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Full Version: ***Official Jaguars Vs. Falcons Game Day Thread***
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Cardiac cats
Quote:Poz picked the fumble, and Matt Ryan is so steamed and [BAD WORD REMOVED]!

Poz picked the fumble, and Matt Ryan is so steamed and upset!
Nice work by the D. Odrick getting his hands up and Poz catching it with his stump!

Jaguars already in Falcons territory...


2nd and 3...


DRob with 4 yards to the 29

Quote:The one handed int machine!! Poz!!!!

I had no idea Poz could do that. Thank you #51!
Shoelace runs hard.
Quote:It is? Wow, holy cow, I never would have known! Thanks for telling me before I got in trouble! Smile


Where are all the "bench Poz" groupies now?

My opinion of how he has looked hasn't changed despite the INT.
DRob fillin in nice so far.
Quote:Poz picked the fumble, and Matt Ryan is so steamed and [BAD WORD REMOVED]!
That wasn't a fumble...
DRob making it work we didn't even block.

Quote:Poz picked the fumble, and Matt Ryan is so steamed and [BAD WORD REMOVED]!

I love seeing opponents look mad LOL.
Quote:I had no idea Poz could do that. Thank you #51!

Could do what?
Look at DRobs stiff arm
Lol drob stiff arming durant!
Quote:I've been saying it...Falcons can't stop the offense. We just need some stops, turnovers would be great and we'll be taking the lead shortly
Where's the guy who wanted Poz to stay on the bench, claiming the backup would be better because of the cast and even made reference specifically to not being able to make an interception?

Can't recall who but I saw that very thing last night.
Geesh Bortles, stop leading with your head!

So, I haven't really been able to focus on the game since getting in, but, Justin Durant's still in the NFL? Good for him. Prototypical journeyman apparently.

Thank you BB! Punish these fools