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Quote:At my work the urinals have those little partitions. EverBank Field didn't have those last time I went there.

The old Gator Bowl had actual open troughs (imagine the odor), hence my "eyes front" policy back in the day.
Quote:Yes, kids are committing suicide because they are bullied on Facebook. Why do kids get bullied? Usually because they are seen as different than everyone else. Maybe if people realized that being different is okay, there would be a lot less bullying going on.

It's pretty hard to bully someone if you don't have a problem with them being different in the first place...

Being different is not ok in most of the natural world.
Quote:Being different is not ok in most of the natural world.

Guess being highly evolved doesn't get us anything then.
One of the first that I've seen make national headlines.


From the article.


“I was in the dressing room, when we heard a man’s voice,” said Lisa Stickles, who says she quickly told a manager.

“She went inside the dressing room, came right back out and called me to the side and told me… he was representing himself as a woman today,” Stickles said.

“What about me? Or my feelings?” said Sickles. “(The manager) told me that if I felt uncomfortable in the dressing room with him there… I’d have to wait until he’s finished.”

Sickles said she waited, and was shocked when she watched the man walk out.
“He was in no way dressed as a woman,” Sickles said. “He had on jeans, a t-shirt, 5 o’clock shadow, very deep voice. He was a man.”

So any male can "self identify" or say that they are a woman on any given day and use a female changing room.   Rolleyes   Meanwhile, real ladies are inconvenienced in order to accommodate the guy perv.

37 pages on the subject not enough for you? Exactly how long would you like to spend on the transgender issue?

I'll put it another way: what were you most excited about when you joined the navy? Showering with all those other naked dudes or your cramped sleeping arrangements?
Quote:Yes, kids are committing suicide because they are bullied on Facebook. Why do kids get bullied? Usually because they are seen as different than everyone else. Maybe if people realized that being different is okay, there would be a lot less bullying going on.

It's pretty hard to bully someone if you don't have a problem with them being different in the first place...

Are children going to listen to that piece of advice?
Quote:Guess being highly evolved doesn't get us anything then.

Evolved enough that we have to discuss whether a male is a male or not?
Quote:37 pages on the subject not enough for you? Exactly how long would you like to spend on the transgender issue?

I'll put it another way: what were you most excited about when you joined the navy? Showering with all those other naked dudes or your cramped sleeping arrangements?
[Image: giphy.gif]
Quote:37 pages on the subject not enough for you? Exactly how long would you like to spend on the transgender issue?

I'll put it another way: what were you most excited about when you joined the navy? Showering with all those other naked dudes or your cramped sleeping arrangements?

It has nothing to do with the "transgender issue" and more to do with the stupid mandate that your favorite President put out recently, as well as how stores are inconveniencing normal people for a select minority of the population.  Meanwhile the economy is teetering on the brink of yet another recession, tensions are rising globally and the security threat is rising.  I originally posted this as a separate thread under the Political forum, but one of the mods thought that it was the same subject (Bruce Jenner posing on the cover of Sports Illustrated).
As far as your second comment, I was most excited about a new experience and seeing parts of the world that I had only read about while serving my country.
Contrary to your snide belief, the only time that I showered (as well as went to the bathroom) around other naked men was in boot camp.  Let me give you a little lesson as to why there are no stalls in the toilets and a large open shower in boot camp.  It's to teach the fact that all of us are the same regardless of race, color, etc  We all were/are men.  We all ate, showered, pooped, peed, etc. around each other just for that purpose.  It's to prepare recruits for the challenges that lie ahead, mainly that the man to your left or your right might end up having to save your behind one day or vice-versa.  On the ship, yes the sleeping arrangements were cramped, but we all still had our privacy.
Quote:Evolved enough that we have to discuss whether a male is a male or not?

Discuss, fine. Bully someone because of it, not fine. See how easy that is?
Quote:Are children going to listen to that piece of advice?

Why wouldn't they? Do you think people come out of the womb hating black people, gays, Jewish people or for whatever other reason they are different? Those are learned behaviors. If they are never learned, they won't be an issue.
Quote:Discuss, fine. Bully someone because of it, not fine. See how easy that is?

So can we discuss this?  It's about a man using a woman's dressing room in a Ross department store because he "self identified" as a woman that day.
Quote:<a class="bbc_url" href='http://dfw.cbslocal.com/2016/05/17/shopper-upset-man-allowed-to-use-womens-dressing-room-in-ross/'>So can we discuss this</a>?  It's about a man using a woman's dressing room in a Ross department store because he "self identified" as a woman that day.

There are idiots out there, everywhere.

Did you know there are some stores out there that already use coed dressing rooms?
Quote:There are idiots out there, everywhere.

Did you know there are some stores out there that already use coed dressing rooms?

So you are saying that it's alright for a man to "represent himself" today as a woman to go into a ladies changing room?  His "rights" trump actual women's rights?  If women are uncomfortable with a man in the dressing room they should have to wait until he is "finished"?  Are you saying that this guy should be allowed to "identify" or "represent" himself as a woman to go into women's fitting rooms or restrooms?  Google his name, he's been in the news quite a bit lately.  At least it seems like this guy targets adult women, but what about the creeps that might target little girls?
Quote:So you are saying that it's alright for a man to "represent himself" today as a woman to go into a ladies changing room?  His "rights" trump actual women's rights?  If women are uncomfortable with a man in the dressing room they should have to wait until he is "finished"?  Are you saying that <a class="bbc_url" href='http://jacksonville.com/community/shorelines/2009-03-21/story/picture_gets_worse_for_shoe_camera_suspect'>this guy</a> should be allowed to "identify" or "represent" himself as a woman to go into women's fitting rooms or restrooms?  Google his name, he's been in the news quite a bit lately.  At least it seems like this guy targets adult women, but what about the creeps that might target little girls?

You realize there are always "what if's" in every situation, right? There were creeps before this, and they'll be creeps afterwards too. There is an easy fix to all of this...don't make dressing rooms and rest rooms with stalls, just use fully enclosed booths so no one can peek in at anyone else. Easy peasy!!
Quote:You realize there are always "what if's" in every situation, right? There were creeps before this, and they'll be creeps afterwards too. There is an easy fix to all of this...don't make dressing rooms and rest rooms with stalls, just use fully enclosed booths so no one can peek in at anyone else. Easy peasy!!

Let me guess... it will all be "free" for businesses to do this.  It will also be "free" to modify school locker rooms and restrooms to do this.  I'll bet that you are a Bernie Sanders supporter.


We need to do this to accommodate less than 1% of the population so that the "less than 1%" feels accepted.  Got it.
Quote:Let me guess... it will all be "free" for businesses to do this. It will also be "free" to modify school locker rooms and restrooms to do this. I'll bet that you are a Bernie Sanders supporter.

We need to do this to accommodate less than 1% of the population so that the "less than 1%" feels accepted. Got it.

You couldn't be more wrong, I've never voted democrat in my life. But then I don't see this kind of thing as "political" either.
I think we should always overreact to the outlier, then be we can all claim undue attention to trivialities is what's ruining this country.

Quote:You couldn't be more wrong, I've never voted democrat in my life. But then I don't see this kind of thing as "political" either.

I really don't care which way that you vote, but what this discussion has become is absolutely political.  President Obama just put out that every school has to provide "transgender access" to all activities and facilities consistent with their gender identity.  A 16 year old boy with raging hormones could simply say that he "feels female" and go right into a female restroom and/or a female locker room at a school.


In the business world, some businesses are jumping on this absurd bandwagon and allowing people to use restrooms and/or fitting rooms for the gender that they "identify" with at the time.  It doesn't matter if it inconveniences or makes other customers uncomfortable.


This is just yet another example of President Obama's incompetency.


Now I did post the subject of my above post in the political forum, but it was deemed to be "the same subject" as this forum.  The title of this thread has to do with Bruce Jenner posing on the front of Sports Illustrated.  The topic that I brought up in the political forum was about the consequences and actions in the real world regarding President Obama's mandate and what is happening in the real world.


Your "easy peasy" solution means more government spending.
Quote:. There is an easy fix to all of this...don't make dressing rooms and rest rooms with stalls, just use fully enclosed booths so no one can peek in at anyone else. Easy peasy!!

So just retrofit every bathroom in every grade school, middle school, high school, university, municipal, state and federal office building, post office, airport, train station, bus terminal and rest area in the country?   Easy peasy, shouldn't  take more than a couple of days.
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