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Quote:No.  You are wrong.  She has a disability but she's certainly intelligent... probably more so than many posters on this message board.

No kidding. My disability is not known for making people stupid.
Quote:No.  You are wrong.  She has a disability but she's certainly intelligent... probably more so than many posters on this message board.

i see no evidence of that


but i guess "intelligence" can be subjective

Quote:i see no evidence of that


but i guess "intelligence" can be subjective

I have a high school diploma and took classes in college. How is that for intelligence?
You guys should stop the name calling.  Even if someone is stupid or an idiot, you really shouldn't call them out on it.  It's not the nice thing to do.

Quote:I have a high school diploma and took classes in college. How is that for intelligence?

education != intelligence
Quote:The election is over. It's no longer about Clinton. It's about a country that is as divided as it has ever been. Its about the fact this country absolutely is full of hate and vitriol. I get the sense that President-Elect Donald Trump doesn't get it, nor do his supporters. Nope it's all ha ha and spit in your face. How do you see that ending?
Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. You fling insults like you're getting paid to do it. Anyone who opposes you at all is instantly the Bad Guy. There are others here who do the same and it makes me sad. Not in a boo-hoo kind of way but in a way that causes me to wonder why people treat each other so badly over a difference of opinion or belief or anything else people get so hateful about. 
Quote:Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. You fling insults like you're getting paid to do it. Anyone who opposes you at all is instantly the Bad Guy. There are others here who do the same and it makes me sad. Not in a boo-hoo kind of way but in a way that causes me to wonder why people treat each other so badly over a difference of opinion or belief or anything else people get so hateful about. 

Amen. That describes the vast majority of posters who bash me for seeing things differently.
Quote:Amen. That describes the vast majority of posters who bash me for seeing things differently.

Stop making every comment about you.
is it not possible to block somebody on here?

Quote:is it not possible to block somebody on here?

Add them to your ignore list.
thank you. holy crap my experience here is about to improve 10x

Quote:Why in the hell do Republican people think that because someone is more left were all deadbeats with no aspirations or jobs? It boggles the mind.


Quote:Why do far left types think anyone right of center is a religious, racist, uneducated, toothless redneck?
Because the majority of folks have no desire to believe anything other than what they think is right. And the folks who believe differently are automatically the bad guy, wrong, stupid, whatever label you want to use. People are so stuck in their own heads that to actually think outside the box is not even a consideration. They're right, no matter what. I see it a lot where I live. 
Quote:These people are what's wrong with America.


Be constructive and forward thinking, truly progressive.


Not destructive and regressive.


Approach any thinking person with violence instead of ideas, and you will be rejected.
And I will add to the bold area, negative feedback.


This is what so many people in general don't get but especially all the folks who protest and it turns into looting and rioting, blocking roads and highways, or interrupting people's restaurant experience to tell them how crappy they are as people because they don't understand the struggle. 
Quote:The media is doing irreparable damage to race relations in this country.

Well, yes. That has been a calculated and concerted effort from the DNC and liberal media sources for quite a while now.

They cannot run and win on their issues alone (massive spending, taxing, etc...; there's alot). Most of their ideas and policies are extremely hard to convince great majorities of people to support them.

They have resorted to primarily using Identity Politics (to purposely create division and guilt/shame people into votes). It is freaking deplorable.

The funny thing is that using identity politics blew up right in their face this time. They couldn't have picked a more untrusted/unlikable candidate in HRC. She lost to freaking Donald Trump. THAT'S bad,, REALLY BAD.

Say what you will about Bernie Sanders (I personally would not have supported him). But, if they had allowed the primaries to be fair, and not hand Super delegates and the DNC machine to anoint Hillary, Sanders would've been running on nothing but issues. There was no chance of identity politics with him. Sanders would've had a strong chance at beating Trump, and likely would've.
There is now a petition to get those voting in the electoral college to vote for Hillary instead of Trump.


<a class="bbc_url" href='https://www.change.org/p/electoral-college-electors-electoral-college-make-hillary-clinton-president-on-december-19?recruiter=308882645&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=facebook&utm_campaign=autopublish&utm_term=mob-xs-share_petition-no_msg'>https://www.change.org/p/electoral-college-electors-electoral-college-make-hillary-clinton-president-on-december-19?recruiter=308882645&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=facebook&utm_campaign=autopublish&utm_term=mob-xs-share_petition-no_msg</a>
Quote:Because the majority of folks have no desire to believe anything other than what they think is right. And the folks who believe differently are automatically the bad guy, wrong, stupid, whatever label you want to use. People are so stuck in their own heads that to actually think outside the box is not even a consideration. They're right, no matter what. I see it a lot where I live. 

It is sad that so many people think that way. This world would be a much better place if everyone stopped judging other people for having different opinions. However, often one person is right and the other is wrong. We see it during football games every week. Wrong decisions don't make people stupid and right decisions don't make people smart. 
Quote:There is now a petition to get those voting in the electoral college to vote for Hillary instead of Trump.


<a class="bbc_url" href='https://www.change.org/p/electoral-college-electors-electoral-college-make-hillary-clinton-president-on-december-19?recruiter=308882645&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=facebook&utm_campaign=autopublish&utm_term=mob-xs-share_petition-no_msg'>https://www.change.org/p/electoral-college-electors-electoral-college-make-hillary-clinton-president-on-december-19?recruiter=308882645&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=facebook&utm_campaign=autopublish&utm_term=mob-xs-share_petition-no_msg</a>
Sweet Christmas. It's all love and tolerance until you don't agree with them, then it's hate and discontent.
Quote:There is now a petition to get those voting in the electoral college to vote for Hillary instead of Trump.


<a class="bbc_url" href='https://www.change.org/p/electoral-college-electors-electoral-college-make-hillary-clinton-president-on-december-19?recruiter=308882645&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=facebook&utm_campaign=autopublish&utm_term=mob-xs-share_petition-no_msg'>https://www.change.org/p/electoral-college-electors-electoral-college-make-hillary-clinton-president-on-december-19?recruiter=308882645&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=facebook&utm_campaign=autopublish&utm_term=mob-xs-share_petition-no_msg</a>

Yeah that's doesn't sound like a grand plan!

Worst idea ever!
the biggest irony is that it's "Change.org" when Hillary is the exact opposite of change

The butthurt is strong with this generation
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