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Full Version: Trump is acting very dictator like - barred NYT, NDN, CNN, RCP, and others from White House Press briefings
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Nothing brings me more personal joy than watching the loony liberals cry over nothing. 


Keep up the good work, and don't forget to change your diapers from time to time. Smile

Quote:Key word is tried. He was wrong just as the current President is.

The liberal press stood up to Obama and defended Fox News.

Like all good conservatives do, Fox News only cared about themselves. No reciprocity.

I'm hardly a fan of Fox News, but to be fair, they repaid the favor.


I posted the link a little earlier in the thread, but it wasn't in an obvious place.


Brett Baier rips the White House.
Quote:Yes, the Obama administration did indeed try to exclude Fox News back in 2009 from access to administration officials. I'm sure you would have been outraged had you had a clue, right?

The administration also targeted Fox News reporters, going so far as to spy on James Rosen back in 2010, trying to intimidate his coverage of the Clinton State Department and reporting on a particular incident with North Korea. They went so far as to bug his phones and capture his emails, and even bug the phones of family and friends.

The Trump administration trying to block CNN or other outlets who have really done a lousy job of hiding their bias is ham handed at best, but at the end of the day, those outlets are still in the room. They were excluded from an informal, off camera gaggle held in the press secretary's office after the regular press briefing. All of the outlets were in attendance at the press briefing today. Presumably, the administration was sending a message about the perceived false/slanted reporting that has been coming from these outlets.

Obama spent 8 years railing about Fox News and their bias. I don't recall seeing you soiling yourself over his attacks of a media outlet even once during that time.


Solid Snake = Salty Old Liberal in Denial Surely Needs A Kleenex Everyday.
Quote:That article was about non us citizens, and not illegals. This is what we call a leap. Hard to believe someone here illegally would put themselves in jeopardy by voting.

Also the article in no way leads one to believe that illegals are influencing any elections.
Conceding nothing still.  At least you are consistent.
Quote:Solid Snake = Salty Old Liberal in Denial Surely Needs A Kleenex Everyday.

I'm just impressed that you did this. Bravo for this acronym.
Quote:Solid Snake = Salty Old Liberal in Denial Surely Needs A Kleenex Everyday.

This post deserves an award.

That is some snappy comeback. I can't wait to tell the other kids at recess.
Quote:Key word is tried. He was wrong just as the current President is.

The liberal press stood up to Obama and defended Fox News.

Like all good conservatives do, Fox News only cared about themselves. No reciprocity.

I remember Obama being rightfully criticized for that.

The sheer fact Fox Faux news was fanning the flames with the birther talk and Obama didn't ban them goes to show Trump having thin skin or is really committed to trying and cover up the Russia investigation.
Quote:I remember Obama being rightfully criticized for that.

The sheer fact Fox Faux news was fanning the flames with the birther talk and Obama didn't ban them goes to show Trump having thin skin or is really committed to trying and cover up the Russia investigation.

Trump is such a snowflake he won't go to the correspondents dinner. Not very bigly of him. Sad!
Some of you guys are sooooo afraid that President Trump is going to succeed in his job...unlike Obummer failed to do.

Quote:Trump is such a snowflake he won't go to the correspondents dinner. Not very bigly of him. Sad.

Many of your fan sites on the left said they would boycott the nerd prom if he attended.  Why should he attend?  So that he can be subjected to the same left wing bile that we're all being asked to endure any time there's a camera within the vicinity of any celebritards?


Sorry, but there's no reason for him to attend.

I guess this is pretty much the best we could expect when you don't have facts to respond.


Typical lib.  Facts are optional.
Quote:Some of you guys are sooooo afraid that President Trump is going to succeed in his job...unlike Obummer failed to do.

The train is moving forward with or without the cupcakes.


What these people fail to realize is Trump's base (that won him the election) aren't going anywhere and once his tax plan starts putting more cash in the pockets of some of his doubters, the Trump base will get even larger. 


7 years and 11 months sounds pretty damn good to me!
Quote:The train is moving forward with or without the cupcakes.


What these people fail to realize is Trump's base (that won him the election) aren't going anywhere and once his tax plan starts putting more cash in the pockets of some of his doubters, the Trump base will get even larger. 


7 years and 11 months sounds pretty damn good to me!

If people benefit from his policies, rest assured these cupcakes will fight it tooth and nail because they simply can't allow him to succeed at any level.  They must resist every step of the way.  It's going to be a noisy but entertaining 7 years and 11 months lubricated by the tears of liberals.
Quote:Many of your fan sites on the left said they would boycott the nerd prom if he attended. Why should he attend? So that he can be subjected to the same left wing bile that we're all being asked to endure any time there's a camera within the vicinity of any celebritards?

Sorry, but there's no reason for him to attend.

Who's is the bigger pathetic loser? The pathetic loser or the guy defending him?

Good news is global warming is impossible with all the snowflakes in the White House.

Many of your fan sites on the left said they would boycott the nerd prom if he attended.  Why should he attend?  So that he can be subjected to the same left wing bile that we're all being asked to endure any time there's a camera within the vicinity of any celebritards?


Sorry, but there's no reason for him to attend.


Our minority president - President Thinskin, is a typical Little Rich Boy. He's been surrounded by yes-men and nannies his entire life. (It's no coincidence that his children are "running" his companies. I'm sure they'll tell him things he doesn't want to hear, lol.)


He would show real toughness by attending, but I guess Bannon and Kushner told him not to go.
Quote:Trump is such a snowflake he won't go to the correspondents dinner. Not very bigly of him. Sad!

Actually, he said that it wouldn't be appropriate given his current relationship with the media.  I don't see what the big deal is.
Quote:Actually, he said that it wouldn't be appropriate given his current relationship with the media.  I don't see what the big deal is.
His feelings were hurt so he's not going to go to a birthday party.


A child does that.
Quote:His feelings were hurt so he's not going to go to a birthday party.


A child does that.

Liberals are the only ones upset that he isn't going.  Who's feelings are hurt?
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