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Quote:Actually.... Yes.

If he really did care about football, he would be working out and staying in shape. Going to a casino, where there is alcohol flowing, smoke and poor decisions abound really doesn't sound like a smart move.

Josh Gordon, in his time off, worked out on his own and spent time selling used cars or something. Doesn't that sound like a smarter move than going to a casino?

Ah so going to a casino = not working out and staying in shape. Got it.
Quote:Actually.... Yes.


If he really did care about football, he would be working out and staying in shape. Going to a casino, where there is alcohol flowing, smoke and poor decisions abound really doesn't sound like a smart move.


Josh Gordon, in his time off, worked out on his own and spent time selling used cars or something. Doesn't that sound like a smarter move than going to a casino?
Maybe he was there so he can watch the JAGs game as i said earlier so he could become more familiar with the playbook ?? could be ?? :teehee:
Quote:Actually.... Yes.


If he really did care about football, he would be working out and staying in shape. Going to a casino, where there is alcohol flowing, smoke and poor decisions abound really doesn't sound like a smart move.


Josh Gordon, in his time off, worked out on his own and spent time selling used cars or something. Doesn't that sound like a smarter move than going to a casino?

But you're basing one picture from someones twitter account and assuming that that has been Blackmon's everyday routine. 


Did Blackmon look "out of shape" to you in that picture? He looked in pretty good shape to me. Blackmon could be working out consistently this whole time and because one day he decides to take a break and go to a casino, you are building up in your head that he's doing nothing but slacking off. 


Do we know what Gordon has been doing 24/7?? He could have been in a casino himself the past 2 weeks (not that it matters) but just happened to not be near anyone that cared about tweeting it. 


I think we all need to calm down a bit and not jump to the worst possible scenarios. Social media, lol - people gotta chill. 
And people wonder why some athletes/celebrities say NO when asked to take a picture.... unreal


The guy was in a casino.  You know who else can be found in casinos?  The Mafia!   Blackmon killed Jimmy Hoffa!  This picture is PROOF!    
Quote:My thoughts. But as we will soon find out from the enlightened message boarders we don't know anything / we are just old curmudgeons / he's allowed to have fun / we are haterz etc.
No, but youre being overly judgmental to a person who is an admitted recovering addict. He is in a casino, cut him some slack, hes having fun. You have no way of telling if hes even doing anything wrong as far as abuse. You just dont like that he isnt showing a picture of him working out saying "Puttin in work". He looks in shape in that picture for what its worth, so that would indicate he hasnt stopped working out. Give the man a break and let him live his freaking life. You come off as so holier than thou with these kind of posts. Its sad. 
Blackmon killed Jimmy Hoffa? Whoa, that wasn't in the movie.

Quote:Blackmon killed Jimmy Hoffa? Whoa, that wasn't in the movie.

See how sneaky he is???      I think he found a time travelling slot machine that enabled him to go back in time to pull of the deed.  You just can't trust those casino types. 


The guy was in a casino.  You know who else can be found in casinos?  The Mafia!   Blackmon killed Jimmy Hoffa!  This picture is PROOF!    


Quote:No, but youre being overly judgmental to a person who is an admitted recovering addict. He is in a casino, cut him some slack, hes having fun. You have no way of telling if hes even doing anything wrong as far as abuse. You just dont like that he isnt showing a picture of him working out saying "Puttin in work". He looks in shape in that picture for what its worth, so that would indicate he hasnt stopped working out. Give the man a break and let him live his freaking life. You come off as so holier than thou with these kind of posts. Its sad.

I'm not holier than thou. I gamble, I drink, I smoked pot for years.

But I also don't have three arrests in 2 years, been in and out of rehab, and have ostracized myself and flat out ignored my employer who has written me checks with 6-7 zeros on it.

Nothing. Not one tangible thing that anyone can point to would indicate that Blackmon had turned his life around or is passionate about returning to football.

I'm just not as naive as some.
Quote:But you're basing one picture from someones twitter account and assuming that that has been Blackmon's everyday routine. 


Did Blackmon look "out of shape" to you in that picture? He looked in pretty good shape to me. Blackmon could be working out consistently this whole time and because one day he decides to take a break and go to a casino, you are building up in your head that he's doing nothing but slacking off. 


Do we know what Gordon has been doing 24/7?? He could have been in a casino himself the past 2 weeks (not that it matters) but just happened to not be near anyone that cared about tweeting it. 


I think we all need to calm down a bit and not jump to the worst possible scenarios. Social media, lol - people gotta chill. 
I'm totally calm.... But Blackmon is not a normal NFL player or even a normal member of society for that matter. If Gordon was in a casino, i bet someone would have snapped a photo. A lot of you defending him are acting like he is just some guy who wanted to go a caisno. He is a guy trying to fight for the right to play football again. Going to a casino is just not smart.


He is a professional athlete and a person who is trying to change his image. Going to a casino is not helping his cause. And if he wanted to watch the game.... He could go to literally anywhere else haha. Casinos are the only places with TV's? got it.


You think Goodell saw that and was like "wow... looks like the guy is really turning it around." It really doesn't matter what you or I think but what the NFL thinks and I guarantee you they didn't like that. 

Quote:No, but youre being overly judgmental to a person who is an admitted recovering addict. He is in a casino, cut him some slack, hes having fun. You have no way of telling if hes even doing anything wrong as far as abuse. You just dont like that he isnt showing a picture of him working out saying "Puttin in work". He looks in shape in that picture for what its worth, so that would indicate he hasnt stopped working out. Give the man a break and let him live his freaking life. You come off as so holier than thou with these kind of posts. Its sad. 
Are you really that naive? Before you answer, the question was rhetorical; you obviously are that naive! Blackmon doesn't have the best reputation in the NFL and he needs to be living his life cleaner than most people because of it... unless he really doesn't care about ever coming back to the NFL. Besides this, the last place a recovering addict needs to be hanging out is at a casino! That is, assuming he really cares about recovering. 
Quote:Are you really that naive? Before you answer, the question was rhetorical; you obviously are that naive! Blackmon doesn't have the best reputation in the NFL and he needs to be living his life cleaner than most people because of it... unless he really doesn't care about ever coming back to the NFL. Besides this, the last place a recovering addict needs to be hanging out is at a casino! That is, assuming he really cares about recovering. 
Again you all are missing it, yes its a casino but for one alcohol was not being served it was early in the morning, second it was probably the only place near where he is that is showing the Jags game (sports book shows all the games) Bars are closed due to no alcohol sales. Now there is a chance im wrong. but all the evidence leads to this conclusion. Jag fan watching jags game at 10 in morning in cal at only place you prob. can see the game runs into JB doing the same thing.
Woop! Dere it is!
Quote:Again you all are missing it, yes its a casino but for one alcohol was not being served it was early in the morning, second it was probably the only place near where he is that is showing the Jags game (sports book shows all the games) Bars are closed due to no alcohol sales. Now there is a chance im wrong. but all the evidence leads to this conclusion. Jag fan watching jags game at 10 in morning in cal at only place you prob. can see the game runs into JB doing the same thing.
BW3 closes on Sundays? Hooters? Casino's are the only place open to watch games? Really?

He could have went to any run of the mill restaurant and watched any game he wanted.
There was a jags game yesterday?


No big deal either way, in my opinion, casino or not. As long as hes not doing anything ILLEGAL, let him live life while rehabbing.

Quote:Ah so going to a casino = not working out and staying in shape. Got it.

People act like you literally work out 10 hours a day, read the play book another 8 hours, then sleep.
<ol class="">[*]

<div><a class="" href='https://twitter.com/JackYoung_2'>Jack Young ‏@JackYoung_2 </a> <a class="" href='https://twitter.com/JackYoung_2/status/530394137099771906' title="11:19 AM - 6 Nov 2014">4h4 hours ago</a>
<p class=""><a class="" href='https://twitter.com/jonnyblaze74'>@jonnyblaze74</a> did he make it sound like he'd be playing with the Jags or just playing in general?

<span style="color:rgb(136,153,166);font-weight:bold;"><span>0 replies</span></span><span style="color:rgb(136,153,166);font-weight:bold;"><span>0 retweets</span></span><span style="color:rgb(136,153,166);font-weight:bold;"><span>0 favorites</span></span>
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<div><a class="" href='https://twitter.com/jonnyblaze74'>[Image: img001_bigger.jpg]Jon Milner ‏@jonnyblaze74 </a> <a class="" href='https://twitter.com/jonnyblaze74/status/530394926136451072' title="11:22 AM - 6 Nov 2014">4h4 hours ago</a>
<p class=""><a class="" href='https://twitter.com/JackYoung_2'>@JackYoung_2</a> Jags. He seemed excited about helping the team get better.






  1. <div>
    <div>Jack Young ‏@JackYoung_2  4h4 hours ago
    @jonnyblaze74 did he make it sound like he'd be playing with the Jags or just playing in general?

    <span style="color:rgb(136,153,166);font-weight:bold;"><span>0 replies</span></span><span style="color:rgb(136,153,166);font-weight:bold;"><span>0 retweets</span></span><span style="color:rgb(136,153,166);font-weight:bold;"><span>0 favorites</span></span>
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  2. <div>
    <div>[Image: img001_bigger.jpg]Jon Milner ‏@jonnyblaze74  4h4 hours ago
    @JackYoung_2 Jags. He seemed excited about helping the team get better.










Robinson + Hurns + Blackmon + Lee? 


+ TE threat in the passing game


+ another year further development of Denard??



(should be) unstoppable. 

Robinson + Hurns + Blackmon + Lee?

+ TE threat in the passing game

+ another year further development of Denard??

(should be) unstoppable.

You look familiar....hmmmm......where do I know you from?
Quote:You look familiar....hmmmm......where do I know you from?
LOL. Thought the same thing.  
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