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Quote:It blows my mind that people actually like Ted Cruz.

Quote:It blows my mind that people actually like Bernie Sanders.
Quote:It blows my mind that people actually like Ted Cruz.

The people that like the two candidates are very different in a couple of ways.  Leaving out the race demographic, the difference between the two is most likely as follows.


Sanders supporters - Very young, probably not doing well financially, maybe raised with everything that they have given to them.  They probably are either in school or right out of school.  Many in lower paying jobs.  Most likely do not practice any religion.


Cruz supporters - Probably a bit older (more than 35 years old), have worked in the real world.  They have modest to higher incomes.  Education might be less than college, but more than high school.  Possibly practice some kind of religion based on Christianity.


I'm not saying that this description fits all supporters, but I would bet that the descriptions fit the majority.
Quote:It blows my mind that people actually like Ted Cruz.

It blows my mind that anyone likes any of these fools. The top 3 mostly talked about are a criminal/Clinton, and egomaniac/Trump and a socialist/Sanders. I don't even count the others as they don't seem to attract that much attention.
Quote:To sum it up, these are two completely separate revolts.   Cruz is an old fashioned small government conservative.   Trump is all over the map, part liberal, part protectionist, anti-immigrant.  


Cruz supporters want to roll back government.   Abolish things.  


Trump supporters want the government to protect them.  Protect them from foreign competition and from immigrants.  This is why he has pledged not to touch Social Security or Medicare- because the little guys, poor white guys, who are his supporters, rely on those government programs. 





Let's put it this way, If Trump & Bernie Sanders win Iowa the Lobbyist panic with both parties because both are the least likely to take bribes from them.
they were interviewing a Bernie supporter ( a young, dumb person), and they asked them why they supported Sanders. After a short pause they were like "Well, the free college, obviously..."




These are the stupid people that support this guy

Susan Sarandon, Killer Mike and Robert Reich don't share this sentiment.
Hell, put Romney and Biden on the SAME damn ticket at this point and I'll vote for them. At least neither one of them will throw diesel fuel on the current dumpster fire.

if the GOP trots out anyone other than Rand or Cruz or a ticket of the two of them, then I'm abstaining.



tired of the same ole same ole


they'll keep trotting out these RINO/Establishment Darlings until We the People get serious about having great candidates

Quote:they were interviewing a Bernie supporter ( a young, dumb person), and they asked them why they supported Sanders. After a short pause they were like "Well, the free college, obviously..."




These are the stupid people that support this guy

A Rand Cruz supporter wants the death penalty for gay people.  One of his endorsements in fact.   So if we want to bring up supporters that are stupid...
Quote:A Rand Cruz supporter wants the death penalty for gay people.  One of his endorsements in fact.   So if we want to bring up supporters that are stupid...

We'll never run out of commentary that way!
wow, the Eleventh doctor pulled that statement out of thin air



my goodness

Quote:if the GOP trots out anyone other than Rand or Cruz or a ticket of the two of them, then I'm abstaining.



tired of the same ole same ole


they'll keep trotting out these RINO/Establishment Darlings until We the People get serious about having great candidates
I agree 100% and know many, many people who feel the same way.  If it's Trump/Clinton, I'm leaving the ballot blank.
Looks like Cruz might win Iowa, but considering Trump was never considered a religious guy to come in a close 2nd isnt bad for him.

At this point Bush should leave the race.

Quote:Looks like Cruz might win Iowa, but considering Trump was never considered a religious guy to come in a close 2nd isnt bad for him.

At this point Bush should leave the race.

It's a long race ahead.  But with Ted Cruz winning Iowa and Marco Rubio finishing in the top 3 with a strong showing,  this shapes up as a 3 candidate race.   Cruz and Rubio did what they needed to do tonight. 


My guess is more than one Republican Candidate will drop out of the race in the coming days. 

Ted wins, Rubio over-performs, Trump under-performs.



Mike Huckabee is suspending his campaign.  I'm optimistic that Ted Cruz will benefit more from this than the other Republican Candidates.

Beginning of the end for Trump.... if all the losers with no shot (Jeb, Paul, Christie, Kasich, etc....) had dropped out beforehand, Trump would have finished a distant 3rd.  I think this may be the beginning of the rise of Rubio.  He is about to be inundated with donations.


What's more interesting to me though is the Bern... feel it!  Latest numbers are 49.9% Hillary, 49.4% Bernie.  And they were saying on CNN the young voter turnout has been lower than expected... nowhere near as high as for Obama.  Just imagine if they had... Bernie would be running away with this thing.  

Quote:Beginning of the end for Trump.... if all the losers with no shot (Jeb, Paul, Christie, Kasich, etc....) had dropped out beforehand, Trump would have finished a distant 3rd.  I think this may be the beginning of the rise of Rubio.  He is about to be inundated with donations.


What's more interesting to me though is the Bern... feel it!  Latest numbers are 49.9% Hillary, 49.4% Bernie.  And they were saying on CNN the young voter turnout has been lower than expected... nowhere near as high as for Obama.  Just imagine if they had... Bernie would be running away with this thing.  

  I think both Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio are going to get a sizable boost in donations in the coming days.  Momentum in political campaigns is huge.


  The uncertainty of whether Hillary Clinton will be indicted is very likely hurting her amongst Democrats.   Hillary is likely to lose New Hampshire,  regardless of the outcome of Iowa.
Rubio's speech sounded as if he had won, even though he came in 3rd place.  That being said I felt he had the best speech out of all the candidates (on both R & D) finishing Iowa.

I was sad to see that Rand didn't do better in Iowa.

Paul > Kasich > Cruz > Sanders > Trump > Hitler (Godwin invoked) > Rubio, Christie or Clinton


So basically, it looks like I'm kind of in camp Cruz right now. Bet you guys never saw that coming.

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