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Full Version: Trump is acting very dictator like - barred NYT, NDN, CNN, RCP, and others from White House Press briefings
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Why is Poltifake so fake?


[Image: izSUhwX.jpg]

I wish you kids would go to bed.  Geesh.  The sad part is if we all sat down over a game of cards we would find we all agree on about 80% of the issues.  Instead we get the last 3 pages of childish crap.

Politifake is a goldmine.


[Image: 74bc22761374582a2501edc999806376.png]

Quote:I wish you kids would go to bed.  Geesh.  The sad part is if we all sat down over a game of cards we would find we all agree on about 80% of the issues.  Instead we get the last 3 pages of childish crap.

Honestly don't know whats more enjoyable.


Watching CNN meltdown after being denied access for over-reporting fake news.


Or watching Solid Snake meltdown after witnessing his fake news sites demolished.
Trumps 4 pinocchio lies from campaign start through March 2016.  And this is just through March 2016.


Grab a drink, it's gonna take you a while to get through them all.

Speaking of fake news....


[Image: PAoRQnJ.png]

Last one for me. Its been great.


Fake news can't even get any real viewership.

Are The NY Times, Guardian, And WaPo Buying Clicks? China Jumps From Trickle To Half Of All Traffic In Two Months
JW won the internet tonight. Good night.
Fake newd: Hillary is the next President.
Quote:That isn't true. Public approval for the media is around 32%. There's a reason for that. Fox News is biased toward conservatism and CNN (and everyone else) is biased toward liberalism. The media and Democrats is partially to blame for Trump. They've sensationalized every thing and villianized every one that disagrees. Trump capitalized on that and won. Any moderately intelligent person can read an article and determine which side of the fence the writer is on. It shouldn't be like that, and their approval rating reflects it.

They no longer report the news they report their opinion of the news. All of them do it.
Quote:They no longer report the news they report their opinion of the news. All of them do it.

The news is there. Just listen to Cheeto open is mouth. There are tremendous videos of him lying. It's all real. Nothing fake.
Quote:JW won the internet tonight. Good night.

I would certainly say the same thing.  LOL.
Jaguar Warrior - maybe I missed it, what was your response to post #65 regarding the memo about DHS and the National Guard? 


I don't hold the traditional 'news outlets' in very high regard. In my opinion they segment the market and target a base area of the population, and slant coverage in order to increase viewership and garner ratings. It is a media business more than a reasoned discourse concerning political issues. This is as true for Fox News as it is for MSNBC. Further, none of them provide sufficient information to make informed decisions about policy. It does further polarization and increase fragmentation. I think copycat's post #102 is pretty interesting in that we probably could agree on many things if we took the effort to discuss them, but that requires an amount of effort, interest and tools that few seem to possess. 


I see banning news outlets from pressers as a largely symbolic move that is foolish but in the context of the dearth of quality information concerning issues, not a terribly big deal. In my opinion most news stories are superficial, with no attempt to engage with opposing viewpoints - like much of the content of this message board. 

Quote:Then Obama was wrong too. What the hell is your point?

That you were wronnnnnnnnnnng!
Quote:I would certainly say the same thing. LOL.
Spamming the board with pics? Way to go!
^^^ Excellent post BiffSkippy
Quote:Spamming the board with pics? Way to go!

Liberals are typically the royalty of fake memes. It was refreshing to see some memes and photos with actual facts.
Quote:Liberals are typically the royalty of fake memes. It was refreshing to see some memes and photos with actual facts.
lol you clearly don't know what memes are so that's good.
Donald always seems to be somewhat confused. (Is Jared making sure he takes his pills?)


If the leaks are real they are not fake news.


If they are fake news he has nothing to worry about.

Quote:Donald always seems to be somewhat confused. (Is Jared making sure he takes his pills?)

If the leaks are real they are not fake news.

If they are fake news he has nothing to worry about.

Yea because he seems really worried.
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