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Full Version: Anti-Trump protesters line the streets in Chicago and New York
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Quote:...and all that "hate and vitriol" was not present until Donald started his run for President?  Only supporters of Trump fail to understand there is a huge division in this country?


You are talking out your [BAD WORD REMOVED] and making comical, one-sided statements that are either unfounded or unqualified.  Google "Divider-in-Chief" and see what name pops up.


It's posts like this that make me wish I would have voted for Trump.



It's asinine fools can't own their hate for trump.


The hate is within the protester.  It was caused by them, not Trump.
Quote:These people are what's wrong with America.


Be constructive and forward thinking, truly progressive.


Not destructive and regressive.


Approach any thinking person with violence instead of ideas, and you will be rejected.

Donald Trump's goal is to divide the country more than it already is.
Quote:Donald Trump's goal is to divide the country more than it already is.

that's why in his victory speech he applauded Hillary and called for unity
Quote:Katy Perry on twitter called for a "REVOLUTION"


dumb [BAD WORD REMOVED]. we had a revolution and it started in the Republican primary months ago.

  Though as a Republican I didn't support Donald Trump,  I certainly accept the results of the election and hope that Trump lives up to the expectations of the good people that voted for him.   If that happens,  I gladly will support Trump if he runs for re-election.  
divide is ok as long as their ideology is in power

Quote:Donald Trump's goal is to divide the country more than it already is.

False.  Yet again.
Quote:  Though as a Republican I didn't support Donald Trump,  I certainly accept the results of the election and hope that Trump lives up to the expectations of the good people that voted for him.   If that happens,  I gladly will support Trump if he runs for re-election.  

Same here.  These "protests" are certainly ridiculous, but then again, that's what we got under the last 8 years of "leadership" by one of the most divisive people that I know.
Only Democrat party gains from division.  It's how they stack minority votes.  They fear others will think for themselves and consider another party or being independent.


They falsely believe they have a corner on minority issues, and they get the weak minded to believe that.


If all were to unite, then people would be free to back whoever they wanted.  That's what the D fears most.  They demand compliant support.


Quote:He can continue to divide this country or he can stop. Newsflash! He doesn't have anywhere near the majority support and it won't take much at all to neuter his abilities in 2018.

Majority support? Oh, you must mean congress. House and senate both have republican majorities.

Or, maybe you were referring to the vote. He'll have over 300 EV after the last 3 states finally get certified, which has historrically been the "mandate" threshold. You can guarantee HRC would be throwing the "M" word around had she won 300 EV.

Wait, you must have meant the POPULAR vote! The other stat that is used to declare a mandate. Trump is down a whole 200k or less last time i looked, which is less than half of a single percentage point. The popular vote, for what it's worth, was basically a tie. If you want to split hairs over that, knock yourself out.
Donald Trump kicked my dog
im all for peaceful protests (although extremely annoying cry baby [BAD WORD REMOVED] tend to be a part of them). but these things regularly escalate into burning and destruction of property of some kind


go ahead and wave around your stupid [BLEEP] sign. the minute you start burning stuff, no, youre going to jail.

Quote:False.  Yet again.

True. Listen to what he said about women, Muslims, blacks, Latinos, LGBT and disabled people, and immigrants.
Quote:Same here.  These "protests" are certainly ridiculous, but then again, that's what we got under the last 8 years of "leadership" by one of the most divisive people that I know.



 The damage caused from the so called leadership of the last 8 years will be extremely difficult to undo. 
Lol... 0bama forged a deep divide in this country, Trump calls for unity and already is being blamed for division.


The D is empty on ideas and solutions.  They blamed Bush, failed, and now are pre-preemptively blaming Trump for 0bama's lack of achievement, too.






True. Mental. Disorder.


Complete inability to self reflect and acknowledge fatal flaws in your own world view.

Quote:Majority support? Oh, you must mean congress. House and senate both have republican majorities.

Or, maybe you were referring to the vote. He'll have over 300 EV after the last 3 states finally get certified, which has historrically been the "mandate" threshold. You can guarantee HRC would be throwing the "M" word around had she won 300 EV.

Wait, you must have meant the POPULAR vote! The other stat that is used to declare a mandate. Trump is down a whole 200k or less last time i looked, which is less than half of a single percentage point. The popular vote, for what it's worth, was basically a tie. If you want to split hairs over that, knock yourself out.

Liberals can't seem to grasp the part in bold.
Quote:True. Listen to what he said about women, Muslims, blacks, Latinos, LGBT and disabled people, and immigrants.

 Listen to what Hillary Clinton said about Blacks, Jews, Christians, and disabled people,  among others.   If you are going to paint Donald Trump,  IMO,  you should also do the same with Clinton. 
Quote:homebiscuit answered your question a post above yours.

So they aren't even protests. It makes me sad to be part of this generation.

Riots are more like it. They didn't get their way and now they're crying about it.

What a bunch of [BLEEP].
Quote:True. Listen to what he said about women, Muslims, blacks, Latinos, LGBT and disabled people, and immigrants.

You literally do not know what you're talking about.

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