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(07-29-2020, 04:48 PM)rollerjag Wrote: [ -> ]
(07-28-2020, 09:20 PM)homebiscuit Wrote: [ -> ]deflection[ dih-flek-shuh n ]

Sending Federal officers to quell protests that were limited to one city block was the initial deflection. Failing in the polls, bungling the COVID-19 response Trump gets to play the "Law and Order President" card hoping to everyone will forget the other stuff. And he eagerly falls prey to the fringe groups who commit the real violence, hijacking the peaceful BLM protests. Probably Antifah, maybe even more Umbrella Men.

All the Federal officers have done is exacerbate the situation. They aren't trained in riot or crowd control. They are wearing fatigues to makes them appear more menacing. One shot a protestor in the head with a rubber bullet because he was holding up a speaker. A Navy veteran was beaten for just trying to talk to them.

Does that one city block also happen to be the federal courthouse that the leftwing anarchist punks are trying to destroy? DHS has been transparent about their reasons, methods and tactics. 

Really, you're going to blame the violence on the acts of one person who is 'still under investigation'? If all it takes is one person breaking some windows to incite huge riots, what does that speak to the level of reason and maturity to those who have escalated and maintained it?

I've seen the video of the Navy veteran who was beaten. He got whacked with a baton few times and maced because he wouldn't move along. It wasn't bad. I know, key words "veteran" and "beaten". But I'm sure you're equally as concerned about the 3 federal LEOs who might be permanently blinded by lasers shined in their eyes.

You're going to have to do better than this when attempting to defend a bunch of punks committing mindless acts of destruction and violence. The MSM and the facial tic TDS politicians attempting to legitimize it are only fooling themselves and those who are as equally filled with hate.
(07-29-2020, 04:48 PM)rollerjag Wrote: [ -> ]
(07-28-2020, 09:20 PM)homebiscuit Wrote: [ -> ]deflection[ dih-flek-shuh n ]

Sending Federal officers to quell protests that were limited to one city block was the initial deflection. Failing in the polls, bungling the COVID-19 response Trump gets to play the "Law and Order President" card hoping to everyone will forget the other stuff. And he eagerly falls prey to the fringe groups who commit the real violence, hijacking the peaceful BLM protests. Probably Antifah, maybe even more Umbrella Men.

All the Federal officers have done is exacerbate the situation. They aren't trained in riot or crowd control. They are wearing fatigues to makes them appear more menacing. One shot a protestor in the head with a rubber bullet because he was holding up a speaker. A Navy veteran was beaten for just trying to talk to them.

They were sent to protect federal buildings which is well within their job description. Anyone who breaches the barricades around federal property deserves what they're obviously asking for by doing so. The city officials can kvetch all they want but they have no jurisdiction and no say when it comes to federal property and the FPS protecting it.
I saw some moron call the NYPD's Warrant Squad "federal thugs" for arresting a woman and putting her in an unmarked van.

Yea... that's how warrants are served, idiots. People who know they're wanted will, ya know, RUN, from a marked vehicle.

The cowardice and weakness of the average American is stunning and frightening.
Does anyone really believe what’s going on in Portland has anything to do with black people?
(08-06-2020, 09:51 AM)Bchbunnie4 Wrote: [ -> ]Does anyone really believe what’s going on in Portland has anything to do with black people?

The movement was hijacked long ago but the left is either too supportive or too scared of their own cancel and harassment tactics to speak up. 

But yeah, nothing gives credence to a race movement like woke white chicks berating black cops about the injustices of racism.
I started calling this 2 days into the Floyd riots.
(08-06-2020, 09:51 AM)Bchbunnie4 Wrote: [ -> ]Does anyone really believe what’s going on in Portland has anything to do with black people?

Not a bit, it's about ending America, as they have always intended.

And it's kind of funny, Marxists have been trying to recruit blacks for a hundred years and never had any real success because the last four generations of blacks loved a country that didn't truly represent or enfranchise them. Now here we are in the best circumstances American blacks have ever found themselves and they are turning to Marxism en masse, not realizing how worthless they are in the eyes of the Marxists they are working to put into power. Just historically illiterate cannon fodder for the Revolution.
I was reading about how and when it critical theory, in the form of social justice, made it into the public education system. It started being taught in colleges in the education field in the late 80's/early 90's. Once there were enough teachers in public education teaching narrative over facts (some time after 2010), we saw a rapid shift towards socialism, especially among our youth. Unfortunately, none of them know what socialism is. What I find the most odd about this whole ordeal, is that this isn't classic Marxism.... it's almost an ethno-communism. I don't know how these guys are going to reconcile these issues if they ever get the power they seek.
(08-06-2020, 08:35 PM)Lucky2Last Wrote: [ -> ]I was reading about how and when it critical theory, in the form of social justice, made it into the public education system. It started being taught in colleges in the education field in the late 80's/early 90's. Once there were enough teachers in public education teaching narrative over facts (some time after 2010), we saw a rapid shift towards socialism, especially among our youth. Unfortunately, none of them know what socialism is. What I find the most odd about this whole ordeal, is that this isn't classic Marxism.... it's almost an ethno-communism. I don't know how these guys are going to reconcile these issues if they ever get the power they seek.

I graduated HS in 1981.  I recall vividly the many open discussions about socialism and how on paper it was so enticing but in action repulsive.  Clearly all the facts are not being presented to the students of the last 20 to 30 years.
(08-06-2020, 08:35 PM)Lucky2Last Wrote: [ -> ]I was reading about how and when it critical theory, in the form of social justice, made it into the public education system. It started being taught in colleges in the education field in the late 80's/early 90's. Once there were enough teachers in public education teaching narrative over facts (some time after 2010), we saw a rapid shift towards socialism, especially among our youth. Unfortunately, none of them know what socialism is. What I find the most odd about this whole ordeal, is that this isn't classic Marxism.... it's almost an ethno-communism. I don't know how these guys are going to reconcile these issues if they ever get the power they seek.

Like every other experiment with this madness, through the barrel of a gun.
Yeah, unfortunately for the revolutionaries, history has shown that they are the first to be killed when they get the government type they want.
Portland mayor condemns rioters for 'attempting to commit murder'
The mayor said violent protesters will be used as "props" for President Trump's reelection campaign

[font=Roboto,]"Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler Thursday evening condemned the actions of rioters who attempted to set fire to a police precinct and blocked the exits while officers were inside.[/font]

“When you commit arson with an accelerant in an attempt to burn down a building that is occupied by people who you have intentionally trapped inside, you are not demonstrating, you are attempting to commit murder," Wheeler said in a news conference with Portland Police Chief Chuck Lovell.

[font=Roboto,]"Don’t think for a moment that you are if you are participating in this activity, you are not being a prop for the reelection campaign of Donald Trump — because you absolutely are," he said. "You are creating the B-roll film that will be used in ads nationally to help Donald Trump during this campaign. If you don’t want to be part of that, then don’t show up.”"

Apparently attempting an act of mass murder isn't as condemnable as playing into the hands of Donald Trump. Another leftie clown who views everything through a political lens. Heal thyself, Portland.
Well, to be fair, it was a mostly peaceful arson...
He’s not upset at their actions, he’s upset that it can be used by Trump? Alrighty then.
(08-07-2020, 09:36 AM)Bchbunnie4 Wrote: [ -> ]He’s not upset at their actions, he’s upset that it can be used by Trump? Alrighty then.

 He’s just trying to get them to stop.   He’s trying several reasons one you’re committing murder and number two you’re getting Trump reelected.  

 It’s not that he doesn’t care about murder he’s just trying to get them to stop.
(08-07-2020, 09:54 AM)The Real Marty Wrote: [ -> ]
(08-07-2020, 09:36 AM)Bchbunnie4 Wrote: [ -> ]He’s not upset at their actions, he’s upset that it can be used by Trump? Alrighty then.

 He’s just trying to get them to stop.   He’s trying several reasons one you’re committing murder and number two you’re getting Trump reelected.  

 It’s not that he doesn’t care about murder he’s just trying to get them to stop.

As if the crime against humanity and threat of life imprisonment is not enough. He's a child dealing with children. It's one of the most intellectually vacuous displays I've ever seen. 

And all this started because some 'suspected white supremacist' with an umbrella broke some windows. 

It's all absolute idiocy. This isn't legitimate protest and needs to be stopped with a big hammer.
You don't reason with people that are trying to murder people. I mean, you can, but you probably shouldn't.
(08-07-2020, 10:23 AM)homebiscuit Wrote: [ -> ]As if the crime against humanity and threat of life imprisonment is not enough. He's a child dealing with children. It's one of the most intellectually vacuous displays I've ever seen. 

And all this started because some 'suspected white supremacist' with an umbrella broke some windows. 

It's all absolute idiocy. This isn't legitimate protest and needs to be stopped with a big hammer.

I was thinking more along the lines of a small, precise thermobaric weapon. It's hard to riot when the air surrounding you is on fire.
Fox News is saying things have de-escalated around the Federal Courthouse and protests are happening at some local police precincts in a few other areas. This is as it should be, except, a Portland cop sadly was injured last night, hit by a rock.
I hope they figure out a way to hear the protestors and arrest the rioters.
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