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Quote:What side am I not looking at.  Did she not kill an unarmed man?  Did she not get charged with manslaughter.


As an American, I beleive in the constitution and I prefer to look at the facts.  I'm pointing out facts.  Sorry that your side of the arguement has to deal with a stupid cop that is terrible at her job.  But the fact remains.  She killed an unarmed man.  He was innocent until proven guilty of whatever he was pulled over for and didn't deserve to die.


She's standing trail for manslaughter.  Based on the video tape, the state of Oklahoma feels there's enough evidence to charge her with manslaughter which carries a 4 year minimum sentance if convicted.


What's vitriolic about those facts?


By the way, calling black protesters animals and saying they are terrorists is pretty vitriolic as well.  But it's cool to demagogue blacks, right?  Who cares about those animals.
That is one big chip you carry on your shoulder.
Quote:Another murder you agree with. I too am shocked. Ya'll love it when the cops kill another minority?

This board is littered with closet racists. You won't get any meaningful discussions on race here. They don't believe in institutionalized racism, racial profiling, or racial bias. These things do not exist. 


If a cop unjustly kills a black man and it is caught on film, it's simply the black man's fault for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. 


Here is some advice. Stay far far away from cops. Do not trust cops. If you encounter a cop make sure you have made your peace with the Lord. 

Quote:This board is littered with closet racists. You won't get any meaningful discussions on race here. They don't believe in institutionalized racism, racial profiling, or racial bias. These things do not exist. 


If a cop unjustly kills a black man and it is caught on film. It's simply the black man's fault for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. 


Here is some advice. Keep far away from cops. Do not trust cops. If you encounter a cop make sure you have made your peace with the Lord. 

This has to be parody. I refuse to believe anyone writes (or thinks) like this. Not even TAM.
Quote:This has to be parody. I refuse to believe anyone writes (or thinks) like this. Not even TAM.
The irony here is breathtaking.
White man always keepin the black man down.

Quote:This board is littered with closet racists. You won't get any meaningful discussions on race here. They don't believe in institutionalized racism, racial profiling, or racial bias. These things do not exist. 


If a cop unjustly kills a black man and it is caught on film, it's simply the black man's fault for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. 


Here is some advice. Stay far far away from cops. Do not trust cops. If you encounter a cop make sure you have made your peace with the Lord. 

That is exactly part of the problem.
Quote:This board is littered with closet racists.  1.
  You won't get any meaningful discussions on race here.  They don't believe in institutionalized racism, racial profiling, or racial bias. These things do not exist.   2.


If a cop unjustly kills a black man and it is caught on film, it's simply the black man's fault for being in the wrong place at the wrong time.  3. 
and 4.


Here is some advice. Stay far far away from cops. Do not trust cops. If you encounter a cop make sure you have made your peace with the Lord. 
1.  After reading your entire response you are an example of just that.

2.  I get what you are saying; however, as a white male I have been prohibited from openly discussing that very issue.

3.  I had a discussion with a police officer that is an acquaintance this past Sunday concerning this very issue.  His response was that if he a 32 veteran of JSO was if he were to find himself in a situation where there was a raid for whatever reason that he would COMPLY with the responding officers orders.  If that meant lacing your hands behind your head and planting his face in the dirt he would do that and submit to being cuffed if that was what the situation he was in required.  Once the dust settled he would identify himself, be uncuffed, accept the offered apology and go home to his family.  

4.  I think this is where the real issue lies in these manners.  Comply with the police officers 100%.  If they are in the wrong there are too many sources of video these days for them to get away with past injustices and you will get your day in court.  


When a black police officer kills a black man with a gun in his hand and the black community riots all the while blaming white people you lose all credibility in the matter.


EDIT:  The officer in the instance of this thread was rightfully charged.  How do you explain that?

Quote:1. After reading your entire response you are an example of just that.

2. I get what you are saying; however, as a white male I have been prohibited from openly discussing that very issue.

3. I had a discussion with a police officer that is an acquaintance this past Sunday concerning this very issue. His response was that if he a 32 veteran of JSO was if he were to find himself in a situation where there was a raid for whatever reason that he would COMPLY with the responding officers orders. If that meant lacing your hands behind your head and planting his face in the dirt he would do that and submit to being cuffed if that was what the situation he was in required. Once the dust settled he would identify himself, be uncuffed, accept the offered apology and go home to his family.

4. I think this is where the real issue lies in these manners. Comply with the police officers 100%. If they are in the wrong there are too many sources of video these days for them to get away with past injustices and you will get your day in court.

When a black police officer kills a black man with a gun in his hand and the black community riots all the while blaming white people you lose all credibility in the matter.

EDIT: The officer in the instance of this thread was rightfully charged. How do you explain that?
It was a woman is how I explain it. A white woman took the fall. There are multiple examples of black men complying and still getting killed. The very fact that you are a black is threatening to some people, especially if you are large and very dark skinned. Being a white male you wouldn't understand this. Everytime I approach a cop I pray for my life. Complying doesn't preclude you from dying. And how will you see your day in court if you're dead? Did Eric Garner see his, Philando Castille, Alton Sterling or Sandra Bland? No they are just dead.
Quote:It was a woman is how I explain it. A white woman took the fall. There are multiple examples of black men complying and still getting killed. The very fact that you are a black is threatening to some people, especially if you are large and very dark skinned. Being a white male you wouldn't understand this. Everytime I approach a cop I pray for my life. Complying doesn't preclude you from dying. And how will you see your day in court if you're dead? Did Eric Garner see his, Philando Castille, Alton Sterling or Sandra Bland? No they are just dead.

Garner? Fought and lost.


Castille? Minority on minority violence.


Sterling? Shot while armed and resisting.


Bland? Assaulted a cop (on video) and committed suicide in jail. Clearly a head case.


Really, the only one you brought up that could be considered legit is Castille and it wasn't a white guy who shot him. You've chosen a poor battleground to make your race baiting stand.
Quote:Really, the only one you brought up that could be considered legit is Castille and it wasn't a white guy who shot him. You've chosen a poor battleground to make your race baiting stand.
It's not about race.


Jeesh, who am I kidding? You know that. I know that. I'm not sure how many other people here do, but if we'd all put on our color-blind glasses and look at the situation from a broader perspective, it's not at all about race, and the fact that the media and our elected officials, right on up to the President, have us all convinced that it is only plays further into their hands.
So, turns out the victim had pcp in his system according to the toxicology reports. The truth is finally presenting itself.

Quote:So, turns out the victim had pcp in his system according to the toxicology reports. The truth is finally presenting itself.
<a class="bbc_url" href='https://www.yahoo.com/news/autopsy-tulsa-police-victim-had-193855629.html?ref=gs'>https://www.yahoo.com/news/autopsy-tulsa-police-victim-had-193855629.html?ref=gs</a>

Very interesting.

Not a word from the "Pig" peanut gallery?!

Can we assume that since the "victim" was on PCP, he could have been a huge danger to himself and others, like the police?

Multiple pages of excessive [BLEEP], whining and crying about police brutality only to find out that this everyday stranded motorist was out of his gourd on PCP, and nobody wants to own up to it?

Faux outrage at it's finest. Only if it fits your agendas, right?
But he din do nuffin

Quote:But he din do nuffin

Of course he didn't. That's what upstanding citizens do. It was only PCP.. Nothing dangerous like a can of coke or a stick of gum..
Quote:Of course he didn't. That's what upstanding citizens do. It was only PCP.. Nothing dangerous like a can of coke or a stick of gum..

Death penalty for all drug users.

Sign me up for that law!
I watched like 10 episodes of COPS the other night during the hurricane.


"I din do nuffin"


"Then why were you running?"


"Cuz I wuz skirred"


"Why were you scared if you didn't do anything?"


"I don't know man"


"You got anything on you, dope, knives, guns, needles?"


"Na man I aint got nuffin"


...cop frisks suspect and removes crack, knife and pistol...lol hilarious stuff.

Quote:Death penalty for all drug users.

Sign me up for that law!

Obviously you've never seen anyone on PCP..
Quote:I watched like 10 episodes of COPS the other night during the hurricane.

"I din do nuffin"

"Then why were you running?"

"Cuz I wuz skirred"

"Why were you scared if you didn't do anything?"

"I don't know man"

"You got anything on you, dope, knives, guns, needles?"

"Na man I aint got nuffin"

...cop frisks suspect and removes crack, knife and pistol...lol hilarious stuff.

And then they have the gall to say "DAT AINT MINE!!"


Theory destroyed that easily.


To add:


Cops killed in the line of duty by felons since 1985. (race excluded) 2540

Felons killed by cops in the line of duty during the same time frame. 1337


Almost 2 to 1. 


I won't even bother with the nonsense of minority on minority crime. It eclipses all other major crimes, but nobody cares about those animals running wild predating on society. It doesn't fit the script and the selective outrage. Gang bangers slaughter each other by the dozens. *** crickets ***  A cop shoots someone, all hell breaks loose.


Cops aren't the problem. Bottom line. Plain and simple. Cut and dried. 

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