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Full Version: Trump is acting very dictator like - barred NYT, NDN, CNN, RCP, and others from White House Press briefings
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Quote:I know you aren't the sharpest, but you can't control those you've barred.


Control of the media gives you power to falsely control perception, and you can't control what you don't have in hand.


He's controlling nothing.  He's doing quite the opposite, he's cutting bait and communicating directly with the people.


No spin, no doctoring, no lies from the fake media.  Just straight talk.

I've made a point of watching Trump...just Trump...unadulterated and unedited as much as possible since he started in politics. I see exactly who, and what, he is.


It ain't pretty.


I don't see this as a big deal as far as what information we receive. What will be interesting is what will trigger another purge. You can all hail him as a hero now, but wait until he gets his feelings hurt by a currently favored news outlet. It's going to happen.


#thinskinned[BAD WORD REMOVED]

Quote:The problem with drama queens such as yourself, as you only reinforce the reasons people don't trust the media and trust Trump (a game show host) more.

You really are incapable of having a conversation without resorting to insults. How sad.
Quote:I've made a point of watching Trump...just Trump...unadulterated and unedited as much as possible since he started in politics. I see exactly who, and what, he is.

It ain't pretty.

I don't see this as a big deal as far as what information we receive. What will be interesting is what will trigger another purge. You can all hail him as a hero now, but wait until he gets his feelings hurt by a currently favored news outlet. It's going to happen.

#thinskinned[BAD WORD REMOVED]

Fox reports real news.
Quote:You really are incapable of having a conversation without resorting to insults. How sad.

This is a true. And it is a deep character flaw.
Quote:Fox reports real news.
Too easy
Quote:It's fascism plain and simple. Imagine if Obama had barred Foxnews and Breitbart.

This comically stupid authoritian mini-despot crap ain't gonna fly in America, land of the free and home of the brave.

Trump is a coward. They are just giving him enough rope to hang himself now.

He tried
Quote:He never barred conservative media outlets.

Yes he did
Quote:You really are incapable of having a conversation without resorting to insults. How sad.

The conversation pretty much ends when you say something asinine like "giving your first amendment rights away."


They truth is quite the opposite.  How can one election put some of you so out of touch with reality?


It's becoming more and more clear that your kind has been completely out of touch with reality for the last 8 years.  The thing about a facade is, that at some point you realize it's all a lie.  It all comes crashing down, crashing back to reality at some point.  I hope you're prepared for that moment of clarity, whenever that may happen.  The lies do fall apart eventually.  I know... that was me in my early 20s.  It's startling, yet it's also freedom, a breath of fresh air when you let the truth guide you and not baseless commitment to the lies.  It's cult like.


I suggest watching Leah Remini's Scientology expose.


The parallels with the cult of current liberalism are quite shocking.  The control of thought, shaming, bullying, and exile/shunning of those who "turn" on the church and choose to become independent thinkers.  Eye opening... mind opening.
Quote:Yes he did
There's talk that Obama tried to ban Fox News from the White House press briefing back in 2009, citing that they weren't a legit news outfit.


Obama was wrong, and immediately faced a united front from a united press.


I expected that Fox News would join the other outlets in condemning today's decision, and I am glad to see that Brett Baier brought the hammer down on the Trump administration.
No one trusts the media. They're liars and manipulators. Having said that, this is a stupid idea. He needs to keep them in the room. If he doesn't like what they say, then he needs to point out the lies in front of them.
Quote:No one trusts the media. They're liars and manipulators. Having said that, this is a stupid idea. He needs to keep them in the room. If he doesn't like what they say, then he needs to point out the lies in front of them.

Most Americans trust the media more than Trump. After this, expect the chasm to widen
Quote:The conversation pretty much ends when you say something asinine like "giving your first amendment rights away."


They truth is quite the opposite.  How can one election put some of you so out of touch with reality?


It's becoming more and more clear that your kind has been completely out of touch with reality for the last 8 years.  The thing about a facade is, that at some point you realize it's all a lie.  It all comes crashing down, crashing back to reality at some point.  I hope you're prepared for that moment of clarity, whenever that may happen.  The lies do fall apart eventually.  I know... that was me in my early 20s.  It's startling, yet it's also freedom, a breath of fresh air when you let the truth guide you and not baseless commitment to the lies.  It's cult like.


I suggest watching Leah Remini's Scientology expose.


The parallels with the cult of current liberalism are quite shocking.  The control of thought, shaming, bullying, and exile/shunning of those who "turn" on the church and choose to become independent thinkers.  Eye opening... mind opening.

I'm not a liberal.  I actually watch and listen to what's happening and form my own opinions.  What lies do you think I'm believing?  I find it rather ironic how outspoken you are about forming independent thoughts as you fall in lock-step with whatever the administration is selling this week.


Freedom of the press is absolutely fundamental to our society.  It's been abused and mistreated, sure.  But so many people are so excited about the Trump administration's dogged attempts to discredit the media that it's frankly shocking.  The state should never control the media.  The government should never be the sole source of information.


There's nothing dictatorial about not allowing certain sects of the press to attend a press conference--it's hyperbole at its finest to suggest so.  But some of you guys who post here seem so thirsty for a leader to lay down the law that you'd just accept it if Trump (or Bannon, more likely) declared himself God-Emperor tomorrow--as long as the filthy liberals were silenced.
Quote:Most Americans trust the media more than Trump. After this, expect the chasm to widen

60m+ would disagree.
Quote:Most Americans trust the media more than Trump. After this, expect the chasm to widen

That isn't true. Public approval for the media is around 32%. There's a reason for that. Fox News is biased toward conservatism and CNN (and everyone else) is biased toward liberalism. The media and Democrats is partially to blame for Trump. They've sensationalized every thing and villianized every one that disagrees. Trump capitalized on that and won. Any moderately intelligent person can read an article and determine which side of the fence the writer is on. It shouldn't be like that, and their approval rating reflects it.
Quote:No one trusts the media. They're liars and manipulators. Having said that, this is a stupid idea. He needs to keep them in the room. If he doesn't like what they say, then he needs to point out the lies in front of them.

All he's doing is keeping them from disrupting and highjacking them, keeping them on topic and on point.


All they're going to do is interrupt and purposefully derail them, which they've proven they are committed to.  If their purpose is to undermine and destroy, that's not their job.  They've proven to be unable to do their job.  They do not treat him with the same respect and with the same methodology they did the one they played cheerleader for.


No one is asking they cheer lead for Trump the way they did 0bama.  They're asking to simply be honest in their dealings, and they've proven to be untrustworthy and unable to do so.  They've earned it.


Like children, if they can prove they can honestly do their job like adults, I'm sure they can earn it back.  I'm just not sure they're capable of that kind of honesty and neutrality.
Quote:Most Americans trust the media more than Trump. After this, expect the chasm to widen

Quote:All he's doing is keeping them from disrupting and highjacking them, keeping them on topic and on point.

All they're going to do is interrupt and purposefully derail them, which they've proven they are committed to. If their purpose is to undermine and destroy, that's not their job. They've proven to be unable to do their job. They do not treat him with the same respect and with the same methodology they did the one they played cheerleader for.

No one is asking they cheer lead for Trump the way they did 0bama. They're asking to simply be honest in their dealings, and they've proven to be untrustworthy and unable to do so. They've earned it.

Like children, if they can prove they can honestly do their job like adults, I'm sure they can earn it back. I'm just not sure they're capable of that kind of honesty and neutrality.

I agree with almost every thing you said. I just disagree with how to handle it. I think it's a better idea to keep them in the room and let them know that you see the lies. Tell them their mistakes but let them make it.
The media needs Trump more than he need a them. He gets his message out directly via social media.
Quote:Imagine if Obama had done this.  The outrage would have been astronomical.  Conservatives are, as they've always been, "Do as I say, not as I do."

Also feel this is relevant: 
What has been said by anyone in the administration is irrelevant to everyone of the boot lickers as long as they can get all nice a santoromy over perceived liberal tears. Feels over reals and party over country to them. 
Quote:I agree with almost every thing you said. I just disagree with how to handle it. I think it's a better idea to keep them in the room and let them know that you see the lies. Tell them their mistakes but let them make it.

Good points.  I don't think he's anything close to perfect and don't expect him to be.


I do think they would turn it into circus, based on his handing their collective rears to them in his very first press conference.


Every presser turns into a fake protest of every single thing he does and says, and not the true issues at hand.  It's a method of bogging down/grinding him to a halt by mob attack.  There would be no business covered whatsoever.


They did not learn from the first presser, so I don't see how we should expect them to learn and act rationally by doing the same things over and over (insanity.)


I suppose it's worth a shot.  It's only the media that has more to lose, honestly.
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