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Quote:More like at LEAST 16 years. W was as much of a tyrant as Obama, both trampled civil liberties, ignored constitutional restraints, expanded the executive powers, and sent our soldiers to die in foreign regional conflicts to fund the military industrial complex. Just cause it's your guy in power doesn't mean you should ignore the tyrannical growth of the federal government.

Where are the death camps? Public executions? Reporters silenced? Corporations nationalized? Coups?

History's tyrants laugh at your hyperbolic description of governmental change. Say you don't like it, but to call it tyranny is an insult to victims of actual tyrants (i.e. - Pol Pot, Stalin, etc.)
Quote:US families adopt around 7000 kids a year. There's close to 400,000 kids without families in the US now. Many are abused in the foster care system or become statistics in the disgusting sex trade industry. Why do you only care about unborn babies when there are hundreds of thousands of kids in desperate need? It's not like we're going to pay to educate them or provide for them. We won't even take care of soldiers we send off to fight questionable wars for us. Defunding Planned Parenthood would also mean cutting off birth control for millions of women. We need more unwanted kids nobody will take care of? If you're against abortion, don't have one. If you don't have female body parts, you don't get to dictate what women do with theirs.

Bull, we do it all the time in dozens of ways. That's mostly what the law is about, what people can and cannot do. Pre-birth murder is no different.
How many unwanted kids can I sign you up for?
Quote:How many unwanted kids can I sign you up for?

Hey, how many unwanted old people can I sign you up for?


How many handicapped?


How many minorities?


Ooooo, let's just Godwin the damn thing, how many Jews?


Killing someone because they're "unwanted" is the most hideous form of utilitarianism there could be.
Quote:Cruz felt it was common sense to shut down the government and read Dr. Seuss for hours. It accomplished nothing and cost taxpayers millions. He thinks it's common sense to make all abortion illegal. Period. We don't have enough unwanted kids clogging our system. He also wants to defund Planned Parenthood which is a lot more than what he claims it is. He is a religious zealot and a fraud. That's common sense. Anyone who has followed his career knows he is an unelectable jerkwad who ticks off everyone. Pass.

So if i disagree with a mass extermination of the poor im the crazy one? Lol.
So.. none?
Quote:So if i disagree with a mass extermination of the poor im the crazy one? Lol.

Show me where poor people are being exterminated and I will tell you it's wrong. Make up a false argument and I will ask who fed you those lines.
Quote:Show me where poor people are being exterminated and I will tell you it's wrong. Make up a false argument and I will ask who fed you those lines.

How many poor blacks have been aborted in the last 30 years?


Oh yeah, they don't matter since they weren't human anyway.
Quote:He thinks it's common sense to make all abortion illegal. Period. We don't have enough unwanted kids clogging our system.

Hey... U said it. Dont get mad at me.
White women are having 60% of the abortions. Half of the abortions are being had by people making $30K or more.
Why do people who are against abortion think defunding planned parenthood or making it illegal would make it go away? Do you think once it is outlawed that there won't be any more abortions? Are people this naive?

I don't like the idea of abortions anymore than you do. But they are a necessary evil in a civilized country. Otherwise you will have people taking their grandma's home remedies, falling down the stairs or using a clothes hanger. It's disgusting to think about. Why would you want that?
They've never seen Dirty Dancing.
Quote:White women are having 60% of the abortions. Half of the abortions are being had by people making $30K or more.

Well, clearly that makes it A-Ok then.
Because obviously taking responsibility is just off the table.
Well, it's not the poor black extermination you imagined.
Quote:Why do people who are against abortion think defunding planned parenthood or making it illegal would make it go away? Do you think once it is outlawed that there won't be any more abortions? Are people this naive?

I don't like the idea of abortions anymore than you do. But they are a necessary evil in a civilized country. Otherwise you will have people taking their grandma's home remedies, falling down the stairs or using a clothes hanger. It's disgusting to think about. Why would you want that?

Yeah, why not make murder easier since they're gonna do it anyway.
Quote:Well, it's not the poor black extermination you imagined.

Oh, we're gonna rehash PP and Maggie Sanger again? No need.
Quote:Yeah, why not make murder easier since they're gonna do it anyway.

Exactly. Its regulated, it's humane. It's low risk to the mother. She can get educated while she is going through the process.

Or, you know, just poison and violence.
Quote:Well, it's not the poor black extermination you imagined.

Yes it is. Disproportionate affect on black pregnancies. Nearly 1/3, as it was intended.
I honestly want Obama again.
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