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Full Version: The Indianapolis Colts are a bad football team
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Quote:Luck will probably never be the "elite" guy the media tries to sell us on a weekly basis, and lets be honest. He isn't good looking enough to make me want to buy a 6" sub or a cell phone.

 lol, I can still remember that one game where Luck was slobbering and spitting all over himself.


Not the best look for a QB trying to get endorsement deals.
Quote:Oops, I forget the word never for some reason.

It was a subliminal slip.
Quote:Oops, I forget the word never for some reason.

Freudian slip...  You may want to seek therapy...   :teehee:
Quote:It was a subliminal slip.

Thank you Mr. Name-Maker.
Quote:Thank you Mr. Name-Maker.

 You're welcome MissJagsFanatic.


Merry Xmas
Quote:If they played in any other division in football they'd be under .500
 Thanks to the gaguars and the rest of the division were not. :yes:
Luck is an above average quarterback his stats are inflated from throwing it all the time and he's overrated in the media.

That being said having an above average qb in year 3 is a good position to be in, however it's up to him now over the next 3/4 to really turn it up a notch. As of now id have the obvious 4 of manning, Brady, Rodgers and brees above him. Then probably Big Ben, joe flacco and rivers also. Id put him in the same kind of area as romo.

As for the rest of the team it is quite poor, Hilton is a spark. Feasted on poor teams however as it means lower picks, I actually kind of hope they get to the afc championship and lose to force them down a few spots! I genuinely hate the colts more than any other team!
Luck's been as advertised these three years I'd say. He's done a very good job with an Indy roster that's not all too great besides a few sparks in some areas. Gotta give him credit for that.


Next week's a big opportunity for them to show they're more than just the best team in a poor division. Beating Cincy isn't enough to rise beyond that rep. Beating Denver will shake a lot of criticism being thrown their way.

Cincy were missing so many players and were so ineffective its hard to judge the colts offence on that performance. Saying that the o line was fantastic.
Quote:Cincy were missing so many players and were so ineffective its hard to judge the colts offence on that performance. Saying that the o line was fantastic.

Wish I could find your post where you said the Colts had no chance winning a playoff game.


Also, I knew you'd make excuses against the Colts. Whatever.
Quote:Wish I could find your post where you said the Colts had no chance winning a playoff game.

Also, I knew you'd make excuses against the Colts. Whatever.

You beat broncos next week (minus manning being injured) and you get all the credit.think you will find I said you would be "lucky" to win one and said no chance of any more.

You were quite fortunate to get an injury hit Bengals or do you think that had no bearing on the result?
Quote:You beat broncos next week (minus manning being injured) and you get all the credit.think you will find I said you would be "lucky" to win one and said no chance of any more.

You were quite fortunate to get an injury hit Bengals or do you think that had no bearing on the result?

I don't think it would have mattered. Colts were also out with 2 starting lineman, and another lineman who many think SHOULD start. All with injuries.
Quote:I don't think it would have mattered. Colts were also out with 2 starting lineman, and another lineman who many think SHOULD start. All with injuries.

I can't believe that both times you played cinci they were missing green.

That horse shoe must really help.
Quote:I don't think it would have mattered. Colts were also out with 2 starting lineman, and another lineman who many think SHOULD start. All with injuries.

I agree. I don't think the injuries mattered.


The bengals are simply a pretender team with no QB.


When team with no QB meets team that has QB the result is almost always team with no QB losing.


Like someone else said, if Manning is healthy and the colts get the win next week it would be what I'd consider an impressive win.


The colts SHOULD win a wildcard home game against a team that has a QB that always shrinks when he's in the spotlight.
you don't get trophies for beating andy dalton-led teams :no: [Image: no.gif]
Andy Dalton would be a great Backup QB, IMO.

He's a guy that can come in and manage a team enough for a few wins if the starter goes down,, but he's not a guy that can lead you to a championship.

Maybe after 2-3 more years when Cincy has given up on him being their starter,, he'll find a team that will sign him as a backup. He'd be a great backup guy.
Quote:Andy Dalton would be a great Backup QB, IMO.

He's a guy that can come in and manage a team enough for a few wins if the starter goes down,, but he's not a guy that can lead you to a championship.

Maybe after 2-3 more years when Cincy has given up on him being their starter,, he'll find a team that will sign him as a backup. He'd be a great backup guy.

Yes, he seems to be the kind of high floor low ceiling guy that would make a decent backup, but we haven't seen him as one just yet.


He might not have the motivation to do it properly and may only look as good as he has so far due to the benefit of having all of the practice reps and coaching focus.


In either case the bengals really ought to cut bait with both he and the coaching staff soon.
Good points on Dalton, maybe he would be a little worse without all the reps and coaching focus all season. But,, the potential for him being a top backup QB is there. I'd much rather have Dalton come in for a few games if BB went down than Henne.

I completely agree with the Bengals needing coaching changes. Marvin Lewis 0-6 in the playoffs (being there 5/6 past seasons),, and just as bad in big primetime games,,, it's time for a change.
Quote:If they played in any other division in football they'd be under .500
The Broncos havent bee playing that great the last few weeks and I think Peyton Manning is playing injured.  The Colts did beat the Broncos in Indy but its in Denver and I expect a Broncos win this week.
Quote:The Broncos havent bee playing that great the last few weeks and I think Peyton Manning is playing injured.  The Colts did beat the Broncos in Indy but its in Denver and I expect a Broncos win this week.


The Broncos beat the Colts in Denver this year..
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