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Quote:Of those teams, the Chiefs used a Draft pick to acquire their Quarterback. <-- and the Jags couldn't because ???


One of those teams didn't get a long-term starter. <-- I'd say 2, but you only need him during your window of opportunity.


The other two were free agency -- so I'm guessing you're a big Mike Vick fan or something?  Oh yeah, and one of them isn't a long-term solution either. <-- This year is not every year. And if you build a good team with those extra 1st round picks, an average QB is good enough. Russell Wilson is not exactly a star.
Quote:Which was my reason #1.


Caldwell took a big position in rating Bortles that highly. I hope he's right.


Houston needed a QB even more than Jax; they have a fairly solid roster except at QB. Yet Houston took Clowney, so at least one [professional, NFL] GM [with a pretty good track record] disagreed with Caldwell's opinion.

Consensus had Clowney as the best player, so as Houston illustrated it was Bortles/Clowney at the top.  If not Clowney, they probably would have picked Bortles.
Quote:Tell me what differentiates Bortles from Gabbert? Both are very similar, Bortles has more mobility, yet, both have weak arms. Both are 6' 4". Both QBs we drafted in the top 10... Neither played at a high level in college, Both came out their second solid year. Both were graded as weak arms with good upside. Gabbert was at first the "obvious #1", before Cam took that spot. Bortles comes onto the scene in January as an up and comer, and moves into the top spot (kind of, really depends on what you're reading and who you believe).

I pray to god we got this pick right. But we've NEVER hit on a QB in the first round. And regardless of if Bortles is serviceable or not we did not optimize the value of our #3 pick. I didn't like any of the QBs in this draft, really thought we had a great chance to have a huge draft, find a QB at the end of the 1st and still get a great impact player at 3. And the whole thing blew up with Bortles going 3. Watkins is a sure thing, Bortles isn't. Where we sit as a franchise we can't take chances.
Gabbert had a cannon.. One of the few good things about him.. You don't watch much football do you? You don't need an insane arm to make it in this league.
As my posts have indicated I am highly disappointed in the Bortles pick. That being said, I would rather see him with all his weak armed throws starting before Henne.

Quote:Consensus had Clowney as the best player, so as Houston illustrated it was Bortles/Clowney at the top.  If not Clowney, they probably would have picked Bortles.

If I were Houston's GM and I had Bortles that high, I would have taken Bortles. The team needs a QB. They were a playoff team in 2012 and have a fairly solid roster other than at QB. They don't need a 4-3 DE, and Clowney is an unknown as an OLB. I doubt that they had Bortles anywhere close to Clowney in value.


OTOH, the Jags need a lot of help. I can see the Jags taking the BAP no matter what the position.

Although I wanted Watkins, I see that this pick makes us stronger for 2015. They got their guy and will sit him for most of the year while he develops. In the meantime, our young players will gain experience and we will add pieces so that when Bortles takes over, he'll have weapons and won't be running for his life half the time. I see us winning 6 or 7 games this year but I believe we'll be a playoff contender in 2015 when our run begins. In the meantime, we have ten more picks. Let's make the most of it. Go Jags.
Quote:If I were Houston's GM and I had Bortles that high, I would have taken Bortles. The team needs a QB. They were a playoff team in 2012 and have a fairly solid roster other than at QB. They don't need a 4-3 DE, and Clowney is an unknown as an OLB. I doubt that they had Bortles anywhere close to Clowney in value.


OTOH, the Jags need a lot of help. I can see the Jags taking the BAP no matter what the position.
Not a chance they had Bortles anywhere near a first pick value. I cant comprehend Caldwell giving him 3rd pick value.
Quote:I might be the only one that loves the pick haha
Your not. It's really too bad fans are like this lol. He was thought of by quite a few people as top QB in the class, and people who do mock drafts for a living assumed he'd be taken mid 1st, so we take him at 3 because Caldwell thinks he's our franchise guy and its stupid and we should have traded back? There's no guaruntee he's there if we trade back, if he's the guy Caldwell thinks is a franchise QB, you don't wait.


cue up 1:52 and watch the next 10 passes



Seriously though, this guy is good. I had Bortles as the guy I wanted once we were at #3 to end the year, assuming Bridgewater was off the board at our pick. Watched a lot of tape on him and love the guy. Needs some work, but thats why he won't be tossed into the fire. We have a pick at #39 and can either give him better protection or get him a nice toy to work with for the long haul. I'm excited.
Quote:Thanks Captain Hindsight. You don't start any player at any position before they're ready.

Not hindsight. Not arguing cuz I'm happy so deuces.
Rable Rable Rabb;le!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fans.   We all eat up this NFL Draft stuff, act like this is some kind of exact science, fall in love with some guy and then hate it when the team passes on him and takes someone else.   But what a lot of you don't seem to realize is that all you know is what you read and hear from people who are making things up out of thin air.  Every self appointed draft expert out there watches and reads every other self appointed draft expert out there, and pretty soon there is a group think going on, because no one wants to go out on a limb, and the real GMs out there are not giving us any clues to what they are really thinking.  


So when the pick is finally made, OF COURSE 95% of us are disappointed with the pick.  We were all CONVINCED that we just HAD to have Sammy Watkins, or Mack, or whomever we had fallen in love with.  


So you guys have temper tantrums and act as if you actually know something about these players.   Well let me clue you in.   Half of the players drafted in the first round will either be busts or have very disappointing careers, and none of us will know why.  


Guys, all this NFL pre-draft coverage is just to get us to watch a bunch of advertisements, so get over it.   Having a tantrum because the Jags didn't select your guy just reveals how the NFL has taken advantage of your stupidity by making you think that if you study these players, you can become an expert.  
Would love to save a screen shot of these naysayers, and play it back in a few years when we win the Super Bowl. Of course, most of them will take "early retirement" from posting here.
Great video on Orlando Sentinel showing a bar erupting when Blake is called at 3.


Quote:Great video on Orlando Sentinel showing a bar erupting when Blake is called at 3.



That's great.   Maybe this will give us more fans in Orlando, and they'll come up and buy tickets. 
The more I read the more excited I am. UCF fans adore him.

Not surprising really, he gave them an amazing season last year.
Quote:I don't see it that way Tim, I simply don't believe that you or many others think this was a good pick. If you say so I will call you a liar. I am a Jags fan through and through but this pick sucks. I will gladly eat crow if proven wrong .

I was initially disappointed would have rather seen us take Mack or Bridgewatèr but that's because I hadn't really paid much attention to Bortles. Watching video and seeing the stats and seeing what some people are saying about him (who actually have coached or scouted him) it's obvious he's a legit prospect. Comparisons with Gabbert make it pretty clear that people aren't looking beyond the superficial aspects.
Quote:That's great.   Maybe this will give us more fans in Orlando, and they'll come up and buy tickets. 

I'm a UCF Alumni still in Orlando.  Myself and nearly all of my alumni friends will be purchasing Bortles Jags Jerseys and at least considering season tickets.  Bortles has a huge following down here and we're all thrilled to see him on Sundays.
The #3 pick is only a shock to some because we get mesmerized by the lights and glitter that the national media throw at us.  It’s why Marketing in general works…we’re a bunch of mindless zombies.

The Bortles pick is an A for sure.

In February, Gus was asked what they look for when evaluating a QB.  He said three traits:  Timing, Accuracy and Decision Making.  He then mentioned Bridgewater, Manziel, and Bortles by name.  Bortles was the only QB evaluated with all three traits. 


No one, including the coaches, knows what the future will hold, but no one who was “listening” should be surprised.  Instead, we should be excited.  The jaguars did a great job keeping their pick under wraps and fooled everyone from ESPN, to 1010XL, to the fans.  We should be proud of that.

Here are the quotes from ESPN…look it up (2/21 “Gus Bradley news conference highlights”)


On what he's seen on film from Teddy Bridgewater: "He's got really good poise, very good decision making, and very accurate, by his stats, the completion percentage, and things like that. I think that's what jumps out."


On Blake Bortles: To be able to give you a complete evaluation at this point I don't think I'm ready to do that, but I can tell you that we've watched enough that we're really intrigued by him. The traits that he has, big, tall, things that we talked about before, timing, accuracy, decision making, those are all things that we take a close look at. The evaluation process is never over. The combine is really important but it's just another piece of the puzzle so I'm looking forward to really watching him compete. I think there's a chance to compete here and keep an eye on him."


On Johnny Manziel: Well, he's very talented. How can you argue with what he's done and the plays that he makes? Exciting player, and again, the evaluation process, I'm really looking forward to watching everything and I know our staff has. We're in that process but we've been watching him for quite a while and seen his traits. Does some great things. Did some great things for his team."

Quote:Looks like we have a moron at the helm yet again. 
More like we have yet another moron on the board!
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