive in these situations. But it's getting old. Not that I've ever cared for SI to begin with. But it's just the sickening and sad fact that they're glorifying Bruce Jenner more than roughly 40 years later after his accomplishments. And it's only because of the physical change to his body to become Caitlyn. That's the problem I have with all of this if anything.


And I am just sad for my generation and the generation coming behind us. Reality TV disgusts me. I get knocked for my love of watching football. A sport that's been around for over 100 years and has helped shape young men into leaders and has paved the way for other communities and has truly given troubled youth something to look at and obtain and work hard for as a means to escape.


But, it's okay to glorify promiscuous behavior, addictions, teen pregnancy, etc. I am not even religious. I never really cared much for politics. Though that is beginning to change the older I get and realize just how deep and corrupted that rabbit hole really gets. It's just sad. And I am embarrassed. We live in a world where we shoot down guys like Tim Tebow and Curt Schiling for their beliefs. Yet, we highly praise someone like Kim Kardashian who has all of her fame to thank for her father's early trial and her sex tape with a washed up R&B singer.

You are an encouragement to me.  That's pretty much what happens in life.  It's called maturity.  Some people achieve it, and some people never reach that goal.
Quote:Fixed that for you.


It's sad that Sports Illustrated has stooped that low.  It used to be a good magazine.

Quote:You are an encouragement to me.  That's pretty much what happens in life.  It's called maturity.  Some people achieve it, and some people never reach that goal.

You could show some maturity by calling her by her legal name. I don't expect you to call Caitlyn "her", you've already shown your ignorance on the subject of transgenders, but you should at least recognize the fact of her real name.
Quote:You could show some maturity by calling her by her legal name. I don't expect you to call Caitlyn "her", you've already shown your ignorance on the subject of transgenders, but you should at least recognize the fact of her real name.

Settle down Caitlyn..
Quote:I live in North Carolina so if you're looking for a place in Duval I can't help you. Sorry man. Contact the local <a class="bbc_url" href='https://www.vfw.org/oms/findpost.aspx'>VFW</a> in Duval County and they can tell you where to take it or how to burn it.
Usually give them to the boy scouts, but given their stance on lgbt.. Just kidding. Thanks for the tip.

Also, great post caldrac and jagi!
Quote:You could show some maturity by calling her by her legal name. I don't expect you to call Caitlyn "her", you've already shown your ignorance on the subject of transgenders, but you should at least recognize the fact of her real name.
I wasn't aware that expressing a belief or an opinion was showing ignorance. I don't think it's possible for folks who are not transgender to fully understand what it is to be that way. You certainly can try to educate someone but they're not going to understand it anymore than transgenders understand straight folks. 


This isn't something you learn about from a book or a seminar. According to them it is something a person is just as a black person it black, an American Indian is an American Indian, a redhead is a redhead, etc. People can certainly try to see the transgender POV but again, it's not that simple. I honestly don't care what gender people choose to be outside of what they're physically born as, but I don't understand the why of it. Science teaches that chromosomes makes up who we are and that is not a lie. How the psychology of it comes into play is beyond me. In saying this would you consider me ignorant?
I was going to say most Scout troops will take them too..




Do LGBT issues count as politics, religion, or what?

Quote:Settle down Caitlyn..

His daddy named Clay, his momma name Clay...
Quote:I was going to say most Scout troops will take them too..


Do LGBT issues count as politics, religion, or what?

I take it you disagree with the decision? Why?
I'd still take a crack at it.. .maybe
At least you can fly your flag. It's deemed as "racist" if we do it in England.
If 'she' is Caitlyn why are they mentioning Bruce with her on the cover?

'She' didn't win anything.
scrumptious.   lol

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