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Quote:If rand never was running cruz wouldve probably been my first choice. Right now he's the only candidate I'd vote for in either major party. I've lost lots of respect for several talk and internet pundits for their willingness to back trump.

Id consider going to the dark side before ever voting trump.


   Though I'm not going to the dark side,  I'm leaving the option open of either voting for a 3rd party or write in candidate if Donald Trump gets the Republican Nomination.   I probably would reluctantly vote for Trump in this scenario but only because of the unthinkable of Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders being President of the United States.


   After seeing that Jimmy Carter prefers Donald Trump over Ted Cruz in the Republican Field,   I'm more confident than ever about my support for Ted Cruz




Quote:   Though I'm not going to the dark side,  I'm leaving the option open of either voting for a 3rd party or write in candidate if Donald Trump gets the Republican Nomination.   I probably would reluctantly vote for Trump in this scenario but only because of the unthinkable of Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders being President of the United States.


   After seeing that Jimmy Carter prefers Donald Trump over Ted Cruz in the Republican Field,   I'm more confident than ever about my support for Ted Cruz


If Cruz doesn't win, I'm not sure I can vote for anybody in this election. The rest of this presidential field flat out sucks.
Quote:If Cruz doesn't win, I'm not sure I can vote for anybody in this election. The rest of this presidential field flat out sucks.

  I'm far from thrilled with the options other than Ted Cruz.   If Ted Cruz doesn't win the Republican Nomination,  my level of support ( if any ) for the Republican Nominee will likely depend on who the V.P. choice is.
Quote:   Though I'm not going to the dark side,  I'm leaving the option open of either voting for a 3rd party or write in candidate if Donald Trump gets the Republican Nomination.   I probably would reluctantly vote for Trump in this scenario but only because of the unthinkable of Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders being President of the United States.


   After seeing that Jimmy Carter prefers Donald Trump over Ted Cruz in the Republican Field,   I'm more confident than ever about my support for Ted Cruz



The rest of them its either death by 1000 cuts a quick bullet to the head. 


Quote:  I'm far from thrilled with the options other than Ted Cruz.   If Ted Cruz doesn't win the Republican Nomination,  my level of support ( if any ) for the Republican Nominee will likely depend on who the V.P. choice is.
Same here.
Cruz wins the Iowa election by committing fraud.  He knew that Dr. Carson had not withdrawn from the race, and was even alerted to the mass email his staff had sent out was incorrect & did nothing to correct it during the election.

He won in a state that prides itself on christian values, yet I wonder how many of them would still have voted for him in Iowa now knowing what he had done during it?

I guess it doesn't really matter Iowa never picks winners in the Republican side of primaries, so it simply proves that Cruz is on his way out of this election.

Quote:Cruz wins the Iowa election by committing fraud.  He knew that Dr. Carson had not withdrawn from the race, and was even alerted to the mass email his staff had sent out was incorrect & did nothing to correct it during the election.

He won in a state that prides itself on christian values, yet I wonder how many of them would still have voted for him in Iowa now knowing what he had done during it?

I guess it doesn't really matter Iowa never picks winners in the Republican side of primaries, so it simply proves that Cruz is on his way out of this election.

 Mark Levin's common sense thoughts on this topic can be found at the following link:

Mark Levin DEBUNKS this entire CLOWN SHOW that is the Cruz/Carson NONTROVERSY

Posted by The Right Scoop on Feb 3, 2016 at 7:03 PM


It just sounds like he's saying CNN started the fraud story, Cruz is absolved because he just put his letter head on the story and pushed the story without any sort of fact check/clarification.  It's alright though because Rubio pushed the same fraud.  I mean just reading the email, I think the intentions are pretty clear. 

Quote: Mark Levin's common sense thoughts on this topic can be found at the following link:

<div>Mark Levin DEBUNKS this entire CLOWN SHOW that is the Cruz/Carson NONTROVERSY
Posted by The Right Scoop on Feb 3, 2016 at 7:03 PM




Mark Levin has always been a Cruz supporter and thus Bias, but the facts are that Cruz group knew that Dr. Carson had not withdrawn & yet continued telling voters not to vote for the Dr. because it would be a wasted vote.  It is nothing short of voter fraud, and the Republican Party should really think if they want Cruz as their man with this kind of ethic & poor integrity. 
Quote:It just sounds like he's saying CNN started the fraud story, Cruz is absolved because he just put his letter head on the story and pushed the story without any sort of fact check/clarification.  It's alright though because Rubio pushed the same fraud.  I mean just reading the email, I think the intentions are pretty clear. 

Rubio is taking the money that would've went to Jeb Bush and cutting deals.  He couldn't even do his job as Senator (not showing up for votes, and creating bills that went against what he originally campaigned for) basically I'm not a Rubio fan at all.  He (Rubio) is a great talker, but its speeches he is simply memorizing from his staff as Cristie has pointed out.  Ask him tough questions and he gets frazzled, or simply redirects or fails to answer the questions.
Quote:Mark Levin has always been a Cruz supporter and thus Bias, but the facts are that Cruz group knew that Dr. Carson had not withdrawn & yet continued telling voters not to vote for the Dr. because it would be a wasted vote.  It is nothing short of voter fraud, and the Republican Party should really think if they want Cruz as their man with this kind of ethic & poor integrity. 

  The candidate that's a fraud is Donald Trump.   Even though I'm a Conservative,  not a Libertarian,  I'll provide Rand Paul's words about Trump to illustrate Trump's history.  This compared to what he's portraying himself as in this election campaign:



Quote:Mark Levin has always been a Cruz supporter and thus Bias, but the facts are that Cruz group knew that Dr. Carson had not withdrawn & yet continued telling voters not to vote for the Dr. because it would be a wasted vote.  It is nothing short of voter fraud, and the Republican Party should really think if they want Cruz as their man with this kind of ethic & poor integrity. 

the narrative is being spun look at the details. Carson's staff told reporters Dr. Carson is going home to Florida instead of New Hampshire after Iowa. The Reporters specifically CNN reported that Carson was going home, Cruz's campaign retweeted those reports, at the time its perfectly plausible to believe they thought they where retweeting breaking news that would help their candidate. 
Quote:Yet every year thousands of them go to sleazy people who abuse them. I agree with your sentiment there is a lot of red tape. That's just one problem unwanted kids create. Which is why I am firmly pro-choice. If I could find a way to prevent horrible people from procreating, I'd be all over that too.

Pp tries that too. Theres a long history of a science called eugenics that u might want to look into. Late thirties early forties germany is a good place to start.

Your sentiment is no less than psychotic. A millenia from now, those who come after us will look back on the wealthiest most powerful nation of our time and ask how anyone stood by and watched as we canabalized tens of millions of people to fit a perverted anti-social view of conveneince.

If we had 3d ultra sound in 1973 or had mlk not been assasinated we wouldnt be having this discussion.
the Media is blowing this whole thing up, especially Faux News, because they're trying to push Rubio

Quote:the narrative is being spun look at the details. Carson's staff told reporters Dr. Carson is going home to Florida instead of New Hampshire after Iowa. The Reporters specifically CNN reported that Carson was going home, Cruz's campaign retweeted those reports, at the time its perfectly plausible to believe they thought they where retweeting breaking news that would help their candidate. 


This could be the end for Cruz. The narrative that was building from Trump and Rubio was that he's a nasty guy not liked by his colleagues tgat will say anytging to get elected. That could be brushed off because they were his main rivals actively attacking him for position.

Ben Carsons biggest fault is that hes such a nice guy. For the cruz camp to give mr. Rogers a bone to pick could give traction to that narrative.

Couple that branding with a primary that doesnt favor his ideology and you could be looking at huckabee/santorum.
Quote:Pp tries that too. Theres a long history of a science called eugenics that u might want to look into. Late thirties early forties germany is a good place to start.

Your sentiment is no less than psychotic. A millenia from now, those who come after us will look back on the wealthiest most powerful nation of our time and ask how anyone stood by and watched as we canabalized tens of millions of people to fit a perverted anti-social view of conveneince.

If we had 3d ultra sound in 1973 or had mlk not been assasinated we wouldnt be having this discussion.

In a perfect world all pregnancies would be desired. We live in a far from perfect world. It doesn't make me psychotic for acknowledging there is a real impact for the growing number of unwanted kids.
ya Rubio is getting all the love from the media.  that should be a sign to stay away...

Quote:In a perfect world all pregnancies would be desired. We live in a far from perfect world. It doesn't make me psychotic for acknowledging there is a real impact for the growing number of unwanted kids.

Your right, acknowledging that impact doesn't make you psychotic, but your solution to said impact does.
Quote:  The candidate that's a fraud is Donald Trump.   Even though I'm a Conservative,  not a Libertarian,  I'll provide Rand Paul's words about Trump to illustrate Trump's history.  This compared to what he's portraying himself as in this election campaign:



Underscoring your point, here's The Donald pandering to Christian conservatives. I would post the video but there is religious discussion, but in the first minute he quotes a verse from (his words) "2 Corinthians", It's a minor slip, but it reveals so much.


We disagree on many things D6, but we see eye-to-eye on Trump. He's a fraud.
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