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Full Version: ***Official Jaguars Vs. Falcons Game Day Thread***
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3rd and long is our kryptonite.


We need a turnover here...

Disappointing 1st.

Matt Ryan had all day on that 1st down
Dam. A 3 and out would have been huge.

The defense can't buy a stop at 3rd and long
Quote:Nice pass rush. Nice coverage. A+

Extra sprinkles?
Why does it feel like Ryan has a load more time on 3rd and long?


Stop em D.

We blitzed and didn't even come close.

They can't get close. Not enough playmakers
Unable to touch the QB. He has all time to throw even with a 6 men blitz.

Seriously how can a team be this terrible on 3rd and long.....

Cyp finally made a good play
Telvin just ran to the sideline and threw off his helmet.. he's hurt
that zone.  These coaches

I still dont understand why we can never stop third and long. Just blows my mind.

I can't stand to see them methodically plod their way down the field, converting 3rd and long after 3rd and long.

3rd down again, pull your head out of your [BLEEP] defense
Ever since we tied it at 17-17, we have played terribly.  Whats the time of possession been since that point?  I feel like we've run 2 plays.  both fumbles by Denard.