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Quote:He also has just 1 more win in his 3rd year then his very first year with the dynamic duo of 2 guys named Gabbert and Henne starting at QB and pretty much a complete roster tear down.


How's that for progress?

and somehow the defense looks worse than the freshly blown up defense


but 5 > 4  #Progress™ #ItsBuilt® #6winsin2016orbust©
Quote:I also do not hold "billionaires" to some sort of high esteem just because they are billionaires.




I mean, that's business 101...  

No one handed him his billions FWIW.  It's not the fact that he has money that warrants some level of respect, it's the fact that he's self made and earned the bulk of it in business.  You're a pretty funny guy on here most of the time, but you explaining what "business 101" is in contrast to what Khan has done/is doing is a doozy.
What does being a billionaire have to do with knowing football or making crucial football personnel decisions ? Nothing. Anchorman is right. I don't care if he earned it or his daddy gave it to him.  That is why smart Billionaires hire managers,or consultants, they know their limitations. Put Bill Gates in a football pool and he isn't better than Joe the plumber, so why should fans automatically think an owner's decisions are correct? They can be wrong. History has shown they are often wrong. A self made Billionaire hired Gene Smith.

Quote:What does being a billionaire have to do with knowing football? Nothing. Anchorman is right.. I don't care if he earned it or his daddy gave it to him.  That is why smart Billionaires hire Managers, they know their limitations. Put Bill Gates in a football pool and he isn't better than Joe Blow, so why do we have to respect an owner's opinion or automatically think their decisions are correct? They can be wrong. A self made Billionaire hired Gene Smith.

Certainly not all of Khan's decisions will end up being correct.  The self-made thru business comment was just a lead up to counter the ridiculous "business 101" example we were given. I wasn't arguing right or wrong on the decision to keep Bradley.  I was just pointing out a ridiculously oversimplified example, which it clearly is.  


It's akin to going into a doctor's office and trying to give him/her a lesson on how to diagnose someone.  Doctor's can be wrong, but a layperson painting an example for him/her of how to diagnose and/or treat someone and labeling it "diagnosis 101" would be silly even if that layperson happened to be right in that one instance.  Who knows?  Maybe Anchorman has an MBA and runs his own company.  Even if that's true, it would still be silly to use an oversimplified "business 101" example to refute someone who quite frankly should already have your respect as a businessman.  


Quote:You don't just tell a guy his job is set before the entire job is done...  That was just dumb.

Not only that, but the timing of releasing the statement about Bradley's future (which is what Anchorman was complaining about as shown above) is most certainly a business decision.  

Strikes me that coming out before the end of the season and giving Bradley a vote of confidence was most definitely breaching 'football' business 101


Then the coaches and team come out flat, uninspired with nothing to play for.performance.




Maybe we tanked for a pick... disgusting thought


Maybe he's lost the team...protest game.. equally as bad


Maybe we are just terrible due to being coached by a glorified cheerleader that is in over his head...most likely.


Regardless..  I can't see ANY reason to keep this historically BAD coach.


This team will go NOWHERE until we get a tried and true big name coach.


Spend some of that money u have.. and GO GET ONE

The owner is winning in the ledger just not on the field.  This year will be shown as a net positive.  Gus is a bargain and is the blame receptor for what is shaping up to be just another year in the life of a Jaguars fan.  What TC did the first few years is looking more and more magical every passing day.

Khan is very wealthy because he is very successful, but with that being said I to find it hard to believe as a businessman that he would bless Gus for another year before the last game is played. You have to wonder what Khan is thinking now. This game showed no promise or what next season has in store for the team.

Gus has to be thanking his lucky stars with his free pass for next year based on his current record with this team.

Seriously, how can 2016 not be another year of rebuilding........the one glimmering bright spot was our offense and after the last few games it seriously needs work.
Quote:What does being a billionaire have to do with knowing football or making crucial football personnel decisions ? Nothing. Anchorman is right. I don't care if he earned it or his daddy gave it to him.  That is why smart Billionaires hire managers,or consultants, they know their limitations. Put Bill Gates in a football pool and he isn't better than Joe the plumber, so why should fans automatically think an owner's decisions are correct? They can be wrong. History has shown they are often wrong. A self made Billionaire hired Gene Smith.

Along those lines look at Khan's involvement with his soccer team. Clearly he has put his fingers into team leadership decisions, bewildering to have such a hands off approach with the Jaguars. As NFL owner he definitely has given Gus the golden ticket, coaches are being removed for far better performances this season than Gus has shown.

If Khan had made decisions on the Jaguars like he did Fulham..........Gus would be long gone.

<a class="bbc_url" href='http://www.foxsports.com/soccer/story/shad-khan-searches-for-5th-new-fulham-coach-fires-symons-110815'>http://www.foxsports.com/soccer/story/shad-khan-searches-for-5th-new-fulham-coach-fires-symons-110815</a>
Quote:What does being a billionaire have to do with knowing football or making crucial football personnel decisions ? Nothing. Anchorman is right. I don't care if he earned it or his daddy gave it to him.  That is why smart Billionaires hire managers,or consultants, they know their limitations. Put Bill Gates in a football pool and he isn't better than Joe the plumber, so why should fans automatically think an owner's decisions are correct? They can be wrong. History has shown they are often wrong. A self made Billionaire hired Gene Smith.

Ouch, that was a cold hard "slap in the face" fact.


What even made it worse was the fact that the same self made billionaire also gave Gene Smith a 3 year extension right before he sold the team to Shad Khan. Double OUCH!!!!!!


At least Shad did what he had to do and let him go, which does give me some solace that he is going to do the same thing with Gus, although it won't be until at least some time next year, probably after the season unless Gus gets off to one of his usual really poor starts and goes 0-6, 1-5, maybe 2 -7 or something like that.
Quote:Certainly not all of Khan's decisions will end up being correct. The self-made thru business comment was just a lead up to counter the ridiculous "business 101" example we were given. I wasn't arguing right or wrong on the decision to keep Bradley. I was just pointing out a ridiculously oversimplified example, which it clearly is.

It's akin to going into a doctor's office and trying to give him/her a lesson on how to diagnose someone. Doctor's can be wrong, but a layperson painting an example for him/her of how to diagnose and/or treat someone and labeling it "diagnosis 101" would be silly even if that layperson happened to be right in that one instance. Who knows? Maybe Anchorman has an MBA and runs his own company. Even if that's true, it would still be silly to use an oversimplified "business 101" example to refute someone who quite frankly should already have your respect as a businessman.

Not only that, but the timing of releasing the statement about Bradley's future (which is what Anchorman was complaining about as shown above) is most certainly a business decision.

I didn't see this critique until just now at work.

I stand by my thoughts on khan. He seems like a good guy, and has done some smart business moves as our owner. The London games, while not popular with Jacksonville fans, was a sound business move.

But giving a vote of confidence, basically painting yourself into a corner, before the season is over is a dumb business move.

If you think I'm wrong, or my analogy of bad, please explain why you think that way.
After 3 years, this is the only real Culture that I can relate to this team ....


.... for those who are not old enough to know cool music  :wacko: , Ladies and Gentleman. let me introduce you to the Culture Club


[Image: 3667062-3x2-700x467.jpg]

The Jaguars culture used to be one of hard nosed defense and a thunder and lightning offense.


Our culture now is play soft defense and sometimes offense......and waiting for the process to kick in.

No worries.....we're improving.

Quote:I didn't see this critique until just now at work.

I stand by my thoughts on khan. He seems like a good guy, and has done some smart business moves as our owner. The London games, while not popular with Jacksonville fans, was a sound business move.

But giving a vote of confidence, basically painting yourself into a corner, before the season is over is a dumb business move.

If you think I'm wrong, or my analogy of bad, please explain why you think that way.

Your analogy is: don't pay for work that's not complete.  An NFL coach is under contract for multiple years.  If he gets fired before his contract is up, he's still getting paid per his contract.  Mechanics aren't doing work for customers under some sort of period specific contract like a professional sports coach is.  Your analogy is irrelevant here. 


Secondly, what great business person makes a decision as important as retaining your coach or finding a new one based on the performance of the last game of the season?  If you're an owner and your decision is down to the outcome of one season ending game (that actually helps you more in the long run to lose) after you're already out of contention for the playoffs, I would suggest to you that you've probably already made the decision to move on.  Khan obviously hasn't reached that point yet.  Making it known a week early could be as simple a strategy as just diffusing a story somewhat before it becomes part of the circus that is Black Monday in the NFL when everyone is paying attention and waiting with bated breath for an announcement.  Making it known a week early also communicates that the outcome of the final game is irrelevant to him despite any comments he may have made to the contrary.  Perhaps it was done to signal to Bradley and Caldwell to pack it for next season and that it's ok to not try so so hard to win.  The players on the field aren't going to join in on any attempt to lose on purpose, but players that might be dinged up but otherwise healthy enough to play may find themselves on IR and the gameplan might have had a little less effort put into it this week.  I realize that's all speculation and they might have just gotten beaten soundly by the better team.


There's a plan.  Khan has shown again he's on board with that plan still whether it ends up being the correct course of action or not.  Some level of patience is required to be successful in this league and in business in general.  If Pagano is let go by the clots, Bradley will be the longest tenured coach in the division next year and continuity and stability is often a good thing.   I realize most circumstances would suggest that significant progress should be shown by year 3 in the NFL.  I just think there is enough special circumstances (the starting point of the roster, Bradley being a first time head coach, erratic play from a promising 2nd year QB, key injuries coupled with little depth, etc) with our situation that make me ok with riding this thing out one more year and perhaps make a clean sweep next year with the GM as well if they don't show the required progress.  Caldwell helped make the Bradley hire and if some of the 2013 and 2015 draftees don't step up next year, I'm not sure he can hang his hat on the 2014 draft as enough to keep his job either.  

Quote:When Gus Bradley was introduced as the HC one of the things he hammered was the fact the he wanted to establish a culture. Well he is 12 - 30+ losses. Over the course of the last 3 years after hearing interviews from various players on the team they all preach getting better despite getting beat senseless. If any time was the time to sieze the moment and show Jacksonville what we've been waiting for it was this one.

I mean the road was paved for success taking in to account injured players and the schedule and this team fell flat on their faces. We were in a prime position to take this division but our coaches and players didn't even want to talk about it which to me meant that they weren't even confident in their ability to win.

When this team takes the field against another team most of the time they look like they've lost the battle mentally and physically within 5 min of the 1st quarter. The Jaguars have no attitude or " it " factor when their on the field.

So I ask you Jag fans exactly what culture has Gus established since he got here? Me personally I believe he has established a loser mentality or a losing is ok as long as you tried hard identity.


I think you are dead on.

He has brainwashed his players with this "just get better" nonsense so much that they keep using his phrases in their post game speeches.

He has developed a culture of losing. He has developed a culture that's ok with losing as long as they "get better" (whatever that means).
Well.. in all honesty..  this may work ^... IF they were GETTING BETTER!!!!!!!!!!!!

Quote:I think you are dead on.

He has brainwashed his players with this "just get better" nonsense so much that they keep using his phrases in their post game speeches.

He has developed a culture of losing. He has developed a culture that's ok with losing as long as they "get better" (whatever that means).

It really hit home for me when nobody wanted to think about playoffs when they were thick in the race. Its like they were scared to commit to being good
Quote:It really hit home for me when nobody wanted to think about playoffs when they were thick in the race. Its like they were scared to commit to being good

I reckon just being realistic.
Quote:I reckon just being realistic.

The realist in me says that Gus knows he can't do better than 5-11 but he'll just keep on keeping on with the same, mundane garbage.


The "high energy" and "positive" Gus Bradley will just become something we all make fun of in a few years.  Kinda like we make fun of Mularkey.
Quote:What does being a billionaire have to do with knowing football or making crucial football personnel decisions ? Nothing. Anchorman is right. I don't care if he earned it or his daddy gave it to him.  That is why smart Billionaires hire managers,or consultants, they know their limitations. Put Bill Gates in a football pool and he isn't better than Joe the plumber, so why should fans automatically think an owner's decisions are correct? They can be wrong. History has shown they are often wrong. A self made Billionaire hired Gene Smith.

What does posting on a message board have to do with making crucial football personnel decisions? Nothing.
Gus has instilled a losing mindset with a culture free from any sort of accountability, from the coaching staff on down to the players. Even Jason Garrett was laughing at how inept this coaching staff was for not adjusting against Dez and then they repeat the same mistakes this year against Hopkins. Make it end please Khan! Watch a training camp run by Gus compared to a training camp run by Coughlin or even JDR to a lesser extent. Night and day difference. Those guys ran a FOOTBALL PRACTICE, always high intensity. Gus comes out dancing to the latest top 40 hits in cargo shorts. No wonder players come to Jacksonville for a vacation!

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