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Full Version: Was the tank plan in effect before the start of the season?
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Quote:If this isn't a tank season, then this administration is in waaaay over their head.

Some say..oh pick up a couple FAs and win 3-4 games? Yes. You build on that. You can't build a house without starting at the foundation. This team has none. Clearly, not taking a QB to at least push Gabbert .. At least Smith in the third... Tells me it was a blow it up season. Heading to be the possible worst team ever? And it's not a tank season? Oookay.
Talk about bass-ackwards. You fill in pieces with FAs. You don't build with them.
Quote:No this team is a joke and people who defend it are more then a joke
When people point out the flaws in your posting - they aren't always defending the team.  You should consider the distinction. 


I don't think there was a plan to tank -  but they knew it was going to be a season that would position them high in the draft order. 

Is this season going worse than they expected with the rookies and stop-gaps?  Most likely, yes. They were horrible Sunday.   If you want to call that failure - so be it.  

I just realize that we are in the early stages of a massive rebuild and have much more patience than you. 

I just realize that we are in the early stages of a massive rebuild and have much more patience than you. 

Quote:Not at all.


They didn't fix anything.  The secondary is slightly improved but nothing else has been improved
They didn't fix anything?  Either you've decided to ignore reality, or you're just not being truthful.  Which?


The first part of a rebuild is to tear something down, and that's precisely what this year has been about.  They gutted the roster   That's the first step.


Because this roster was almost completely void of talent, and there were more holes to plug than draft picks available, and this is a team that has made it abundantly clear they will build through the draft, then saying they didn't fix anything is really just disingenuous.  


If part of fixing what was wrong with this teams means discarding the parts that won't be needed for the long term plans, then they've made several adjustments that would be seen as fixing problems.


One of the biggest problems they addressed was having one of the highest payrolls in the league coming off a 2-14 season.  For all the talent the team allowed to walk that fans howled over, the team last year was only 2 wins better than the one we're looking at today, and we have created a tremendous amount of cap space that they will work to push forward to next year.  Those are fixes. 


It's a process.  They've continued to work on developing their strategy, and to maximize the possibility in speeding this process up.  They've added more draft picks with the Monroe trade, and I suspect we'll see more movement by the front office to continue to improve their number of draft picks if possible. 


They also signed several players to 1 year deals, so it's clear they weren't looking at these guys as long-term fixes, but rather they were giving players a 1 year audition to prove if they had the ability to stick at this level.  They weren't at a point where going large in free agency, either to get a QB or some other costly player would have had much of an immediate impact.  They looked at what they had and decided these pieces couldn't be fixed quickly, so rather than do an impulse buy to placate fans like you who demand name recognition and expensive contracts from your free agents, they opted to keep the long game in mind. 


With the additional draft picks, and a healthy amount of cap space, I think you'll see something more along the lines of targeted free agent acquisitions next year at critical positions of need that they were unable to address via the draft.  I still don't think you'll see the team going out and making blockbuster deals, but I think the caliber of players we target next year will be geared more toward the long-term and not a 1 year band aid.


We've seen improvement with the defensive backs despite letting most of the starting secondary walk at the end of last season.  We've added younger players who have shown signs of being at least as good as, if not better than what we had previously.  They're getting some valuable playing time this year. Re-tooling the defensive line and linebacker corps has barely just begun.  Both lines will be a focus next year no doubt.  The team will have to find a quality pass rusher, and they're going to need more beef in the middle of the defensive line to hold point.  They're going to need to add to the linebacker corps to give them guys who are more complete players than what we're trotting out there today.


On offense, we've seen the beginning of the rebuild with Joeckel.  It's a shame he was injured before he could settle in at LT, but I think he'll be just fine when he returns.  I'd call him a fix at LT even though Monroe was better than average.  I think Joeckel will wind up being a better fit at the position over the long term barring health issues similar to Boselli. 


The receiving corps seems to have improved.  We've probably got a more complete group of receivers right now than we've had at any time in the past decade at least.  This team has always been on a quest to find that third receiver.  It's what drove Coughlin to draft R Jay Soward.  For the first time, we might actually have 3 or even 4 solid, contributing receivers on the roster giving us significant improvement over what we've seen before.


I think the bottom line here is that if you want to look at it from the perspective of immediate results, it's easy to say they haven't fixed anything, but that's really shortsighted, and not looking at the comprehensive picture for where this team is headed.  It was inevitable that in order to fix the mess these guys inherited, they were going to have to take a step back and fix the mess before they could put their stamp on the roster.  A year or two from now, we'll know exactly what the direction of this team is, and based on the approach they've taken so far, the arrow should be pointing upward.  We'll see. 
I mean, it's kind of easy to see they're building the team in a way to get the most important piece last (QB). They have the WR's, they have the young secondary, they just need some pieces on O-Dline as well as the QB and we should be set.


It would have been awesome to get someone like Carson Palmer, or Alex Smith to get us to 6-10 or 8-8 and then we miss out on the top 3-4 QB's potentially, leaving us in the same position we have been since Garrard's last successful year.

Quote:So sacrifice the future for four wins.

And YOU called other people idiots?

How is winning 4 games sacrificing the future?  As I already stated most of the star QB's in the NFL are not even top 5 picks.  Heck most of them are not even first round picks.


If you call losing to guarantee the 1st overall pick a good thing then I am calling you an idiot. 
As soon as they made the decision to stick with Gabbert as QB that's when the tanking started. My opinion is that Caldwell had his eyes on a certain QB coming out of college this year. 

Quote:If this isn't a tank season, then this administration is in waaaay over their head.

Some say..oh pick up a couple FAs and win 3-4 games? Yes. You build on that. You can't build a house without starting at the foundation. This team has none. Clearly, not taking a QB to at least push Gabbert .. At least Smith in the third... Tells me it was a blow it up season. Heading to be the possible worst team ever? And it's not a tank season? Oookay.

Smith in the third?  What Smith in the third?  Geno was gone in round 2.  Do you mean Matt Barkley?  You know the guy who threw 3 interceptions on 20 attempts?
Quote:As soon as they made the decision to stick with Gabbert as QB that's when the tanking started. My opinion is that Caldwell had his eyes on a certain QB coming out of college this year.
Agreed 100%
Quote:How is winning 4 games sacrificing the future? As I already stated most of the star QB's in the NFL are not even top 5 picks. Heck most of them are not even first round picks.

If you call losing to guarantee the 1st overall pick a good thing then I am calling you an idiot.
No problem because I take that with a minute grain of salt coming from you.

But here, let me explain for you since you seem to have trouble grasping concepts. Why WASTE money on FAs when you can wait until you've built with young guys and THEN fill in with FAs.
I 100% believe the tank plan was in effect before this season started

Quote:I 100% believe the tank plan was in effect before this season started

I think they were 80% convinced Gabbert sucked so tanking was definitely part of the plan.  In the event Gabbert transformed into a good QB, they would have had a win-win situation in which they gutted the roster and did not have to use a 2014 pick on a QB.


As of today, the plan is going as expected.   The only frustrating part for Bradley is he's realizing that his "nice guy" message of effort is not getting through.
Quote:I 100% believe the tank plan was in effect before this season started
I think the plan was to gut the roster, which they did.  Then they could start the process of rebuilding, which they're doing.  I think they recognized that this was a team that had won 7 games over the past 2 seasons, and the roster was so comprehensively bad that there honestly was no quick fix, so rather than focus on more wins, they've put their energy into building a team that will have deeper roots and the ability to have sustained success.  I don't think they were planning on tanking, but I've got no doubt they recognized that if they followed this process, it wasn't going to be a season where improvement would be immediate.
Quote:Nope. Remember Gabbert would have been the #1 pick if he declared for the draft in 2013. Per Fisch

Fisch didn't say that
Quote:No problem because I take that with a minute grain of salt coming from you.

But here, let me explain for you since you seem to have trouble grasping concepts. Why WASTE money on FAs when you can wait until you've built with young guys and THEN fill in with FAs.
I don't know you but from what I read your opinions mean 0.


Waste money?  It's not a waste if you find good players.  The results are in and this team maybe the worst of all time.  Building with young guys is not a given because many flop.  Waiting 3-4 years for young guys to develop is not a positive view when you are working with a team that is this bad.


This team is the joke of the NFL and the worst I have ever watched.  it is not a good thing


If you call losing to guarantee the 1st overall pick a good thing then I am calling you an idiot. 

I guess the Colts were idiots then when they tanked for Luck....


oh wait, no, they won the division in Luck's first year and have already knocked off Seattle & previously unbeaten Denver this season.... :whistling:

Quote:I think they were 80% convinced Gabbert sucked so tanking was definitely part of the plan.  In the event Gabbert transformed into a good QB, they would have had a win-win situation in which they gutted the roster and did not have to use a 2014 pick on a QB.


As of today, the plan is going as expected.   The only frustrating part for Bradley is he's realizing that his "nice guy" message of effort is not getting through.
Exactly.  Because this team was so bad, they had the luxury of giving Gabbert one last chance to prove himself.  I suspect they've always had their eyes on the 2014 draft to address the QB situation unless it started to click for Gabbert.  Even then, I think they more than likely would've still picked a QB next year.  He's simply made that decision an easy one.
When the OP is putting up his Bridgewater Fathead in a few years, he'll be laughing about this thread.

Quote:I don't know you but from what I read your opinions mean 0.
Yet you keep replying....
Quote:I think the plan was to gut the roster, which they did.  Then they could start the process of rebuilding, which they're doing.  I think they recognized that this was a team that had won 7 games over the past 2 seasons, and the roster was so comprehensively bad that there honestly was no quick fix, so rather than focus on more wins, they've put their energy into building a team that will have deeper roots and the ability to have sustained success.  I don't think they were planning on tanking, but I've got no doubt they recognized that if they followed this process, it wasn't going to be a season where improvement would be immediate.
Nobody is asking for immediate improvement.  The coaches, owner, and GM all said their goal was to put a competitve team on the field.  I and most others expected plenty of losing.


What I and many others didn't expect is to see a team getting destoryed every week.  We can't even lose a game by less than 10 points.  Thats not bad but flat out terrible.


The coaches and the Gm have failed the 2013 Jaguars.  It was going to be bad regarldess but there does not seem to be improvement in any area aside from the secondary which plays decent at times.
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