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I would negate that vote by choosing literally anyone else.
Quote: That's very interesting,  especially considering how far apart the two of them are on most issues.
I've come to the realisation that many libertarians are potheads - or at least, sympathize with potheads.


Potheads seem to like Rand and Bernie, because they'll finally decriminalize pot.
Marco Rubio is still my first choice with Ted Cruz a very close second.


What is interesting on the democrat socialist side is that Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton pretty much ended in a tie.  The democrats that I know don't like either candidate, and with the third democrat candidate ending his bid it seems that there is really no choice for the democrats.


So where do the "middle leaning" democrats go?  To the candidate that is willing to compromise on issues and work with "the other side".  Of the remaining republican candidates, Marco Rubio fits the bill more than anyone else.

It's quite laughable around here. Is Hilary Clinton really a socialist? I've also read that Obama is far left on this forum...

Cruz is going to come right back to earth once New Hampshire has its say. The average American is not nearly that far to the right and Cruz is incapable of getting anywhere near a moderate stance on anything.
Cruz is seen as pretty laughable in Australia and Australia is far more conservative than most of Europe. Just not sure how wheeling out an extreme politician is great for your international relations.
Quote:I've come to the realisation that many libertarians are potheads - or at least, sympathize with potheads.


Potheads seem to like Rand and Bernie, because they'll finally decriminalize pot.

It's a stereotype that libertarians have to shed if we ever want to be taken seriously. I'm for decriminalize all natural substances, synthetic drugs and pharmaceuticals is a different issue. I have yet to meat a libertarian that would support Bernie, Most only reluctantly support Rand as he's taken some authoritarian positions in the past.


Bottom line the entire libertarian political argument is built around non-aggression. Non-aggression regarding the state in manors of governing the population, non-aggression regarding foreign policy, non-aggression doesn't mean pacifist or pot heads it means a neutered state is the safest state. Libertarians will tell you the state itself is ALWAYS the greatest threat. 
Quote:Cruz is seen as pretty laughable in Australia and Australia is far more conservative than most of Europe. Just not sure how wheeling out an extreme politician is great for your international relations.

Couldn't care less what the "rest of the world" thinks of who we elect. We're not electing the leader of the World, does Australia consider who Americans like when electing their leaders?
Quote:  One major reason why I'm at least cautiously optimistic of Ted Cruz beating out Marco Rubio if it comes down to the two of them is this seems like an anti-establishment Presidential Election Cycle.  Though I agree with rocdee that Fox News favored Marco Rubio last night in the way they presented their election coverage,  this year that might not be enough to stop an anti-establishment candidate emerging as the Republican nominee.   As a result,  I remain greatly concerned that Donald Trump still has a very realistic chance of winning the nomination.

Rand is my guy but I'll jump on the Cruz wagon if needed. I can find common ground as a libertarian with Cruz on 80% of the issues. His foreign policy is what gives me pause but hell I'm just hyper-focused on not collapsing the freaking dollar in the next 10 years. 


The ONLY appeal Bernie has to libertarians is his non-intervention foreign policy statements and his anit-NSA statements about domestic spying. He is absolutely 100% unelectable because of his openly socialist domestic policies and would possibly be the worse possible candidate for the economy ever but he talks a good game on foreign policy and domestic civil liberties.


I could list something I like about each candidate but that doesn't mean I could or would ever vote for them. I have to think long and hard of a scenario I would vote for Bernie, I guess if i just gave up and wanted to take the quick death of an economic collapse so I could use that handy bunker out back?  


Quote:I'd vote for that pair.
I actually do support a Cruz/Paul ticket, but I was trying to communicate that there are so many mindless, uneducated voters out there being fed MSM lies, that they would actually vote against this ticket-rather than listening to common sense. I'm sorry if I misled you and others.

Quote:Couldn't care less what the "rest of the world" thinks of who we elect. We're not electing the leader of the World, does Australia consider who Americans like when electing their leaders?

Well actually Australians were worried about becoming a laughing stock when Tony Abbott was elected as prime minister, and low and behold he was a laughing stock on US television thanks to John Oliver, pretty much like Mitt was when let out of the bible belt. If you aren't respected how are you going to keep good relationships going?
Quote:I actually do support a Cruz/Paul ticket, but I was trying to communicate that there are so many mindless, uneducated voters out there being fed MSM lies, that they would actually vote against this ticket-rather than listening to common sense. I'm sorry if I misled you and others.

Cruz felt it was common sense to shut down the government and read Dr. Seuss for hours. It accomplished nothing and cost taxpayers millions. He thinks it's common sense to make all abortion illegal. Period. We don't have enough unwanted kids clogging our system. He also wants to defund Planned Parenthood which is a lot more than what he claims it is. He is a religious zealot and a fraud. That's common sense. Anyone who has followed his career knows he is an unelectable jerkwad who ticks off everyone. Pass.
Quote:Well actually Australians were worried about becoming a laughing stock when Tony Abbott was elected as prime minister, and low and behold he was a laughing stock on US television thanks to John Oliver, pretty much like Mitt was when let out of the bible belt. If you aren't respected how are you going to keep good relationships going?

You put to much stock in what comedians say.
Quote:Cruz felt it was common sense to shut down the government and read Dr. Seuss for hours. It accomplished nothing and cost taxpayers millions. He thinks it's common sense to make all abortion illegal. Period. We don't have enough unwanted kids clogging our system. He also wants to defund Planned Parenthood which is a lot more than what he claims it is. He is a religious zealot and a fraud. That's common sense. Anyone who has followed his career knows he is an unelectable jerkwad who ticks off everyone. Pass.

The president doesn't have the power to change abortion, he can defund planned parenthood which should be done anyways. Even the all fearful revoking of Roe v Wade wouldn't make abortion illegal it would kick the issue back to individual states which could than decide if it was legal or not. Cruz filibustered the passing of the ACA, even democrats how admit the ACA is horrible legislation and a complete mess. You don't even have to admit what we had before was worth a damn, but the ACA took a bad situation and made it worse. So lets recape cruz:


State rights over Federal rights: check

Defund private businesses being subsidized by the government: check (not he also opposes ethanol subsidies in Iowa)

Stood against the ACA: check


we might not agree on foreign policy but that's three check marks for me.
Two words: abortion tourism. It's already started in his home state. People cross state lines to get the abortion they cannot get close to home.

It'd be easier to fight a morality crusade if Christians weren't responsible for over half the abortions and divorces in our country.
Some of you guys are confirming everything that many of us like in Ted Cruz (who by the way broke the record of votes received for one candidate in Iowa). People are tired of career politicians bending over, capitulating, and compromising when they get to Washington.


Cruz is one of the most intelligent, qualified, and consistent candidates we've seen in a while. His background is truly impressive.


I lol @ the notion of a guy being too conservative. I lol @ the notion of the rest of the world being a factor in anything. This is about America. Liberalism has destroyed the fiber of this country. From Clinton, to W, to Obama -- the last several Presidents have been something close to tyrants who act as if they are Kings. It's time to restore this country to the CONSTITUTIONAL republic that it once was.


The Framers didn't die for the documents to be trampled on. ENOUGH!


thank you for reaffirming my support of him.

Oh.. is that what we've had the past 8 years? Tyranny? Compromise? Please DON'T elaborate. It's guaranteed to be dumb.
Quote:Two words: abortion tourism. It's already started in his home state. People cross state lines to get the abortion they cannot get close to home.

It'd be easier to fight a morality crusade if Christians weren't responsible for over half the abortions and divorces in our country.

Hey look if I had it my way abortion providers would be hung from the streets for murder. in reality it's a states issue, healthcare (to use the liberal term for abortion women's healthcare) is not a constitutional right, the federal government has no authority to dictate to the states how to handle healthcare. Now if they all want to get together and Amend the constitution for healthcare to be a protected right that would be a different story, but as it is we have federal protection of a healthcare practice that as at best morally questionable with little to no restrictions on the procedure. 
Quote:Oh.. is that what we've had the past 8 years? Tyranny? Compromise? Please DON'T elaborate. It's guaranteed to be dumb.

More like at LEAST 16 years. W was as much of a tyrant as Obama, both trampled civil liberties, ignored constitutional restraints, expanded the executive powers, and sent our soldiers to die in foreign regional conflicts to fund the military industrial complex. Just cause it's your guy in power doesn't mean you should ignore the tyrannical growth of the federal government.
US families adopt around 7000 kids a year. There's close to 400,000 kids without families in the US now. Many are abused in the foster care system or become statistics in the disgusting sex trade industry. Why do you only care about unborn babies when there are hundreds of thousands of kids in desperate need? It's not like we're going to pay to educate them or provide for them. We won't even take care of soldiers we send off to fight questionable wars for us. Defunding Planned Parenthood would also mean cutting off birth control for millions of women. We need more unwanted kids nobody will take care of? If you're against abortion, don't have one. If you don't have female body parts, you don't get to dictate what women do with theirs.
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