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Quote:My question is why was he was being so uncooperative.

Looked compliant up until the moment the camera went to an angle where he allegedly dropped his hands. Maybe they dropped because he was shot. A body cam sure would make these cases less speculative. I'll entertain your comment though. What if he was drinking and hit something in the road which is why his vehicle was disabled? Maybe a drunk person would be less prone to comply. Two cops. One with a gun and another with a taser. There is no alternative method they could have employed to take this guy into custody? The cop claims she was worried he would run at her when she has a gun and her partner has a taser? That's the excuse? He is not right up on her. If he starts to run at her, she can easily shoot him. She killed him as he was walking away. But there could be a hundred of these cases and the same apologists won't look at the video or the physical evidence. They will target character or find reasons why the cop is justified. Which may be why roughly 10% of the time cops kill black people they have charges filed.
I highly doubt they were instructing him to walk towards his car. In reality, that makes no sense. That also explains why the chopper was commenting that he was not complying and looked like he was on something.

Testimony will be critical, I also wish they had audio.

The guy was not shot with his hands up, I do believe he walked in defiance of police commands to the car.

The stated procedures for the Tulsa pad will lend themselves to the validity or criminality of the shooting
That man is a Sandy Hook actor. He played the disgruntled chef in the staff room with the Uzi.
Quote:Looked compliant up until the moment the camera went to an angle where he allegedly dropped his hands. Maybe they dropped because he was shot. A body cam sure would make these cases less speculative. I'll entertain your comment though. What if he was drinking and hit something in the road which is why his vehicle was disabled? Maybe a drunk person would be less prone to comply. Two cops. One with a gun and another with a taser. There is no alternative method they could have employed to take this guy into custody? The cop claims she was worried he would run at her when she has a gun and her partner has a taser? That's the excuse? He is not right up on her. If he starts to run at her, she can easily shoot him. She killed him as he was walking away. But there could be a hundred of these cases and the same apologists won't look at the video or the physical evidence. They will target character or find reasons why the cop is justified. Which may be why roughly 10% of the time cops kill black people they have charges filed.

Are we not watching the exact same video?? You can clearly see that he's stopped right next to the drivers side door and has his arms down at that point. He's not walking away any longer. Watch the video again, there are almost 10 seconds between the time he puts his arms down and when you see him fall down to the ground. 10 seconds might not see like a lot, but it's a pretty long time if you're trying to say that she shot him then his arms went down and he stood there for almost 10 seconds before falling down.
let me guess what happens next.  she wont be charged and then riots will ensue and buildings will be burned to the ground.

When I first posted I had only seen the copter cam. Not sure if he dropped his arms because he was tased. At any rate he clearly needed to die.
Based on video, it doesn't look good for the cop.
Quote:When I first posted I had only seen the copter cam. Not sure if he dropped his arms because he was tased. At any rate he clearly needed to die.

He looks like a bad dude, he's on something.
Apparently the guy in the helicopter is the husband of the officer involved in the shooting.
Quote:When I first posted I had only seen the copter cam. Not sure if he dropped his arms because he was tased. At any rate he clearly needed to die.

No one is saying that...sheesh.
I like how he's a 'bad dude' and he didn't do anything to warrant being called that




Quote:There has been 261 white people killed by police in 2016. Odd how rarely we hear about it. This could almost fit into Kotites fear mongering media thread.

If this lady is found to have acted criminally then she will deserve what she gets.

Exactly but you dont hear about those killings in the media or social media
Quote:Exactly but you dont hear about those killings in the media or social media
There's a reason for that.  Those lives really don't matter to the media or progressives.  No point in pandering to those folks.
Quote:There's a reason for that. Those lives really don't matter to the media or progressives. No point in pandering to those folks.

I mean its ridiculous. We hear every single black man or woman killed by police but NEVER hear about the white person.
Quote:I mean its ridiculous. We hear every single black man or woman killed by police but NEVER hear about the white person.
That sells newspapers.  It gets TV ratings.  It sparks outrage and rioting.  It's good media.  Nobody in the media cares if a cop shoots an unarmed white guy.  They'll throw a token story in there to say that's not true, but if there was really a concern about homicides, where's the media outrage and the wall to wall coverage of cities like Chicago where only those black lives snuffed out by police matter, while the thousands of others shot and murdered annually there by other blacks goes practically unnoticed by anyone outside of the city itself?  I don't see BLM in there protesting those killings, and there SHOULD be outrage when you seen small children getting gunned down in the crossfire between rival factions.  That's a tragedy that nobody is bothering to pay much attention to because it's not a sexy media story. 
The video alone is more or less proof enough. Terminate her employment immediately, tell the police union where they can shove their objections, hand over all documentation and video evidence to federal attorneys for a civil rights-related charge of second degree murder. Let the bacon fry in a cell for 25 to life.

Quote:But but Kaepernick doesn't stand for the flag. That's the real issue.
Is there audio available anywhere?
Quote:Yeah I watched the whole video and it was murder plain and simple. The officer was never in danger and you can even tell she knowss it when she flipped out and runs AWAY from her crime. Never mind tend to the man she just ruthlessly murdered.

Oh I get it, from up in the air he look like a bad dude and he's on something.

I'm not trying to make a judgement but I have a few questions.

IF he was reaching into his window, after ignoring multiple officer commands, what would you do? This is purely hypothetical clearly but I'm wondering what you would consider the right course of action?

There still seems to be pieces of this story missing. I've seen where they found the car in the middle of the road, lights on and doors open but nobody inside it. Where did the guy come from? Or did I miss that he was around the vehicle when the officer got there?

If he put his hands in the window, after ignoring the officers, there must be more to this story.

How is their life not in danger in that scenario? You don't know what he is reaching for.

I would like to hear the audio of this because I think it would help explain a few things.

Why do people feel like they should ignore an officers command after they respond to your vehicle being in road, lights on and running and nobody inside?

That is a high stress situation for an officer responding I would think with all that has gone on with attacks on law enforcement. It sounds like a way an officer could be set up to be attacked. I'm not in any way saying that's what this man was doing because I don't think that appears to be the case at all. I'm saying I could see an officer thinking that way.

I'm not saying she was justified or not. I haven't researched it enough and the little I have seen doesn't leave me feeling like I can say either way.

The officers comments in the helicopter in the context of that video do seem strange to me.
So.. dude had pcp on him. Need to hear the toxicology report to see if it was actually in his system.
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