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Quote:Nah, we'd get destroyed at the LOS. 
LOB*. *Cheers*

Quote:Got no dog in this fight, but if we're stacking titles, the titles earned before joining said conference should not be factored in.

There is a point to it, though. I don't count National Championships won before joining the Big Ten when discussing "Big Ten National Champions", but it is still important to list accomplishments by teams currently within the conference.


Let's say Alabama joined the Big Ten today and we didn't count past National Championships... Someone could say "The Pac 12 is a better because we have more National Championships in the past decade, 2 to 0". Nevermind the fact that the Big Ten would a team that won 3 of the past 4 championships.
Quote:How slow can you be?


If Michigan was playing in the Bahamas Bowl year in and year out, they would be able to pad their stats like the Big East does. The Big Ten is often matched up with SEC and Pac 12 teams.


The Big Ten is easily a top 5 conference. I say they are the 3rd best after the SEC and Pac 12. The facts back me up.
....did someone just mention the Big East?


Isn't that conference dead in college football?


In the BCS era, the Big 10 may have a better bowl and title record. However, recently, the Big 10 has been pretty weak and the ACC is on the rise.


All that being said, the SEC and PAC 12, on the whole, are still the best conferences year in and year out. 


The Big 10 has OSU and Michigan regularly at the top. Michigan ST, Wisconsin, Nebraska, are usually pretty good to above average, the rest of the conference is usually forgettable. 


The ACC is gaining Louisville (who is losing Teddy so we'll see if they flounder) and has Florida ST regularly at the top, with Miami hit or miss and Clemson being pretty good recently, but another team that we have to wait and see if they can keep it going through change. Duke was a surprise this year... And the majority of the ACC is just like the bottom of the Big 10 most years, pretty forgettable.


I guess what I'm getting at is... why are you even arguing. Between the two conferences, in the BCS era (98-2013), they have 4 national titles (3 ACC and 1 Big 10)

Big 12 has 2, PAC 12 has 1 (vacated) and a shared championship with LSU, and the SEC has the rest.


you can argue bowl games all you want... but if you're not first you're last.

Quote:....did someone just mention the Big East?


Isn't that conference dead in college football?


In the BCS era, the Big 10 may have a better bowl and title record. However, recently, the Big 10 has been pretty weak and the ACC is on the rise.


All that being said, the SEC and PAC 12, on the whole, are still the best conferences year in and year out. 


The Big 10 has OSU and Michigan regularly at the top. Michigan ST, Wisconsin, Nebraska, are usually pretty good to above average, the rest of the conference is usually forgettable. 


The ACC is gaining Louisville (who is losing Teddy so we'll see if they flounder) and has Florida ST regularly at the top, with Miami hit or miss and Clemson being pretty good recently, but another team that we have to wait and see if they can keep it going through change. Duke was a surprise this year... And the majority of the ACC is just like the bottom of the Big 10 most years, pretty forgettable.


I guess what I'm getting at is... why are you even arguing. Between the two conferences, in the BCS era (98-2013), they have 4 national titles (3 ACC and 1 Big 10)

Big 12 has 2, PAC 12 has 1 (vacated) and a shared championship with LSU, and the SEC has the rest.


you can argue bowl games all you want... but if you're not first you're last.

He called the Big Ten a "below average conference". That is why we are arguing. The Big Ten is most certainly a top 5 football conference.

You think the former Big East was better in football than the Big Ten?


Seeing your take on other things, I wouldn't be surprised, but there is no way the Big East was better than the Big Ten in anything but basketball.
Quote:He called the Big Ten a "below average conference". That is why we are arguing. The Big Ten is most certainly a top 5 football conference.
There are what.... 10 conferences? 

Top 5 puts them ahead of the AAC, Sun Belt, Mountain West, Mid American, and Conference USA.


Not really saying much.


Is the big 10 better than SEC or PAC 12? No.

Better than ACC or Big 12? Maybe...


Comparing who they all play, within conference and out of conference the Big 12, 10, and ACC, have very similar records after the season was through. The top of each had multiple 10+ win teams, and the bottoms had multiple less than 5 win teams.

Top to bottom though, I put ACC 3rd.

With Big Ten edging out what I consider a pretty weak major conference in Big 12.


That's just my opinion on it.

Thing is... next season the Big 12 could be awesome, the ACC could falter (except for FSU) and the Big Ten won't get worse (at least at the top of their conference.) So after next season the Big 10 could be the 3rd (or 4th still).


College football changes a lot. If we are talking about one season you could argue for one conference if you're talking about the course of 10 seasons you could argue for another.


I wouldn't say the Big 10 is a below average conference. OSU, Mich St, Wisconsin, are some pretty good teams. Michigan, Iowa, Nebraska have some good years and some bad. Penn St will bounce back to I believe. 


But top 5 is easy to say out of 10. But they can't be below average considering there are at least 5 conferences below them. So "average" is the best argument.
I agree with that. It's the SEC, then the Pac 12, then Big Ten/ACC/Big 12. The three of them are interchangeable and differs from year to year.


That is my point, though. He called the Big Ten a below average conference when there are really only two conference that are definitely better. That is either ignorance, trolling, or stupidity. His final post was much more reasonable than his first few posts (like claiming the former Big East was better than the Big Ten).

What I said was that the Big Ten had the lowest win percentage of any major conference in the bowl games in the BCS era and showed the Big East's bowl record vs the Big Ten's bowl record in the same period. Don't read any more into my words than what is typed. I am not ignorant, stupid or a troll (or a child as you obviously assume). I was just stating facts. I expressed my opinion that the Big Ten typically plays a soft regular season schedule and that helps to explain why their post season record is lacking. I'm trying to be civil and respectful. I provided plenty of detail to support my opinion. As did you. Neither of us were convinced the other was right (though of course, we both will claim victory). The Big Ten is an average at best conference. The conferences they are obviously better than are lower tier conferences (Sun Belt, WAC, etc.). When they play the better teams of rival conferences, typically it doesn't bode well. My supporting evidence on this has already been presented. Agree to disagree. Let it die.
Well this thread got off topic fairly quickly.
Quote:Well this thread got off topic fairly quickly.

No, no, that can't be....that only happens when its me in the argument....or so I'm told... :confused: 
I rest my case.

If Caldwell can find a pass rusher and a FS that will contribute as well or better than Marks did this season - this defense will start to look a lot more similar to Seattle's.  (an upgrade at OLB would help too)


I think our offense will find it's identity when we find a quarterback, primary RB, and #1 receiver.   I don't expect it to look much like Seattle's save for a handful of read-option plays sprinkled in.  Fisch seems do differ from Bevell in a number of ways and I expect his offense and playbook will too. 

Quote:If Caldwell can find a pass rusher and a FS that will contribute as well or better than Marks did this season - this defense will start to look a lot more similar to Seattle's.  (an upgrade at OLB would help too)


I think our offense will find it's identity when we find a quarterback, primary RB, and #1 receiver.   I don't expect it to look much like Seattle's save for a handful of read-option plays sprinkled in.  Fisch seems do differ from Bevell in a number of ways and I expect his offense and playbook will too. 


The perfect FS is out there as a FA in Jairus Byrd, so unless he's re-signed by Buffalo prior to FA beginning, theres no excuse for us not to target him. Byrd would instantly become our Earl Thomas. 

Quote:The perfect FS is out there as a FA in Jairus Byrd, so unless he's re-signed by Buffalo prior to FA beginning, theres no excuse for us not to target him. Byrd would instantly become our Earl Thomas. 
Sorry bud, I don't see it happening. Being from Western NY, you obviously see a lot of coverage of the Bills and this guy is legit. However, he has a secret sense of a: "I am me" guy, and was almost a "diva" at the start of the season with his contract.


He played through, made another pro-bowl and will be looking forward to be getting paid. For our team that has a GM that believes in his talent he brought in last draft, I don't see him getting Byrd.


If I was Dave Caldwell, I see him going after Walter Thurmond III and Jon Asamoah. Both young talents that played on superior teams, have a lot of potential. They look like "Dave" guys, young guys that you wouldn't expect. *Cheers*

Watching Seattle winning doesn't excite me at all about what's occuring here in Jacksonville. If it's anything we've learned, and this isn't a knock against Gus Bradley, but, that defense has been doing just fine without him there to coordinate it. The General Manager there and their current coaching staff is what's made everything possible and exciting there in Seattle. That has nothing to do with our future and what's planned here in Jacksonville.


How many times has (and will more than likely continue to do until he retires) Bill Belicheck spit out coaches from his tree that went onto headcoach teams straight into oblivion? More than two or three times at this point. Seattle is special man. Not just special, but very lucky. They got lucky with Russel Wilson, and that's been the difference over the past two years there. Good QB play, and good decision making by the General Manager.


Im excited about Bradley's approach to coaching and the energy that he tries to enstill in this roster. And I am excited about what Caldwell can do in his position. But when I see the Seahawks stomping people out West it doesn't make me stop and think "Gee, that's going to be us someday!". Inless we can develop a fanbase here that they have up there, and until we can find ourselves a franchise QB and some key players at other positions. We're going to continue to be "just another team".

I'm not surprised some took what I said literal... Obviously we aren't going to build identical teams with identical player but we can use the same methods and mold and that's what has me excited.
Seattle's situation is unique.  Once guys start getting paid, their defense is going to suffer.

Quote:Seattle's situation is unique.  Once guys start getting paid, their defense is going to suffer.

Depends on how they keep drafting.  Pittsburgh was pretty good at draft and release for a while.


It's doable.  You just have to be selective about what you choose to keep and how.
Quote:Depends on how they keep drafting.  Pittsburgh was pretty good at draft and release for a while.


It's doable.  You just have to be selective about what you choose to keep and how.
True.  New England had a pretty good (very good)  sustained run while frequently letting 5th year successful players walk in free agency.  It seems to have finally bitten them in the rear, however. 


When you have the luxury of Brady behind center -  that method is a whole lot easier!

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