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Quote:Paul > Kasich > Cruz > Sanders > Trump > Hitler (Godwin invoked) > Rubio, Christie or Clinton


So basically, it looks like I'm kind of in camp Cruz right now. Bet you guys never saw that coming.

 I never saw it coming but welcome aboard!    I'm now even more encouraged by Ted Cruz' victory in Iowa,  even though it's a long road ahead.  If Ted Cruz can win over the support of the Libertarian base of the Republican Party,   I think he will have a good chance of winning the Republican Nomination.
Quote: I never saw it coming but welcome aboard!    I'm now even more encouraged by Ted Cruz' victory in Iowa,  even though it's a long road ahead.  If Ted Cruz can win over the support of the Libertarian base of the Republican Party,   I think he will have a good chance of winning the Republican Nomination.
I have three key criteria right now for a Presidential candidate: won't take away my rights and liberties, won't lose to Clinton and isn't named Donald Trump.


Edit to clarify on Cruz' position on civil liberties: I actually think the Freedom Act is a not-terrible thing. I hate that it stores data for 100% of American phone communications, but I like that it takes that data out of the NSA's hands and requires them to get a court order to possess it.


The next logical step would be putting an end to the "intelligence courts" that operate in the shadows and issue warrants basically because the NSA tells them to, then forcing the process of targeting and collecting that data to be made public. I understand that nothing I do is going to stop the government from spying on me in the foreseeable future, but I have the right to know if my phone records or browsing history are being perused by the NSA, or if I'm on some random, shadowy watch list that's going to make my life annoying. If that means that a terrorist is forced to curb their plans because they won't get away with it, hey, isn't that what we're trying to do anyway?


I long for the end of organized government surveillance of its populace, but with that seemingly out of reach in this campaign cycle (aside from Sanders, maybe, who would replace it with his own brand of control), I'm finding it hard not to put my support behind a candidate who wants to at least stop its growth.

Quote:I have three key criteria right now for a Presidential candidate: won't take away my rights and liberties, won't lose to Clinton and isn't named Donald Trump.

After hearing Hillary Clinton speak an hour or so ago,  even though I'm very uncomfortable with Donald Trump,  I'm more likely to vote for Trump ( vs. Clinton in the general election ) instead of a 3rd party/ write in candidate than I was in the last couple of weeks.   Hillary is certainly at or tied for the bottom of my preference list of the remaining candidates.
Crown Ted Cruz

Quote: I never saw it coming but welcome aboard!    I'm now even more encouraged by Ted Cruz' victory in Iowa,  even though it's a long road ahead.  If Ted Cruz can win over the support of the Libertarian base of the Republican Party,   I think he will have a good chance of winning the Republican Nomination.

But isn't Cruz courting the conservative evangelicals?   That is the opposite of libertarian.  
Quote:Crown Ted Cruz

I think the ultimate nominee will be Rubio.  
Quote:I have three key criteria right now for a Presidential candidate: won't take away my rights and liberties, won't lose to Clinton and isn't named Donald Trump.


Edit to clarify on Cruz' position on civil liberties: I actually think the Freedom Act is a not-terrible thing. I hate that it stores data for 100% of American phone communications, but I like that it takes that data out of the NSA's hands and requires them to get a court order to possess it.


The next logical step would be putting an end to the "intelligence courts" that operate in the shadows and issue warrants basically because the NSA tells them to, then forcing the process of targeting and collecting that data to be made public. I understand that nothing I do is going to stop the government from spying on me in the foreseeable future, but I have the right to know if my phone records or browsing history are being perused by the NSA, or if I'm on some random, shadowy watch list that's going to make my life annoying. If that means that a terrorist is forced to curb their plans because they won't get away with it, hey, isn't that what we're trying to do anyway?


I long for the end of organized government surveillance of its populace, but with that seemingly out of reach in this campaign cycle (aside from Sanders, maybe, who would replace it with his own brand of control), I'm finding it hard not to put my support behind a candidate who wants to at least stop its growth.

Your genie is out of the bottle and not going back in. If that's what you decide your vote on you're wasting your time going to the polls because no one will ever hold your position again.
@ The Real Marty



Well, that's who the Establishment is ultimately going to throw their support behind since they know Jeb! is done. Fox News is already running with the "Rubio *really* won last night!". it's as if Cruz didn't actually win.



I tire of these Establishment, empty suit, neocon clowns

Quote:Your genie is out of the bottle and not going back in. If that's what you decide your vote on you're wasting your time going to the polls because no one will ever hold your position again.
I'd fight for that freedom just as strongly as you'd fight for gun rights. If I were ever to lose that right entirely, it would mean the end of my time as a US citizen.
Trump's support is maxed out.  Votes from any of the candidates that drop out will go to either Cruz or Rubio.  Cruz is my guy, but he faces an uphill battle against Rubio.  The establishment is going to put 100% of their muscle behind him.  I think the only way Cruz wins is if Trump bows out, but unfortunately I don't see that happening.

If Ted Cruz agreed to let people smack him in the face with a kielbasa for $20 a pop, we can erase the national deficit. Hate to burst the bubble, but Rafael has zero chance of being our next president. He is less liked than cancer.
Quote:If Ted Cruz agreed to let people smack him in the face with a kielbasa for $20 a pop, we can erase the national deficit. Hate to burst the bubble, but Rafael has zero chance of being our next president. He is less liked than cancer.
Why do you hate Hispanics?  I ask because when conservatives strongly opposed Obama, it was "unprecedented" and had to be because he was the first black president.  When Hillary is attacked, it's part of the war on women.  Any opposition to Cruz must be racially motivated. 
I couldn't hate Hispanics without hating half my ancestors. I can however hate an antagonistic phony who wants to make abortion illegal in all cases, undo all gains in marriage equality and who wasted millions with his Dr. Seuss government shutdown schtick. He has as many enemies within his own party as he does across the aisle. I want a president who has a chance to break the Congressional gridlock which has suffocated American progress for the past 8 years. He ain't the guy to do that.
Plus.. his dad wants to put atheists in concentration camps.
Quote:I couldn't hate Hispanics without hating half my ancestors. I can however hate an antagonistic phony who wants to make abortion illegal in all cases, undo all gains in marriage equality and who wasted millions with his Dr. Seuss government shutdown schtick. He has as many enemies within his own party as he does across the aisle. I want a president who has a chance to break the Congressional gridlock which has suffocated American progress for the past 8 years. He ain't the guy to do that.

Funny, I want a guy who causes Congress to not be able to do much of anything for his entire term.
Then you must love Obama's polarizing effect on the right.
Quote:Funny, I want a guy who causes Congress to not be able to do much of anything for his entire term.
Bingo.  Me too.
Quote:Funny, I want a guy who causes Congress to not be able to do much of anything for his entire term.

Not me.   I want a guy who can work with Congress to get the debt under control.   Because doing nothing is a recipe for disaster. 
So you both want to elect people to not represent you. Genius.
Lobbyists want to clone you.
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