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Quote:This idea of " just get better " is not something new. It has been around for a long time. John Wooden used to teach his players to concentrate on themselves and their preparation not the opponent and the result will take care of itself. This rebuild was unlike any in the history of the NFL. Patience is required and that is why Shad Kahn is letting it play out.

Rebuild unlike any other in the nfl lol. This statement is old and silly. So it takes 3 years to go from 2-14 to 5-11 now? That's just a silly excuse to try to rationalize the historic badness of this regime.
Quote:Didnt know there was a such thing as emotional intelligence

Quote:Rebuild unlike any other in the nfl lol. This statement is old and silly. So it takes 3 years to go from 2-14 to 5-11 now? That's just a silly excuse to try to rationalize the historic badness of this regime.

Yeah, just get a teenie tiny little bit better every year man. It's the process and you gotta trust it. Take those opportoonies when they come and be prepared to make the least of them.
Quote:Didnt know there was a such thing as emotional intelligence

The Cincy players could have definitely used emotional intelligence last night, another culture we are seeing more of, players who feel they are bigger than the team they have forgotten they play for.

Never heard of it
Ok, so fine. after all this, what do you all think Vegas will say? and when will Vegas say it., will it be worth betting over .500 for the season next year?.

I may go to Vegas in April- heh- since the sport betting opportunity its there, I may wander by the empire created by the jewish person that Robert Deniro played in the movie "Casino" 

I'd bet my retirement fund on another sub .500 season next year. Gus is more reliable than death and taxes. I wouldn't trust him to coach the Clinton Prairie Gophers.

Quote:Rebuild unlike any other in the nfl lol. This statement is old and silly. So it takes 3 years to go from 2-14 to 5-11 now? That's just a silly excuse to try to rationalize the historic badness of this regime.
Regardless of how silly you think that is, the Jaguars have been the second youngest team in the NFL for the last two years. To expect consistent play is foolish no matter who's coaching this team. Patience is required, and evidently Mr. Kahn sees it that way.
You're saying that expectations were to high to expect better than 5 wins against one of the easiest schedules in the league where we played multiple dumpster fires, ending teams 11 game home losing streaks and 6 game losing streaks, and played a boatload of backup QB's. 
I don't know what the fans want or expect. Look, he's on the hot seat in 2016. He either wins out and gets the team into the play-offs or he loses his job. Depending on how the team starts he may get fired like Philbin and Whisenhunt did last year very early on during the year. I personally don't care. It is what it is. Outside of Hue Jackson this off-season I am not all that impressed with the names circulating around the NFL for head coaching positions at the moment. We may have better options in 2017. OR, hopefully, the team wins out and we don't have to worry about it for a long time.

Quote:Regardless of how silly you think that is, the Jaguars have been the second youngest team in the NFL for the last two years. To expect consistent play is foolish no matter who's coaching this team. Patience is required, and evidently Mr. Kahn sees it that way.
No one ask the jags to go young... Look at the young players drafted like Cyprien,Sanders,Gratz,Joeckel.

Are they panning out??No! We should have added more exp free agents, but its too late to cry over spilled milk..
Quote:Never heard of it

Those with high EQ can use their own emotions and those of other people to create success.

[Image: ppun0102.png]
Quote:No one ask the jags to go young... Look at the young players drafted like Cyprien,Sanders,Gratz,Joeckel.

Are they panning out??No! We should have added more exp free agents, but its too late to cry over spilled milk..
. There are also players that did pan out.........Bortles, the two Allens, Greene, Yeldon, Cann, Linder, Colvin, Smith. No team hits on all it's draft picks. Free agency is mostly fool's gold. Rather them go young and hit on some, then to have journeyman players who you know are short term answers. The GM picks the players, so why replace the coach. Let it play out, like Kahn is doing, then decide what action, if any,is needed.
Quote:Those with high EQ can use their own emotions and those of other people to create success.
[Image: ppun0102.png]
Who would of thought you could learn something on this the forum
You can learn quite a bit from this forum. Personally, I've learned to ignore a handfull of posters whose logic leaves me wondering how they function on a day to day basis.

Quote:You can learn quite a bit from this forum. Personally, I've learned to ignore a handfull of posters whose logic leaves me wondering how they function on a day to day basis.

Forum behavior doesn't indicate how someone is at their job or with their family.  Sporting passion tends to be something entirely different compared to day to day life.  Anything that is the means for escape from the day to day grind tends to wring out the fires and fanaticism.


For me, the patience from the front office doesn't match the message that was put out last year.  They plan and have strategies for the long term but speak about the short term.
Quote:Forum behavior doesn't indicate how someone is at their job or with their family.  Sporting passion tends to be something entirely different compared to day to day life.  Anything that is the means for escape from the day to day grind tends to wring out the fires and fanaticism.


For me, the patience from the front office doesn't match the message that was put out last year.  They plan and have strategies for the long term but speak about the short term.
I disagree. I approach this forum with the same level headedness that I rely on in everyday life. Perhaps I'm wired differently than most.
<b>The build remains on course. </b>Has it taken longer than fans would like? Yes. Has it surprised Caldwell? No. “I think it’s probably right where we thought it would be,” he said. “The fact that we were talking about us making the playoffs or possibly winning the division in December show signs that there’s been great improvement. Now the fact that we’ve got to start playing in January to finish it off.”


This is my only problem with "the culture" around the team.  This is flawed logic.  The team was only competing for the division because of how bad the division is around the league.  The team wilted in the face of backups, rookies and journeyman.

Quote:I disagree. I approach this forum with the same level headedness that I rely on in everyday life. Perhaps I'm wired differently than most.

So you're an anomaly then. Or you lack self awareness. Either/or.
Quote:. There are also players that did pan out.........Bortles, the two Allens, Greene, Yeldon, Cann, Linder, Colvin, Smith. No team hits on all it's draft picks. Free agency is mostly fool's gold. Rather them go young and hit on some, then to have journeyman players who you know are short term answers. The GM picks the players, so why replace the coach. Let it play out, like Kahn is doing, then decide what action, if any,is needed.

Oh i agree you cant hit on every pick, im just saying the idea that going completely young and expecting to win might not have been the best idea.... But yeah Gus is in his final year of his contract.. Lets see how this go!
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