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Full Version: Trump is acting very dictator like - barred NYT, NDN, CNN, RCP, and others from White House Press briefings
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Quote:All he's doing is keeping them from disrupting and highjacking them, keeping them on topic and on point.

All they're going to do is interrupt and purposefully derail them, which they've proven they are committed to. If their purpose is to undermine and destroy, that's not their job. They've proven to be unable to do their job. They do not treat him with the same respect and with the same methodology they did the one they played cheerleader for.

No one is asking they cheer lead for Trump the way they did 0bama. They're asking to simply be honest in their dealings, and they've proven to be untrustworthy and unable to do so. They've earned it.

Like children, if they can prove they can honestly do their job like adults, I'm sure they can earn it back. I'm just not sure they're capable of that kind of honesty and neutrality.
I agree with all of this, save banning news outlets.

Trump seems to have an issue with answering questions that are difficult. If that's the case, just issue statements. Don't hold press conferences.
Quote:Good points. I don't think he's anything close to perfect and don't expect him to be.

I do think they would turn it into circus, based on his handing their collective rears to them in his very first press conference.

Every presser turns into a fake protest of every single thing he does and says, and not the true issues at hand. It's a method of bogging down/grinding him to a halt by mob attack. There would be no business covered whatsoever.

They did not learn from the first presser, so I don't see how we should expect them to learn and act rationally by doing the same things over and over (insanity.)

I suppose it's worth a shot. It's only the media that has more to lose, honestly.

Yeah. The media is partially to blame for Trump, so if they want to continue their ways, I wouldn't be surprised to see the current trends continue into the next election. i don't care that he kept them out, but it looks bad because all these agencies are now going to have ammo (justified or not) to keep blasting Trump.
Quote:Yeah. The media is partially to blame for Trump, so if they want to continue their ways, I wouldn't be surprised to see the current trends continue into the next election. i don't care that he kept them out, but it looks bad because all these agencies are now going to have ammo (justified or not) to keep blasting Trump.

They would have blasted him anyway, so what's the difference? These networks and outlets are incapable of reporting real news. Some of them may not even exist when the next election comes around.
Why Politifact or NYT. Both are very fair I believe.
Looks as though some would benefit from a little research to show that Obama did in fact, limited the WH press pool to only 5 major outlets (guess which were missing) and he also banned a certain grouping of media from traveling with him. How soon all is forgotten and glossed over.


I do not have a problem with limiting media exposure to those that want to truthfully represent and not embellish just to get attention or clicks on their websites. In any case, mainstream media is slowly fading away and struggling to remain relevant. Both sides of the aisle have seen the less than ethical reporting done to meet an agenda. In addition, the general public is also not ignorant to this fact. We've heard it before, the media thinks WE, the general public, are stupid and pawns to be maneuvered at will.

If you criticize Trump it's fake news, if you flatter him you're legit. Don't you get it.


Regards.....................the Chiefjag

Quote:Looks as though some would benefit from a little research to show that Obama did in fact, limited the WH press pool to only 5 major outlets (guess which were missing) and he also banned a certain grouping of media from traveling with him. How soon all is forgotten and glossed over.

I do not have a problem with limiting media exposure to those that want to truthfully represent and not embellish just to get attention or clicks on their websites. In any case, mainstream media is slowly fading away and struggling to remain relevant. Both sides of the aisle have seen the less than ethical reporting done to meet an agenda. In addition, the general public is also not ignorant to this fact. We've heard it before, the media thinks WE, the general public, are stupid and pawns to be maneuvered at will.

Then Obama was wrong too. What the hell is your point?
One fun thing I do is bring up Fox and CNN side by side.


It's quite revealing.


It's a real exercise to look at:

1. What's their top story

2. What are the other stories they deem important (how do the stories under the headlines fall)

3. How are those stories pre-framed: what language is used and what presumptions are made (even in the title)


The difference is quite startling.


It's why I don't rely on either for "news."


I tend to put it all together and see what sorts out, and do follow up research if it's something that piques my interest.


If it's a cheerleader or attack piece, those speak for themselves.  More style than substance typically in both cases.


And in all cases, always question what was left out.  Most lies are lies of exclusion/omission.  Spin has become an art form, where nearly anything can be framed in a good light.  Or the opposite, if that's the intended effect.


The youth of today don't remember a media that did an honest job.  It's quite a disservice.  It used to be respectable and respected.  Now, many in the media don't even respect themselves the way they behave.  What we have today is certainly not the way things used to be, there was no side taken.  There was only presentation of what is the news, without it coming off as an editorial - which is what it's all turned to everywhere.

Quote:If you criticize Trump it's fake news, if you flatter him you're legit. Don't you get it.

Regards.....................the Chiefjag

The world has not exploded due to the nuclear fallout the left predicted, so he is doing something right so far.
Quote:Fox reports real news.

All media is very slanted/biased to one side or the other in politics..

It's so bad, I can't even watch any freaking news these days when it has anything to do with politics. I just immediately assume that whatever is being said is all lies and spin (the direction of spin depending on which station it is).

The only things I'll watch are live press conferences/speeches by the President, candidates, Congressmen, etc., and then decide for myself if I like what they say or not.

I could care less about any "analysis" of the speeches from our news sources at all. It's just a bunch of slanted propoganda. Fox is hardly innocent of this either.

People should listen to speeches, actually read the executive orders and proposed legislation,,,, and then think/decide for themselves about what they just heard or saw.

Way too many people (millions too many) depend on these ridiculous "news" sources to make their opinions for them.

But, this is nothing new. Propoganda and slant has been going on for centuries. It'll probably never stop.
Fake news gets the axe.


[Image: DTHZcNq.png]

Quote:Fake news gets the axe.

[Image: DTHZcNq.png]
What have they reported that is fake?
Bye bye fake news.


[Image: iXhk0gv.jpg]

Hey hey


Ho ho


Fake news has got to go


[Image: 7VOD5Z7.png]

Quote:Bye bye fake news.

[Image: iXhk0gv.jpg]
Those are opinions and cartoons doesn't make the news itself fake. What actual fake news have they reported that is fake, false, or plain made up?
Quote:Hey hey

Ho ho

Fake news has got to go

[Image: 7VOD5Z7.png]

Your picture says Trump lied which he did. You're Fake, Fake Jaguar Fan.
Fake news?




Very fake news.


[Image: JzidXc5.jpg]

Quote:What stuff did they make up?
Just got back in town so forgive me if this has been covered.  


I use the same taxi/uber drivers in most of the cities I have business with.  Today coming home from Cleveland my preferential driver Rasua, (a Muslim by chance) both of us agreed the media's portrayal of the quote/unquote Muslim ban is disingenuous at best down right dishonest at worst.  It is a temporary ban for 90 days to re-evaluate the vetting process.  This is not how the media portrays it though.  Granted the administration did a horrible job of rolling it out and presenting it to the American people but that does not excuse how the media portrays the EO.


This to me, (I hate this term "fake news" btw) does represent an unfettered bias that is being misrepresented by most media outlets.  


Furthermore, I wish the media would simply report what is happening without adding their political bias.  By either blatant omissions or out of context quotes.
Quote:Hey hey

Ho ho

Fake news has got to go

[Image: 7VOD5Z7.png]

<a class="bbc_url" href='https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=iFCjaDzwzKs'>https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=iFCjaDzwzKs</a>

Here is a video of President Cheeto lying about Hillary giving Uranium away to Russia. STOP BEING FAKE AND LYING FAKE JAGUAR FAN.
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