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Full Version: ***Official Jaguars Vs. Falcons Game Day Thread***
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When your D is not able to stop anybody, you just gotta wonder what the heck they are doing in terms of coaching.  It just make me question the coaching staff.

Quote:Hold them to a FG and blake can win it for us. They acore here we are done

Have to hold them to a FG attempt here.
Okay.  Well, 3rd and long is what it comes down to...lol.

Welp here's to hoping we somehow accidentally stop someone on 3rd and long. Now or never.

"Freeman's going to lose a couple yards. Not catastrophic."


Not catastrophic? NOT CATASTROPHIC? He was probably told "lose as many yards as possible so we get into a 3rd and long situation."


Wallbash Wallbash Wallbash Wallbash Wallbash

Third and long for about the 20th time today...

ballgame here.

I like the clock management there actually
Quote:Two words for you: Andre Branch. When you can't get any pressure from your base package you pretty much can't get teams with decent QBs off the field.

But Andre Branch made one of the biggest plays last week.
Maybe Matty INT will throw one here.

Quote:It's also the players.  Our pass rushers are godawful.

Actually, the rush was there...  It wasn't the rush.  It was the zone coverage
you know what sucks, if they convert a 3rd down here,  lolololol

Quote:bill belicheck would have called a time out

He would also have this team in the playoffs this year.
Doesn't matter. Blake will throw a pick.
Texans with the INT and they will kneel out the clock

Shoelace, shoelace, go go go. On him and third down defense again.

Quote:Really dont understand why Marshall is on Roddy White

Would you rather have him on Julio Jones?
Houston won
Converted. Classic Jaguars.