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Perhaps we can come together with the MSM and press stop being overtly racist against white people in this nation. A large portion of them are inciting violence by verbally attacking whites (specifically white women) for electing Donald Trump. Just chill out. President-Elect Trump hasn't even taken office yet. In his first post-election speech he said he would be committed to the inner cities.


The media is doing irreparable damage to race relations in this country.

Quote:One thing that could get interesting is who will be named Speaker of the House. Reports came out before the election Paul Ryan may not be able to keep that role if he is re-elected (which he was) because of his wavering support for Trump (who he voted for).

  My hope is that either Louie Gohmert ( Texas ) or Steve King ( Iowa ) is the next Speaker of the House. 
Quote:Majority support? Oh, you must mean congress. House and senate both have republican majorities.

Or, maybe you were referring to the vote. He'll have over 300 EV after the last 3 states finally get certified, which has historrically been the "mandate" threshold. You can guarantee HRC would be throwing the "M" word around had she won 300 EV.

Wait, you must have meant the POPULAR vote! The other stat that is used to declare a mandate. Trump is down a whole 200k or less last time i looked, which is less than half of a single percentage point. The popular vote, for what it's worth, was basically a tie. If you want to split hairs over that, knock yourself out.


That's the percentage of voters that wanted either candidate. If that's a mandate, then stay tuned.
Quote:you guys are talking to a person who literally is not all there.  not trying to make fun.  that's just a fact.

That's a wrong statement.
Quote:Perhaps we can come together with the MSM and press stop being overtly racist against white people in this nation. A large portion of them are inciting violence by verbally attacking whites (specifically white women) for electing Donald Trump. Just chill out. President-Elect Trump hasn't even taken office yet. In his first post-election speech he said he would be committed to the inner cities.

The media is doing irreparable damage to race relations in this country.

Main stream media absolutely is a major part of the problem. They are racist, biased and untrustworthy.
Quote:  My hope is that either Louie Gohmert ( Texas ) or Steve King ( Iowa ) is the next Speaker of the House. 

It is looking unlikely that Paul Ryan will step down. Him being around will be fine for repealing Obamacare and getting the justices in. When it comes to trade and immigration, however, expect a battle.
Quote:That's a wrong statement.

hey im a truth teller


she aint right in the head

Quote:Perhaps we can come together with the MSM and press stop being overtly racist against white people in this nation. A large portion of them are inciting violence by verbally attacking whites (specifically white women) for electing Donald Trump. Just chill out. President-Elect Trump hasn't even taken office yet. In his first post-election speech he said he would be committed to the inner cities.


The media is doing irreparable damage to race relations in this country.

Perception is reality.


That's the deadly tool of the deceptors.


It's how public opinion is falsely swayed to create a crisis, inflate an issue into a bigger crisis, and sway the easily convinced away from other issues.
Quote:He never said they were!

Yes he did. Many times.
Quote:you guys are talking to a person who literally is not all there. not trying to make fun. that's just a fact.

JW is not dumb. JW is a valuable part of the board despite what some say and it's their right to think that way. Can she be overbearing? Certainly. Can she be annoying to some? Certainly. I don't have any problem with her posting though and would not say "she isn't all there" at all.

That's the percentage of voters that wanted either candidate. If that's a mandate, then stay tuned.

hey maybe you should talk about how the polls are never wrong some more
Quote:Yes he did. Many times.


A blanket statement may be wrong but many liberal folks are proving him correct right now.
Quote:I believe that as well.  If you feel guilty, then maybe you should consider why that is?

My interpretation of your blanket statements is you feel the same way about Democrats that Donald Trump does about Muslims - just being a Democrat makes them bad people. I know you are not trying to make me feel guilty.
Quote:hey maybe you should talk about how the polls are never wrong some more

Maybe you shouldn't paraphrase and speak to the whole comment!
Quote:It is looking unlikely that Paul Ryan will step down. Him being around will be fine for repealing Obamacare and getting the justices in. When it comes to trade and immigration, however, expect a battle.

   Most likely Paul Ryan will remain Speaker if he wants to keep the position.   But it wouldn't surprise me if there's a couple of segments of Republican House Members that will want a change at the Speaker position.
Quote:   I totally agree with you that the first 2 years of the Trump administration are critical.   This is going to be a test not only for President-Elect Trump but the Congress.    The people of the United States sent a message in the recent elections.    Those that were elected need to deliver.  

I somewhat agree though not fully.  I do believe that that many on the right side of the political spectrum sent a message to the "establishment" part of the GOP by electing an "outsider".  I believe that those on the left just "accepted" the apparent coronation of Hillary as their nominee even though there was plenty of evidence that proves that she was not their choice.  If anything, these "protests" should be against the DNC.
Quote:My interpretation of your blanket statements is you feel the same way about Democrats that Donald Trump does about Muslims - just being a Democrat makes them bad people. I know you are not trying to make me feel guilty.

You are just as wrong about me as you are him.  But you'll never admit or see that.  Your emotions drive your misguided opinions, not fact.  You hate Trump so badly you can't see that your view of him is a caricature and not close to the reality of the person.
Trump won...welp, time to go loot and rob the liquor stores, Verizon and the NBA swag shops.

Quote:hey im a truth teller


she aint right in the head

No.  You are wrong.  She has a disability but she's certainly intelligent... probably more so than many posters on this message board.
Quote:You are just as wrong about me as you are him.  But you'll never admit or see that.  Your emotions drive your misguided opinions, not fact.  You hate Trump so badly you can't see that your view of him is a caricature and not close to the reality of the person.

If you don't think all Democrats are idiots, evil, or whatever, don't say they are!
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