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Full Version: Trump is acting very dictator like - barred NYT, NDN, CNN, RCP, and others from White House Press briefings
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Quote:Just got back in town so forgive me if this has been covered.

I use the same taxi/uber drivers in most of the cities I have business with. Today coming home from Cleveland my preferential driver Rasua, (a Muslim by chance) both of us agreed the media's portrayal of the quote/unquote Muslim ban is disingenuous at best down right dishonest at worst. It is a temporary ban for 90 days to re-evaluate the vetting process. This is not how the media portrays it though. Granted the administration did a horrible job of rolling it out and presenting it to the American people but that does not excuse how the media portrays the EO.

This to me, (I hate this term "fake news" btw) does represent an unfettered bias that is being misrepresented by most media outlets.

Furthermore, I wish the media would simply report what is happening without adding their political bias. By either blatant omissions or out of context quotes.

The media's portrayal of Trump and his Muslim ban has to do with statement he made referencing the problem with Muslims. He stated he wanted a complete and utter shutdown of Muslims entering the country.

<a class="bbc_url" href='https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=viDffWUjcBA'>https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=viDffWUjcBA</a>
Fake news with some extra whine.


[Image: kJvsJ4A.png]

Here's a video of the Fake News reporting on statements Cheeto said and reveresed. Shameful they report on things he said.

Quote:Fake news with some extra whine.

[Image: kJvsJ4A.png]

Here is the DHS memo dated Jan 25th that details deploying 100000 troops. Not fake. Again Oh my!!!

<a class="bbc_url" href='https://cdn2.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/8001743/Implementing_the_President_s_Border_Security_and_Immigration_Enforcement....0.pdf'>https://cdn2.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/8001743/Implementing_the_President_s_Border_Security_and_Immigration_Enforcement....0.pdf</a>
Fake news:


Barack Obama was not born in the United States. so he can't be president.




Oh my.

Fake news caught.

<a class="bbc_url" href='http://lawnewz.com/uncategorized/hospital-ceo-wins-major-court-ruling-after-accusing-cnn-of-false-reporting/'>Hospital CEO Wins Major Court Victory After Accusing CNN of False Reporting</a>

Has nothing to do with President Cheeto.
Fake fake fake.


Fake fake fake.


Fake your booty.


Fake your booty.


[Image: 3y0.jpg]

Fake news:


What happened in Sweden last night.

Quote:I'm not a liberal.  I actually watch and listen to what's happening and form my own opinions.  What lies do you think I'm believing?  I find it rather ironic how outspoken you are about forming independent thoughts as you fall in lock-step with whatever the administration is selling this week.


Freedom of the press is absolutely fundamental to our society
.  It's been abused and mistreated, sure.  But so many people are so excited about the Trump administration's dogged attempts to discredit the media that it's frankly shocking.  The state should never control the media.  The government should never be the sole source of information.


There's nothing dictatorial about not allowing certain sects of the press to attend a press conference--it's hyperbole at its finest to suggest so.  But some of you guys who post here seem so thirsty for a leader to lay down the law that you'd just accept it if Trump (or Bannon, more likely) declared himself God-Emperor tomorrow--as long as the filthy liberals were silenced.
The problem herein lies the our press has taken sides.  I don't know that this is the correct response, I would prefer that he address each grievance directly however maybe this will prompt some introspect upon those outlets banned.  Doubt it but one can hope.
Quote:Fake fake fake.

Fake fake fake.

Fake your booty.

Fake your booty.

[Image: 3y0.jpg]

If only Trumps ties to Russia were fake.
Fake news employee! (one of the worst, fam)


[Image: 0qB5DHA.png]


[Image: 5eX6xgT.jpg]

Anyone having fun seeing SS get triggered over his beloved fake news?


[Image: jl1cAKP.jpg]

Fake news:


The murder rate is higher than it's been in 47 years.



'scuse me.


[Image: HRAce25.png]

Fake news:


Hillary won the popular vote because 3 million people voted illegally.

Fake news:


"I watched when the World Trade Center came tumbling down," he said at a Nov. 21 rally in Birmingham, Ala. "And I watched in Jersey City, N.J., where thousands and thousands of people were cheering as that building was coming down. Thousands of people were cheering."

More Fake news videos using Fake Trump Look Alike who makes up fake terror attack





[Image: 4a2.png]

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