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Ted Cruz Delegate has had enough of Ted Cruz's lies about Donald Trump and the assumption he supports "single-payer socialized medicine"




Even his supporters are getting tired of his lies.

Ted Cruz is now using a phone app to secretly data-mine his supporters social media accounts so that he can send their friends and contacts text messages and emails.


Literal sleaze.
Cruz' chin isn't very presidential. Let's be honest. Even if he were the perfect candidate, the chin loses it for him.


You either got the look or you don't.

He looks like someone smushed Eddie Muenster's face against a piece of glass and it stayed that way.
Quote:Ted Cruz Delegate has had enough of Ted Cruz's lies about Donald Trump and the assumption he supports "single-payer socialized medicine"




Even his supporters are getting tired of his lies.

Trump writes a book in 2015 in which he allegedly disavows his views on healthcare from 15 years ago.


How convenient.


I agree, both Cruz and Trump are liars. Thank you for the links.
[BAD WORD REMOVED] Cheney says Trump's comments on 9/11 are way off...


i keep saying this, but if that isn't a ringing endorsement... i dont know what is

Quote:[BAD WORD REMOVED] Cheney says Trump's comments on 9/11 are way off...


i keep saying this, but if that isn't a ringing endorsement... i dont know what is
I'd be terrified of any candidate with comments on 9/11 that Cheney or either of the Bush brothers agreed upon.
Quote:[BAD WORD REMOVED] Cheney says Trump's comments on 9/11 are way off...

i keep saying this, but if that isn't a ringing endorsement... i dont know what is

One time trump is actually right. Iraq was a mistake and he's on record saying that. Everything else I don't trust him on.
Quote:One time trump is actually right. Iraq was a mistake and he's on record saying that. Everything else I don't trust him on.

Cue the booing crowd
Trumps entire apologize or I'll Sue makes him look stupid.
Quote:Ted Cruz is now using a phone app to secretly data-mine his supporters social media accounts so that he can send their friends and contacts text messages and emails.


Literal sleaze.

I really think Donald Trump will win even if he has to run as an independent.  People are tired of both parties lies and tricks.
Quote:I really think Donald Trump will win even if he has to run as an independent.  People are tired of both parties lies and tricks.

No if he runs as an independent who ever is the democrat will win the presidency. He signed an agreement not to do that, the fact that he's ALREADY back peddling should tell you all we need to know about this guys word.


Trump is quickly becoming the biggest No go candidate for me.
Quote:I really think Donald Trump will win even if he has to run as an independent.  People are tired of both parties lies and tricks.
I'll take either party's lies and tricks over the Donald's lies and tricks.
speaking of dirty tricks (this is actually pretty funny) but go type JebBush.com in your browser.



Quote:Trump is a buffoon.


Cruz is unelectable.


I can't think of a single candidate I would vote for if the vote were today.

Quote:I don't care what you call it.  I don't want a single one of them as our future POTUS.




I understand the word implication here, but I don't see why you feel this way. Cruz will do just fine, and is without question the best candidate over Trump, Hillary and Bernie.

Quote:I'll take either party's lies and tricks over the Donald's lies and tricks.

Really?  You would vote for Hilary Clinton (the dog barker.. look that one up its really funny)!
Quote:No if he runs as an independent who ever is the democrat will win the presidency. He signed an agreement not to do that, the fact that he's ALREADY back peddling should tell you all we need to know about this guys word.


Trump is quickly becoming the biggest No go candidate for me.

I really don't think that he will run as an independent and why would he need to he'll win the Republican ticket.

I do think that Hilary is going to get exposed more by FBI leaks that felt Obama should've already had her arrested, and the Democrats will never put a socialist on the ticket (nor do I think that Bernie will run as an independent).

I do think that either Biden will run (if so worse case for all because I think he would win the election), or a small chance that Bloomberg will run as an independent and split votes between hilary among democrats (and blue-collar/regan democrats will vote for Trump... I think Trump is going to win with even more votes than Obama did 4 years ago.


People are fed up with the establishment (and Cruz has taken more money from Wallstreet than even Hilary which is saying a lot).
Trump is a wolf in sheep's clothing.  He's as much a conservative as I am a Jags fan (Go Titans).  If he's on the ticket, I am will leave the presidential ballot blank even if it means President Hillary or Bernie.  I refuse to vote for him.

Quote:Trump is a wolf in sheep's clothing.  He's as much a conservative as I am a Jags fan (Go Titans).  If he's on the ticket, I am will leave the presidential ballot blank even if it means President Hillary or Bernie.  I refuse to vote for him.

That is ok. Plenty of independents and democrats will fill your void.
Quote:Trump is a wolf in sheep's clothing.  He's as much a conservative as I am a Jags fan (Go Titans).  If he's on the ticket, I am will leave the presidential ballot blank even if it means President Hillary or Bernie.  I refuse to vote for him.

  I'm close to doing the same.   Especially,  when listening to Donald Trump in his own words:


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