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Full Version: ***Official Jaguars Vs. Falcons Game Day Thread***
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Good job Luke!
Weak call.  That wasn't holding


Terrible call
How as a LT do you so routinely get beat INSIDE?!

Luke beat again

Joeckel is bad

Killer penalty

It's over...again.
looked like Joke almost gave up one right there

we dead

We got hosed on that holding penalty.  Gus better be yelling in the ears of the ref for that one

Then he gets beat outside.

I hope we're able to replace Luke this offseason.

Joeckel needs help.
Hopefully this team grows up next year and is prepared to stop making these back breaking mistakes.
Quote:How as a LT do you so routinely get beat INSIDE?!

Because he usually get beat outside too
Awful freaking play there what the heck.