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Quote:This is really silly, there is more then enough bone head time out management moves to be upset about.  The kick on 3rd down with rookie quarterback and wide receivers isn't a bone head move to be arguing.  IF 3 years from now with the same players Gus is making the same call, then argue it.

This. ^
Quote:Nope. It would have been the correct decision, but a bad outcome/ bad execution.

Why would it be the right decision when you are out of time outs and in range?

If you want to complain about Gus, complain about the challenges.

Also, no one believes you when you say you wouldn't be decrying the decision if we did run another play and it didn't work. Not a soul.

Carry on.
Quote:I promise you the odds of something going wrong from running an extra play are much higher than the 7% gained for moving the ball inside the 50.

As I said much earlier, I PERSONALLY would have tried to get a few more yards. But I certainly understood the logic.

But to say something as ludicrous as '31 other teams' would have done it and try to pass it off as fact is...well...typical.
Quote:As I said much earlier, I PERSONALLY would have tried to get a few more yards. But I certainly understood the logic.

But to say something as ludicrous as '31 other teams' would have done it and try to pass it off as fact is...well...typical.

Ludicrous and easily disproven by about 30 seconds of Googling.


Oh wait. Coughlin was in nearly the exact situation. And what did he do?

Coughlin's quote the following day:


"What happens if you get a sack there? What happens if you try to fit one in tight, and it gets, whether you catch it or not, you get tackled in bounds? Game's over. Last night I chose to do that, knowing full well that the clock was not in our favor, we had no timeouts. I fully expected the type of coverage that would take the short throw to the sideline away from us. I'm not going to know whether or not that was the case because we didn't try it."

[Image: abr.gif]
Everyone who thinks we should have run one more play believe the play would have been executed as drawn on the chalk board but the fact is there was one sure shot, just one sure shot, at winning the game. Every other option had flaws. We could have been sacked, could have been tackled in bounds, could have jumped off sides, could have had in injury time out and run off the rest of the clock, could have missed an assignment and lost yardage, etc, etc.


It was the right call. According to Lageman he makes 62% of his kicks beyond 50 yards. When you have one sure shot at winning or gamble with a bunch of rookies that you get a closer shot or none at all, you take it at 12 seconds.


REgards......................the Chiefjag

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