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Full Version: ***Official Jaguars Vs. Falcons Game Day Thread***
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Quote:Banger, the 3rd round pick of all time

Hes our secret weapon
Luke is solid against more finesse DEs,  but he just can't handle the bull rush still.

Quote:I don't know what's worse: Anger hitting a 32-yard punt, or that he still outkicked his coverage.

Maybe it's just me but not just was it short but did it seem like there was little hang time to you?  It seemed like a short, low punt.
Quote:Gonna watch Carolina game. A real game.

You and MissJagsFanatic should go to the Panthers message board too.
Fire Jockel
Quote:It's over...again.

It is not over yet.
Quote:So what was this about the Falcons have a bad defense?

I don't know, can you please explain your premise?
Quote:So what was this about the Falcons have a bad defense?

What was this about how we have a good offense?
Its gonna be a long game if Joekel keeps it up

Quote:The announcers are as bad as our team right now. Every unit looks like garbage and uninspired. They don't want it. 

best word to describe it
Quote:You and MissJagsFanatic should go to the Panthers message board too.

I'm sure that's only one of the many boards she frequents.
Skuta limping out, incomes Thurson Armbrister. Crap.

Quote:Thomas got pretty fat...  They just assumed it was because he hurt his leg.   You know, cuz a finger would allow for cardio workouts...

He looks the same to me from when he was on Denver idk.
Snap back to reality? I guess we are bad still.

Quote:The announcers are as bad as our team right now. Every unit looks like garbage and uninspired. They don't want it. 

LOL I wish there was a way to make all broadcasters remain neutral when they work at games.
Quote:What did he do?
He made his 8th catch of the year, or I believe it was 8th. Either way its nice to see him do something.
Julius is always open
Our best defensive weapon seems to be the Falcons shooting themselves

We count on QBs missing throws for defensive success.
lol Ryan sucks if you get someone in his face.