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(07-19-2020, 06:48 PM)MojoKing Wrote: [ -> ]I wish I could understand you guys. Like really I do. I just don’t see how in the world you look at Trump and think “yeah he’s great! He’s bringing people together, racism doesn’t exist, these kids aren’t being locked in cages, federal officials are taking people off the streets with no probable cause, but hell you gotta keep the peace right?”

You don't know that.
(07-21-2020, 02:03 PM)EricC85 Wrote: [ -> ]I’ve waited for more information to come out but I have to say this so very disturbing to me. The responsibility for law and order is on local municipalities and police departments. When the local officials do not enforce the law it’s on the people of that community to make changes not the federal government acting in place of a dysfunctional police department or mayor. If changes can’t be made to the local government people have to choice to leave and relocate. But the last precedent that should be set is federal agents can come in and enforce local laws at Will. There’s an argument for them defending federal buildings but this seems bigger than that.

If reports are true they are moving in unmarked vehicles and detaining people outside the local judicial system that’s just beyond the scope of their power.

I get it something has to be done, but that doesn’t excuse anything being done. The constitution must be followed at all cost, otherwise our entire system is eroded from within.

Just think of Obama would have used this type of action after the unite the right violence. Perspective it matters

Wrong, DHS has the right and resposibility to protect the federal property that Portland PD refuses to protect. These rioters are setting federal buildings on fire, that makes it a federal issue with federal arrests and federal charges to follow.
DHS and CBP holding a press conference stating exactly what they are doing in Portland - protecting federal properties and arresting those who attempt to destroy them. All this shrill hyperbole about federal stormtroopers abducting people "at will" off the streets is nothing more than leftwing lies amplified by their cohorts in MSM. Again, more sound and fury from the left signifying nothing. Another case of desperate democrats crying wolf.
(07-21-2020, 04:19 PM)homebiscuit Wrote: [ -> ]DHS and CBP holding a press conference stating exactly what they are doing in Portland - protecting federal properties and arresting those who attempt to destroy them. All this shrill hyperbole about federal stormtroopers abducting people "at will" off the streets is nothing more than leftwing lies amplified by their cohorts in MSM. Again, more sound and fury from the left signifying nothing. Another case of desperate democrats crying wolf.

If the Left couldn't lie they surely could not talk.
(07-21-2020, 03:37 PM)flsprtsgod Wrote: [ -> ]
(07-21-2020, 02:03 PM)EricC85 Wrote: [ -> ]I’ve waited for more information to come out but I have to say this so very disturbing to me. The responsibility for law and order is on local municipalities and police departments. When the local officials do not enforce the law it’s on the people of that community to make changes not the federal government acting in place of a dysfunctional police department or mayor. If changes can’t be made to the local government people have to choice to leave and relocate. But the last precedent that should be set is federal agents can come in and enforce local laws at Will. There’s an argument for them defending federal buildings but this seems bigger than that.

If reports are true they are moving in unmarked vehicles and detaining people outside the local judicial system that’s just beyond the scope of their power.

I get it something has to be done, but that doesn’t excuse anything being done. The constitution must be followed at all cost, otherwise our entire system is eroded from within.

Just think of Obama would have used this type of action after the unite the right violence. Perspective it matters

Wrong, DHS has the right and resposibility to protect the federal property that Portland PD refuses to protect. These rioters are setting federal buildings on fire, that makes it a federal issue with federal arrests and federal charges to follow.

And what about trump saying Chicago, Oakland and other cities are next? He’s using the federal branch to enforce local laws that’s not the federal governments role. If local cities want to burn let them it’s up to those citizens to be responsible and elect officials that will enforce law and order. If they can’t they can relocate they can move on to somewhere that will. But we don’t need to establish a national police force to control the mobs that’s a dangerous proposition and that’s what trump has openly advocated, “ if the cities won’t I will enforce law and order” 

Again this can be used by others once this precedent is set you might be comfortable with trump doing it would you be as comfortable with Biden or Obama doing it?

Nothing to see here. Not an organized movement at all. Just a bunch of random protesters getting caught up in the moment.
(07-21-2020, 07:08 PM)EricC85 Wrote: [ -> ]
(07-21-2020, 03:37 PM)flsprtsgod Wrote: [ -> ]Wrong, DHS has the right and resposibility to protect the federal property that Portland PD refuses to protect. These rioters are setting federal buildings on fire, that makes it a federal issue with federal arrests and federal charges to follow.

And what about trump saying Chicago, Oakland and other cities are next? He’s using the federal branch to enforce local laws that’s not the federal governments role. If local cities want to burn let them it’s up to those citizens to be responsible and elect officials that will enforce law and order. If they can’t they can relocate they can move on to somewhere that will. But we don’t need to establish a national police force to control the mobs that’s a dangerous proposition and that’s what trump has openly advocated, “ if the cities won’t I will enforce law and order” 

Again this can be used by others once this precedent is set you might be comfortable with trump doing it would you be as comfortable with Biden or Obama doing it?

The DHS Secretary covered this. There have been laws on the books for decades that allow the Federal Protection Services, which currently protect many sites around the nation, to protect and defend federal properties from attack. This is exactly what they're doing, nothing more. There is no precedent to set, they are merely following existing law. If the city will not provide resources to prevent hundreds of millions of dollars of federal property from being destroyed, then the federal government has an obligation to do so.
(07-21-2020, 07:08 PM)EricC85 Wrote: [ -> ]
(07-21-2020, 03:37 PM)flsprtsgod Wrote: [ -> ]Wrong, DHS has the right and resposibility to protect the federal property that Portland PD refuses to protect. These rioters are setting federal buildings on fire, that makes it a federal issue with federal arrests and federal charges to follow.

And what about trump saying Chicago, Oakland and other cities are next? He’s using the federal branch to enforce local laws that’s not the federal governments role. If local cities want to burn let them it’s up to those citizens to be responsible and elect officials that will enforce law and order. If they can’t they can relocate they can move on to somewhere that will. But we don’t need to establish a national police force to control the mobs that’s a dangerous proposition and that’s what trump has openly advocated, “ if the cities won’t I will enforce law and order” 

Again this can be used by others once this precedent is set you might be comfortable with trump doing it would you be as comfortable with Biden or Obama doing it?

If people are rioting in the street and burning down federal buildings with the locals not doing a damn thing about it while they are in office then I would. Libertarianism is not Anarchy.
(07-21-2020, 07:12 PM)Lucky2Last Wrote: [ -> ]
Nothing to see here. Not an organized movement at all. Just a bunch of random protesters getting caught up in the moment.

If there was ever demonstration for the controlled use of force by the police, this is it.
There is no reason why those people should not be arrested and prosecuted for assault. It's a coordinated attack. The reason this only happens in blue states is because these people are enabled by their politicians.
don't worry, the guys with guns will help stop the tyrannical government any second now...
(07-21-2020, 08:19 PM)flsprtsgod Wrote: [ -> ]
(07-21-2020, 07:08 PM)EricC85 Wrote: [ -> ]And what about trump saying Chicago, Oakland and other cities are next? He’s using the federal branch to enforce local laws that’s not the federal governments role. If local cities want to burn let them it’s up to those citizens to be responsible and elect officials that will enforce law and order. If they can’t they can relocate they can move on to somewhere that will. But we don’t need to establish a national police force to control the mobs that’s a dangerous proposition and that’s what trump has openly advocated, “ if the cities won’t I will enforce law and order” 

Again this can be used by others once this precedent is set you might be comfortable with trump doing it would you be as comfortable with Biden or Obama doing it?

If people are rioting in the street and burning down federal buildings with the locals not doing a damn thing about it while they are in office then I would. Libertarianism is not Anarchy.

The cornerstone of libertarianism/minarchism is the basic principle of private property rights.  When an individual or group is threatening or violating the property rights of others its the first and possibly only true role of government to put down that threat and alleviate that violation.  If someone wants to play games with federal property, you win federal prizes.

(07-22-2020, 04:58 PM)JackCity Wrote: [ -> ]don't worry, the guys with guns will help stop the tyrannical government any second now...

Statists have perverted the idea of government so much that they no longer understand its function.  They think the government enforcing constitutional laws to protect property is tyranny, but they are usually the first to line up and demand that the state take over private property to make PPE or make draconian edicts to enforce arbitrary mask mandates or economic lockdowns.  The level of willful ignorance on these topics is staggering and frankly offensive.  We spend on average about 150 to 200k on the average high school graduates public education.  You'd think that in that time most people would have even a cursory understanding of the role of government in a free society.  This is frankly shameful and you should be embarrassed.
(07-22-2020, 04:58 PM)JackCity Wrote: [ -> ]don't worry, the guys with guns will help stop the tyrannical government any second now...

Nope, wrong again as usual. We are much more likely to join forces with them on this stance.
I think this is why Trump's approval went back up recently. He lost people when he allowed the riots to get out of control. Since the DHS showed up, his numbers started climbing. I know there's a small minority that doesn't like it and is vocal about it, but I think there is a majority that quietly want this stuff squashed.
(07-23-2020, 06:22 AM)jj82284 Wrote: [ -> ]
(07-21-2020, 08:19 PM)flsprtsgod Wrote: [ -> ]If people are rioting in the street and burning down federal buildings with the locals not doing a damn thing about it while they are in office then I would. Libertarianism is not Anarchy.

The cornerstone of libertarianism/minarchism is the basic principle of private property rights.  When an individual or group is threatening or violating the property rights of others its the first and possibly only true role of government to put down that threat and alleviate that violation.  If someone wants to play games with federal property, you win federal prizes.

Are you familiar with the Shay's rebellion? Where did the rebels focus their attack?  What was the outcome? Was it good or bad?
Errrrr, what the [BLEEP] are you guys doing?
(07-23-2020, 08:22 AM)Jagwired Wrote: [ -> ]
(07-22-2020, 04:58 PM)JackCity Wrote: [ -> ]don't worry, the guys with guns will help stop the tyrannical government any second now...

Nope, wrong again as usual. We are much more likely to join forces with them on this stance.

thats exactly what i was laughing at but thank you for playing and proving my joke
i wonder why they need gas masks and a shield??

(07-23-2020, 09:31 AM)mikesez Wrote: [ -> ]
(07-23-2020, 06:22 AM)jj82284 Wrote: [ -> ]The cornerstone of libertarianism/minarchism is the basic principle of private property rights.  When an individual or group is threatening or violating the property rights of others its the first and possibly only true role of government to put down that threat and alleviate that violation.  If someone wants to play games with federal property, you win federal prizes.

Are you familiar with the Shay's rebellion? Where did the rebels focus their attack?  What was the outcome? Was it good or bad?

Are you familiar with the Constitution?

(07-23-2020, 11:02 AM)JackCity Wrote: [ -> ]i wonder why they need gas masks and a shield??


Because. They. Are. Rioting.

Christ you're being ridiculous.
(07-23-2020, 11:32 AM)flsprtsgod Wrote: [ -> ]
(07-23-2020, 11:02 AM)JackCity Wrote: [ -> ]i wonder why they need gas masks and a shield??


Because. They. Are. Rioting.

Christ you're being ridiculous prevaricative.
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